Us Against Triad

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Walking through the school I chose to wear a cameo long sleeve shirt and ripped blue jeans. My hair in braids falling down my shoulders. Klaus and I brought the girls back to the school early since they were on a mission to save Landon. "My squad answered the Bat-Signal." Hope declared simply.

"She's coming!" Both Saltzman twins grumbled to each other, clearly upset about the information from yesterday.

Nikola scoffed, flashing her wolf eyes towards them. "I need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause."

"Why is he going? He hates Landon." Ralph noticed Jed standing by me. Klaus was near the front door waiting.

Jed explains. "Look, you're the Alpha. If Landon's your pack, that makes him ours."

"Where's MG at?" Kaleb asked, looking around.

Hope headed towards the front door opening it to see armored guards outside. "He's on his way. Let's load up while we wait for him. Come on."

"Oh, sorry. We were about to knock." The leader guy spoke up.

Halting in my tracks I grasped Nik's hand in mine seeing them holding loaded crossbows with stakes among others. "Klaus?"

"Easy love." He mumbled under his breath towards me.

Lizzie snarled standing beside me on the other side. "Who the hell are you?"

"Name's Burr. Triad Industries." The stranger replied back.

Hope and Nikola attempted a spell together but nothing happened. "Propellere."

"Kids get out of here. We'll handle them." I declared vamping forward with Kaleb following my tail until his hand started burning from the sun. Getting in the sun I groaned feeling my hands bursting into flames until I vamped backwards into Klaus's arms.

He scans me over carefully seeing confusion written on all of our faces. Something was clearly wrong if our witch spells and daylight weren't working. "Bloody hell, Maddie!"

"What you don't got is magic. Which is why your daylight ring won't work. And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane... and other things. So I think you should invite us inside." The Triad guy declared before their entire team entered the school. They were in search of a magical artifact that belonged to Malivoire.

Klaus closed the door behind me quickly locking it so we were in the kitchen by ourselves. Rubbing my thumb over one of my hands I sucked in a breath still not believing that they made a way for my daylight ring to not work. The only way it didn't work is if the witch that cast the spell undid it as far as I know. "This shouldn't be possible...Klaus what are you doing?"

"Since you and the girls can't leave the school. I'll go out to stop them." He opened one of the kitchen windows staring at me with that determined father look on his face. "I'm the hybrid. They can't keep up with me."

He started climbing out the window until his back hit the sun and he started to burn. I gasped, covering my hands over my mouth quickly yanking him back inside. "Klaus. Oh my god!"

"Bloody hell...that shouldn't be possible!" He bared his teeth with me running my fingers through his hair. "I'm the hybrid...and an original...we don't need daylight rings!"

Blinking my eyes his wounds weren't healing as fast as they normally would. "Then it must be something surrounding the school. Meaning we're completely trapped here. We need to find our daughters." Footsteps headed towards Alaric's office when we entered the hallway, causing me to gasp seeing the Triad guy drawing a gun towards our daughters and the Saltzman twins.

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