Map of the Mates

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Maddie's POV
"Nik calm down. I'm going with Caroline to find information out. The twins just turned Sixteen. It won't be long before they have to merge." I fought shrugging on a Jean jacket over my while shirt that I had paired with some black leggings. Wearing some black boots with my hair loose.

He shrugged on his black jacket that looks like Damon's that he used to wear. "I just worry for your safety. I don't trust you being out there on your own, Maddie."

"Need I remind you my sister was one of my vampire teachers. So I think I'll be fine." I teased resting my hands on his chest before someone knocked on the door. Opening the front door I saw Alaric with our daughters waiting outside by the jeep. "Ric, what's going on?"

He glanced over his shoulder towards the girls then back to us. Nikola held up her bracelet that was blue meaning that something was wrong. "She says it will lead us to Landon. I thought you should know we are going to go track him down.'

"I'm coming with you, Alaric." My husband vamped behind my back resting his hands on my shoulders interrupting the conversation.

Glaring over my shoulder at my husband I grumbled under my breath towards him. "The girls can handle themselves, Klaus."

"I'm not worried about them…I'm going to supervise that little Kirby boy." He whispered in my ear kissing the crown on my head heading to the passenger seat of the jeep.

Closing the front door of the mansion I shake my head walking over to Nikola seeing her messing with the bracelet. Hope was talking with Alaric on the side. "Hey honey can we talk about what happened at the school?"

"What do you mean what happened at the school?" She raised a brow clearly trying to avoid having the conversation.

Tucking hair behind my ear the sun reveals itself from out behind the clouds. I didn't want to pressure her but it feels like it should be said. "I heard what you told Landon. That people at the school see you and your sister as monsters."

"Look I love our family but it's hard being the eldest always having to be the hero all the time. When Roman told everyone it made me…it made everyone see me as a freak. Sometimes I feel…like a freak." She sighed heavily in defeat.

Tilting my head to the side I knew I felt that way when I got my humanity back on. Like I had turned into the monster that everyone thought vampires were. "Honey, I somewhat know what you're going through. There was a time I viewed myself as a freak too. But then I remembered that I was good and that's what helped me see that I was better than the others. And if I'm being honest it's not easy being the youngest either because try as you might not you still sometimes compare yourself to the sibling you look up to."

She nodded her head heading towards the jeep waving bye. "We'll talk later mom. Landon's on the move."

Stepping off the plane I looked around the airport before I recognized the voice of my sister coming towards me. "Maddie!" She flings her arms around my waist before I can gain my balance.

"Hi Care." I squeezed her back seeing the Saltzman twins were waiting for us grinning ear to ear. "So where does our merge quest begin?" She weakly smiled leading the four of us out of the airport.

Nikola's POV
Shutting the car door our father was sitting in the passenger seat while Dr. Saltzman drove and it was quite for most of the ride. "Indiana. Crossroads of America. What's the capital?" He asked one hand on the steering wheel.

"We learned that in, like, eighth grade." I rolled my eyes not expecting him to give us a pop quiz.

My father smirked up into the rear view mirror not minding to play his game. "Oh, good, then you should know it."

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