How About Aunt Caroline

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sarahgale98 thanks for helping me write this book

Coming back to Mystic Falls I was worried about two things. One how my mother and twin would react to me being pregnant. Two is being around Damon. Ever since he drove a stake through my heart it's like something in me was changed to fear him or at least I think so. Today was supposed to be the Padgett of Miss Mystic Falls but I was more excited that I was gonna be a mother and a vampire too. Slipping on a simple light blue dress that went down to my knees with some tan flats. My hair is loose going down my back. "I think I have scored the most beautiful vampire in all of Mystic Falls as my girlfriend." Spinning around I saw Nik leaning in the doorway wearing a suit and grey tie.

"One of these days you're gonna have to change that, you know." I teased, draping my arms around his neck and kissing him quickly.

"Yes someday I hope it will be Maddie Mikaelson. The mother of my child." He wrapped his arms around my waist nudging his nose with mine before we headed to the event looking for my sister. I giggled seeing her running around demanding the heck out of everyone until she noticed us.

She runs forward pulling me into a hug and I chuckled hugging her back. "Care, can we offer you a drink? I - uh we have news."

"Sure. Something good I hope." She replied intertwining my hand with hers glancing over to Klaus who has a joyful look on his face that throws her off guard. "What's that look for?"

He helped me take a seat on a bench beside my sister sitting on the other side of me. "It'll all make sense eventually, Caroline."

Brushing hair behind my ear I take my sister's hands in mine, grinning ear to ear telling her in the best way possible. "Care, I need you to listen for a heartbeat inside me. It's a suprise..."

"Mads, what are you..." She paused, listening closely, putting her ear onto my stomach, almost making Klaus and I both start laughing at her reaction. "Oh my god. Are you actually pregnant!"

Klaus draped his arms over my shoulders resting his chin on my shoulder eyeing my sister. "Aunt Caroline doesn't sound too bad to me." He replied, kissing my cheek softly.

My twin vamped to her feet shoving Klaus off the bench where he grunts but I smiled seeing her grinning the whole time during her freak out. "You knocked my twin up! Wait, that's not possible. She was a human - and you a hybrid. It's not supernaturally possible..." She runs her hands through her hair pacing almost suddenly stopping in her tracks. She then jumped up and down like she was six years old playing in the mud with me again. "Ohhh I'll be Aunt Care. With spoiling them roten. Have you told mom yet? We need a wedding - please let me plan the wedding!"

"Yes sis. You can plan the wedding. I love you." Tugging Nik up from the ground I grasped his forearm getting to my feet hugging my twin in relief that she isn't angry. "I'm going to get a blood bag from the car. I'm starving." Walking away I left the pair to talk digging around in the back in the back of the car until I heard footsteps come up behind me.

Lifting my head up I saw Tyler and a couple of Klaus's hybrids he turned beside him. Recently before we left Tyler had helped them all break their sire bond to him where they had to do whatever he said. But my boyfriend sees that as an act of betrayal. "Hi Maddie."

"Hi Tyler. Why are you here with some hybrid friends?" I asked closing the trunk lid, tearing open the blood bag right in front of him but before I could take a drink a hybrid vamped behind me shoving me into the car holding my arms behind my back.

He walks up to me yanking my head up by my hair. "It's nothing personal Maddie. But I need to make Klaus suffer for how he treated us. Since everyone knows your soulmate and can feel everything he does and vice versa I have to do this." He reveals his fangs biting me in the neck where I screamed.

The other hybrid holds me up where I felt the poison of werewolf venom entering my blood stream. But there's no way he'll let me get to Nik so he can heal me with his blood. " bastard!" I reveal my fangs until the other hybrid snapped my neck where I fell limp in Tyler's arms.

Blinking my eyes open I woke up where it's dark in the woods. Rubbing my neck I immediately knew I hated having my neck snapped. Looking around I didn't see Tyler or either of the hybrids from earlier meaning that dropped me out in the middle of the woods. I try standing but my knees give out and my vision blurs reminding me that I have werewolf blood inside me. That would kill me before Nik got here until suddenly I heard someone whoosh in front of me carrying a sword in hand. "Maddie, bloody hell. Who did this to you, sweetheart!" Klaus demanded instantly ripping a hole into his wrist that I latched onto rushing to heal myself before it killed me.

"Tyler...why do you have a sword?" I asked in a raspy voice feeling the burning desire for blood boiling up inside of me. I haven't had a drop of blood since Tyler attacked me so it's probably been hours.

He helps me to my feet seeing my fangs popping out slowly. My chest heaving up and down in frustration. "He betrayed me, Maddie. First with the hybrids and now by coming after you. I'm going to kill him!" He growled, showing his hybrid face to me. "You should go home and rest. This won't be pretty." He started to walk away until I vamped in front of him, stopping him from moving.

"I'm coming with you, Nik. I need blood for what Tyler did!" The veins underneath my eyes appeared as I stepped up to him gripping my hands into fists at my sides.

Nik tilts his head trying to talk me out of it. "Maddie, you're friends won't agree-"

"They're not my friends anymore, Nik!" I cut him off, suddenly raising my voice. Throwing my hands in the air I started sobbing uncontrollably because of the heightened emotions all boiling up at once. "The only person who cares about me in this town is my twin sister, Caroline. Everyone else only cares about Elena and you know how I know. Because I recently was killed but so was Elena so the Salvatores practically fell over themselves to get her back. And they don't give a crap about me...only you and Caroline...I thought they were my friends but I'm not the famous Elena Gilbert now am I. No, no I'm just the shy twin sister of Caroline - who might as well just be invisible at this point!"

Nik lifts my chin up with his thumb whispering as he wiped a tear away. "What do you want to do, Maddie? All you have to ask and I'll let you run free."

Drawing my fangs out the wind howled in my ear where I could hear the hybrids talking in the distance close by. "I want to kill the hybrids that tried to kill me!" Klaus intertwined my hand with his vamping us to the group. He shoved his hand yanking out a hybrid's heart.

"Have at it, love. Ladies first." Nik responded glaring at the eleven other hybrids alive in front of us.

Vamping forward I shoved one hybrid against the tree choking him by the throat. "Let's see how you like it...oh wait we won't!" I joked snapping his neck then Klaus stabbed him in the chest with the sword. He killed a few more with it as I saw a girl I recognized try running.

"There's no running. You didn't give me a choice!" Sinking my fangs into her neck, my hands gripping her clothes until her body fell limp at my feet. Klaus swung his sword once more, cutting the head off the last hybrid allowing the last girl Kim to run for a few seconds but I knew she wouldn't live.

Klaus slowly reached up, wiping some blood from my mouth off while my fangs disappeared away. "I'll take care of the last one, love. Go back to the mansion and I'll be there shortly." Nodding my head I vamp off entering the bathroom seeing the blood still around my mouth and some on the front of my dress. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I smirked gripping the countertop until I heard my phone ring on the bed.

"Maddie...oh my gosh she's mom is dead. Tyler just called and he...he said Klaus killed her!" Bianca sobbed on the other side of the phone.

I knew I should be upset that my boyfriend killed one of my friends' parents but I closed my eyes and entered the kitchen ripping open a blood bag hanging up with her not feeling a thing. "Oh I'm sorry Bianca. Wait, no I'm not since your brother tried to kill me tonight." Dropping my phone in my lap I drained the blood bag faster than I ever had smirking with the hybrid's blood still on my lips. "Nik is gonna love no humanity, Maddie Forbes."

Maddie flipped her humanity switch let's see how this goes 😁

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