Another Vampire Hunter

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Moaning in pain I blinked my eyes opened slowly looking around the room seeing I'm in a storage building. I try to move forward only getting pulled back to see metal chains tightly around my wrists and ankles where I stand on my feet. My hair falling in front of of my eyes hearing someone entering the room recognizing its the guy Conor who drugged me with something at the bar. "What are you going to do to me. I'm not a vampire...I'm human." I croaked out feeling my heart racing inside my chest when he pulled out a wooden stake from inside his jacket.

At this point I thought this town didn't have anymore hunters since Alaric was killed after Esther turned him into an original. Conor uses the tip of the stake to raise my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Oh I know you're human doll. But there's something special about you. At least that's what I've heard from the people in this town. They say you're the connection to the first family of vampires..." He moves the stake back about to shove it inside my chest where I clutched my eyes closed but someone grabbed his arm shoving him onto the ground.

"Nobody hurts my mate." Klaus threatened flashing his golden hybrid eyes gripping Connors hand. He yanked the stake from his hands tossing it over his shoulder into Damon's hands as he slowly walks forward to stand beside him.

Conor yanked his hand free from his grasp only to trip over a wire getting arrows shot into his body holding him down on his knees in front of me. Damon smirked holding the stake in his hands. "You didn't expect me to use your own trap against you did you. Well now you know how it feels."

"You two are gonna kill me anyway." Conor scoffed as I locked eyes with Klaus who wears a black jacket with a grey sweatshirt underneath it while he tries to pull the arrows out.

Klaus intertwined his hands together smiling an evil look. "Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other."

"Start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy, and there's nothing more evil than that." Damon taunts pointing to Klaus. "And what's a guy like you wanting to kill a human anyway?"

Klaus clutched his hands into fists." Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." He bared his teeth pointing his index finger at me. "That's a good question, mate. You've made one mistake that you will suffer for by taking her. I've been around a long time and never thought a vampire hunter would go after a human."

"I'm not telling you anything. You think if you kill me, it's gonna be over? There's another waiting to take my place!" Conor scoffed reaching down and holding a stake behind his back that I noticed.

"See, this is what I like to hear... Vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos." Damon clapped his hands together trailing off in thought.

Knitting my brows together I try and snap the chains again which only results in cutting my skin drawing some blood. "Damon, what are you talking about?"

"What do you mean, "tattoos"?" Klaus raised a brow confused as well.

"Don't bother. You can't see the damn thing." He scoffed rolling his eyes vamping over to me grabbing a hold of one of the chains breaking it then doing the same to the rest.

Klaus bends down looking Conor in the eye. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?"
Connor tries to stake him with the one behind his back but he snagged his wrist faster than he expected. "Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." He smirked down to the vampire hunter seeing something on the stake. "You're one of the five..."

"The what?" Damon and I asked together taking our eyes off the hunter.

"I'm faster than the average hunter." Conor spoke pulling a wire near a tank quickly then stabbing me in the stomach with a stake making me collapse into someone's arms getting vamped out of the room before an explosion goes off.

Burying my face into the person's chest I grunted in pain feeling the weapon still sticking inside my stomach. Klaus gently laid me down on the bed in his room groaning too. He grips his stomach in the same place I do in the moment. Lifting my hand up I saw it covered in blood making me start going into a panic attack. "Klaus take it out - get it - out please!" Pressing my head back against the pillows moaning.

"Easy Maddie...1...2..." He lifted me up to sit wrapping his hand around the stake yanking it out before saying the number three. I cry like a child clutching the fabric of his shirt staining it with blood still feeling pain in my gut. He runs his left hand through my hair tilting my chin up with his thumb. He bites into his other wrist making it start dripping blood holding it out to me with concerned blue eyes. "Drink love. It'll heal you, I promise."

Wrapping my hand around his wrist I drank the blood trying to not throw up at the awful tattoos. He slowly helps me lay down seeing would slowly healing over. He pushes hair from my face as I let my eyes fall closed feeling exhausted from the incident. "Did you hurt Kol...he didn't mean to Nik?"

"Rest esay sweetheart. He's not laying in a box daggered. I knew you wouldn't like to feel his suffering." He replied kissing my forehead slowly walking out of the room seeing Elijah standing in the doorway. "Take care of her while I go deal with our hunter. He still owes me an explanation as to why he took our mate!"

Why do you think the hunter came after Maddie????

Comments really appreciated

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