Tale of the Five

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Elijah standing in the doorway. "Take care of her while I go deal with our hunter. He still owes me an explanation as to why he took our mate!"

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I blink a few times seeing sunlight coming in through the curtains. Sitting up in the bed I stretch my arms over my head seeing Elijah still sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room. Tucking hair behind my ear he doesn't look up from the book he's reading until I spoke up. "I thought you would be downstairs helping Nik with the hunter, Lijah."

"Niklaus asked me to take care of you while he dealt with the bloody mess." He closes his book getting to his feet picking up a glass of water from the nightstand handing it to me. Raising it to my lips I slowly drank it as he suggested softly. "Now what would you like to eat?"

Resting a hand on my stomach I raised a brow slowly lifting my shirt to see the would in my stomach was completely healed and you couldn't tell I was stabbed at all. "That's insane. I mean I literally was bleeding last night and now..." A smile crossed my face hearing my stomach grumbled. "Tacos...have you ever had them before?"

"I can't say that I have. Shall we then." He holds out his hands helping me climb out of the bed as gently as possible. Walking down the stairs we got in the car driving us to the nearest taco place outside of Mystic Falls. Handing him a taco he payed for them before we got back in the car. Closing my door he takes a bite and I nearly jumped out of my seat seeing a huge grin on his face before he takes another bite.

"Good isn't it?" I giggled tearing a bite out of mine seeing him smiling back at me.

"Much better than some of the things I've had over the centuries, Ms. Forbes." He replied where we eat in silence for a moment.

Pointing my index finger at him I corrected him softly. "Maddie. You can call me Maddie. We're not in the royal age anymore." He chuckled alongside me watching a soft smile form on my face with the sun breaking through the clouds softly. "Elijah, tell me what is it like to be over a thousand years old. To live through so many decards with different people in history who wnd up dying?"

He finished his first taco then reached in the bag pulling out another and started eating it while I finished my first shortly behind him. "It is an adjustment I will say that. When you become a vampire time stops. You don't have to worry about most human things killing you. But it's strange to watch people you saw say Queen Elizabeth II for example. I've watched her grow from a young child to the oldest queen ever in England. In my eyes it's a gift even though we must take blood from innocent people to survive..." His eyes fell to the floor and I could feel the regret he had for such things. He was like Stefan in a way feeling remorse for killing where as Damon or Kol even Klaus could care less. At least that's what I was told until the whole soulmate situation occurred.

"Have you and your brothers considered turning me since the bond thing. That way you wouldn't have to worry about me?" I asked tossing my last taco in the bag before he started the car driving us back to the mansion.

Elijah gripped the steering wheel with a heavy sigh glancing over at me on the drive home. "I have once...late last night actually. But it doesn't matter what I feel Maddie. It's your choice after all."

"Kol thinks it'd be fun and Nik well..." I trailed off scratching my head in thought being able to read them like the cover of a book so easily. "I might consider it one day because I wouldn't be this week little human in my sister's shadow. I'd be able to do exactly what she does."

Elijah rests a hand on my leg making me look him in the eye when we parked in the driveway. "Think about what you would be losing, Maddie-"

"The ability to age and have children I know." I replied seeing Stefan's car in the driveway making me confused. "Wait why is Stefan here?"

Entering the house Elijah led me into a room with a fireplace seeing Stefan and Klaus's talking about something. Stefan sighed coming over to me with a concerned look on his face taking my hands in his. "Maddie you're here. I came to ask what you're uh - boyfriend's knew about the five. But he won't say anything. Could you help me out?"

Dropping my gaze to the floor it hurt me to know that Caroline had told him about my ability and was now only here to get information with it. None the less I rounded the chair stepping up to Klaus whose eyes locked onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist titling his head to the side softly. "He thinks that I'll cave to you my dear, Maddie. But this bond isn't as strong as he thinks." He smirked until I reach up playing with the dog tags that hung around his neck.

"You sure about that before I uh - right now I can sense you want to take me to bed...at some point through this relationship." Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned up on my toes whispering in his ear feeling his arms tighten around my waist making me blush deeply into the crook his neck when I bend my head down.

He leans his head down whispering in my ear with a smirk on his lips. "Tis tempting, love...keep it up and I just might do that." He tucks hair behind my ear focusing his gaze back on Stefan draping an arm over my shoulder explaining. "Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate. The brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy. My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went."

Stefan trails off. "And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?"

"Oh, she didn't just have a thing. She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you..." Klaus replied through clutched teeth before he left to bring Rebekah here. She plopped down on the couch beside me with a huff until we set up a dinner table with wine glasses since Klaus was getting hungry. "My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn... And me."

Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest cutting cut off short by her brother. "How was I supposed to know?"

He raises his glass with an annoyed look with me leaning my elbows on the table listening to the fire crackling in the room. "Cheers. To my sister's uncanny ability to choose men."

"I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side." Stefan tapped his fingers on the table.

Klaus glanced over at me and I couldn't help but feel my face heating up for some reason when he smirked at Stefan's words. "They don't." He leaned forward on the table throwing his arms about. "Go ahead, Rebekah, tell him. Tell him what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What's this great weapon that could bring about the end of the vampire species?"

"A cure. He said there was a cure." Rebekah stared my direction seeing the shock on my face alongside Stefan.

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