Our Twin Daughter's

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Author note : Time skip to the twins birth because I felt like it.

When my mother told me and my twin sister that the day we were born was the happiest day of her life. I always dreamed mine would be similar...and filled with less blood. Nik had managed to return Elijah to us and Rebekah fled town before things got out of hand. Two witches dragged me into the church fighting against their hold until I heard the one named Monique grabbed my shoulders. "To be reborn, you must sacrifice."

Revealing my fangs I tried biting into her neck needing to keep them from hurting the twins since Nik was off dealing with Marcel and what not. "You will not hurt my girls, witch!"

"The ancestors demand an offering in exchange for power." Genevieve another witch declared.

Monique replied unfazed by the thought of killing babies. "You and your children will be a fine offering."

"You will not take my babies, I will kill ALL OF YOU!" I demanded flashing my fangs revealing the veins underneath my eyes. "My boyfriend will slaughter every one of you for this!"

Monique spoke, shoving me down onto a table in the middle of the church. "No, you won't! And neither will Klaus, or Elijah! When your babies are born, you will offer her up to those who came before us." Two other witches held me down as I bared my teeth, feeling contractions in my lower back.

Suddenly the door bursts opened where I gasped seeing Klaus growling towards the witches. "Nik!" He had blood running down his chin as he ran forward tearing the head off a witch until two raised their arms holding him against the wall with their magic.

"I will bring hell to your family! I will bathe in rivers of your blood! You will die screaming!" Nik started screaming as I struggled to birth both the girls. Clutching the table in my hands I screamed through tears throwing my head back hearing one baby's cry and then another shortly after.

Genevieve wraps the babies each in their own blanket looking to Nik and I. "You have beautiful baby daughters..twins to be exact." Monique walks over with a knife but I shoved my fangs into her neck almost killing her. Until another witch raised their hands making pain shoot through my mind snapping my neck.

Blinking my eyes open the next few hours I groaned seeing Nik laying on the floor and our children gone with the witches. Stumbling off the table I rushed towards Nik who wrapped his arms around my waist. My legs gave out a little where he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me up. "I want them dead, Nik...I want them all dead for this!" Struggling through tears he wiped tears away intertwining my hand with his.

"Don't worry, Mads. We'll paint the city in red. I promise you that." He croaked out brushing his thumb over the witch's blood still on my lips. He intertwined our hands together vamping to the cemetery where the witches were trying to kill the twins. Closing my eyes I tilted my head up hearing the two heartbeats I had heard for nine months. Such a sound I knew all too well. Vamping around corners Elijah found us right as the witches were close to killing the kids.

"Elijah shoot!" I cried right before he picks up an urn and lobs it at the witches, which slams against Genevieve's hand and knocks the knife away. Getting into a running stance the three of us tried vamping forward but the two witches raised their other hands throwing us backwards.

Lifting my head up from the stone ground I gasped seeing a bunch of dead witches helping the two alive ones from keeping us away. "You fools! To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three, you face us all." Monique declared proudly.

Some of the witches threw Nik into a brick building. Elijah gets rolled onto his back from the witches. Struggling to keep my balance he turned his head in my direction seeing Genevieve rushing forward for the knife that she had dropped earlier. "Get Genevieve - urgh I'll deal with them!"

He grunts so I vamped forward shoving her up against the wall. "You tried to kill my children for your dumb magic!" I growled until she raised her hand stabbing me in the chest. I dropped on a knee feeling pain in my head seeing she was using her magic with her other hand.

"As long as that child lives, the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for it....She will never stop coming for it. It has been decreed - your babies will be consecrated among her ancestors. They will not live." She explained until I saw a throwing star fly past my head killing Monique. She dropped to the floor and Marcel vamped away with the twins in his hands.

Vamping after him I gasped, smelling an entire room in blood. Nik stared at me seeing Marcel sitting on the ground surrounded by dead vampires from werewolf bites. Tears slipping from my eyes I crossed my arms over my chest angry. "You took our children from us!"

"I needed to draw him here so he would heal them, Maddie." Marcel replied, holding the twins close to his chest.

Nik bends down on a knee biting into his wrist holding it out to Marcel. "You saved my children's lives, Marcel. For that, you deserve this. We will take down whoever brought this upon us, I swear it."

Bending down on my knees Marcel hands me the first child that has my eyes. I felt tears slipping down my face shifting the infant in my arms gently. "Nikola Elizabeth Mikaelson..." I mumbled under my breath grinning ear to ear. Knowing that my mother and sister would be waiting to see these two adorable infants.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson...our twin princesses." Nik declared leaning into me holding our second daughter in his arms. I could see a genuine smile on his face even though we both were covered in blood. The only thing that matters was that our twin daughters were safe.

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