Unexpected Comfort

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"I'm sorry the doctor did what to him!" The next time I'm speaking to my sister is because she called about our father being in town. He had gotten into an accident and a nurse gave him vampire blood before he died so he's now in what she called transition.

My twin throws her hands out in front of her trying to calm me down. "Maddie, lisen we need to convince him to take blood-"

"I don't have to convince him to do anything with you. You're still the person who lied to me about who Klaus really was!" I pointed my index finger at her still furious from what happened a few nights ago.

She walked forward reaching for my hands before I heard someone coming up the stairs. Turning my head towards the door I saw Elena who I ran to immediately. The three of us ended up sitting outside on the front porch in the middle of the night. "My mom's in there sitting with my dad. And I don't think they've been in the same room this long since I was ten years old."

"Mads, you alright. You haven't said anything to your sister in hours?" Elena asked looking over my sister's shoulder seeing me with my back to her hugging my knees to my chest sniffing tears out.

Slumping my shoulders to her I grumbled under my breath. "She lied to me Elena. That's why I'm not talking to her!"

"But your dad.." Elena tried until I cut her off.

"Don't act like you know what is happening Elena. Believe it or not I don't want him to become a vampire. Since the vampire that is my sister is a total liar. And our father hates vampires. Why would we send him to immortal life of suffering!" Jumping up to stand I started sobbing uncontrollably

Caroline starts to cry. "I hated him so much for what he did to me. So much. Now all I want to do is save his life." Referring to the day where he captured her and burned her with the sun trying to change her back into being a human.

"Of course you do, he's your dad." Elena reaches for my sister's hand with a weak look.

My sister sniffed still lightly crying now. "What was the hardest part for you? When you lost your Dad?"

Elena slumped her shoulders in a shaky breath. "Realizing all the things that he wouldn't be there for. The things that... that you just need your Dad for, you know?"

"How did you get through it?" I trailed off sliding back down onto the ground sitting on the other side of her.

Elena wrapped an arm around me and my sister noticing our matching rings that we still wore. "I looked to the family I had left. So..you and Care can lean on each other for strength." Caroline and I leaned into her sobbing heavily for a few hours.

Entering my sister's Caroline and I see our father sitting on her bed smiling at us. Racing forward I fling my arms around his neck sobbing into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me kissing my forehead before my sister stood in front of him. "Listen, listen to me. I know that you think you made your choice, but you can change your mind. You know, you are strong enough to handle being a vampire. I mean, you're the strongest person that I know." She sits down beside me on the bed.

"Oh, Caroline, my strength is all in my beliefs. Becoming a vampire is wrong, people aren't supposed to cheat death, it's just what I believe. Please respect that." He gets to his feet holding each of our hands in his.

Caroline lets go of his hand and stands up starting to cry. "God. How can you hate who I am so much?!" She throws her hands up whipping her head down to me. "Maddie I know you're mad at me but you honestly respect the choice that he going to die...when there's a chance where he can live!"

"Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart, I don't hate you, I love you. You're strong, you're beautiful, you're good. And even after everything that has happened to you, you are exactly who your mother and I hoped you'd grow up to be." Our father holds her face in his hands wiping away the tears where I started crying again too.

Flinging my arms around his neck I stiffened feeling like my heart is breaking into a million pieces. "I understand...I understand why you don't want to. But it doesn't make this any easier!"

"Sssh Maddie. You are going to get through this. You and your sister are so strong..I love you." He kisses my forehead gently.

"Please don't leave me, Daddy. Please... please don't leave me. Daddy just don't leave me." He draws my sister in for a family hug too releasing some tears too.

I felt him squeezing us both gently into his chest trying to make things better with us. "Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children, Caroline. It's okay, Maddie." He each gives us a kiss on our forehead. "This is life. This is what it means to be human."

Leaving my house in the middle of the night I shrugged on a red jacket entering the grill seeing a drink that is full sitting on the bar table with a note laying in front of it. "Free of charge, love." I read the note taking a sip of the drink tasting alcohol that's a beer. "I can't have this..."

"Don't worry Maddie. I compelled the bartender to leave early. So it's just you and me." Whipping my head around in the direction in the voice I gasped seeing Klaus sitting a few seats away from me. He raises a drink to his lips sipping it softly. "What's making you cry love?"

Reaching up I felt some tears slipping down my cheeks not realizing that I was still crying over my father. "Oh its nothing...don't worry about it."

"Actually I think I should worry about it. I can hear your heartbeat Maddie. The shackyness in your breath. So something is troubling you." He walks over standing beside me as I sat on a barstool. "I know you don't know who I am. But I hate seeing you in pain. What can I do?"

My heart skipped a beat at his concern. I don't understand why my friends see him as the bad guy. Ever since I met he has only been nice to me. "My father died Klaus...and my sister lied to me. I just...I don't know what to do anymore!" Without thinking I fling my arms around his neck feeling him stumble backwards at the sudden embrace.

"Sssh it's alright sweetheart..." He runs one hand through my hair with his other arm wrapped around my waist holding me against his chest. "I've got you Maddie...I'm here for you not matter what they say. I'm here for you."

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