Worst Spring Break

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Entering into Alaric's office he looks up from his stack of books still in search of a missing item we got a few weeks ago. "Maddie, what can I do for you?" He asked closing the book he was reading.

"Actually it's what I'm going to do for you, Ric." Leaning my palms on the desk. "Nik and I are coming with you and the girls."

He immediately fought back. "No!. No way in hell am I being in a car with the whole Mikaelson family and my own kids!"

"Listen, Ric, you have two options here. 1 you let us come and everything goes fine." I glared towards my former history teacher not wanting to do the next option. "2 I can throw you over my shoulder or let Klaus compel you because I'm pretty sure you stopped taking Vervain. So what's it going to be?"

He sighed, reaching for his coat searching for his keys. "Just let me grab my-"

"Keys." I cut him off twirling the ring around on my finger smirking. "Let's go Ric."

He grabbed his jacket heading for the jeep seeing Nik leaning his back against the driver's door smiling. "Did he agree?"

"Yes he did." I replied tossing the keys back to Alaric draping my arms around his neck leaning up on my toes kissing him.

He leans down kissing me slowly running his fingers through my hair where we sort of forget where we are for the moment. "Well you can be very persuasive Mrs. Mikaelson."

"Uh can we go now?" Alaric cleared his throat making us break apart and get in the jeep. The girls took up the back seat so I ended up sitting on Nik's lap not that I was complaining though.

'I would've thought you wanted to spend the break canoodling with your hipster boyfriend." Lizzie rolls her eyes sitting next to Nikola with Hope on the other side sitting next to Josie in the backseat.

"Sorry for wanting to protect the outside world from my sister's mistakes." Nikola replied, mentioning her twin.

Hope glared at the blonde twin. "You know, there's currently an urn on a river cruise spreading plagues across America because I thought a unicorn was cute. It's called accountability."

Lizzie wasn't backing down so I buried my face in Nik's shirt knowing this was going to be a long car ride. "Or maybe you just wanted to ruin yet another Saltzman spring break."

"When have we ever ruined a spring break?" Hope and Nikola said in unison.

Alaric finally got in the conversation gripping the steering wheel. "Girls? We're gonna be in this classic automobile for six hours, all right? So, no bickering."

Klaus helps me out of the jeep eyeing the area we had stopped in clearly having been here before over his thousand years. "Welcome to Maple Hollows.

"Girls, you take the fountain area. See what you can find out." Alaric replied so I ended up following the girls leaving Klaus and him alone which I hope would end well.

Josie came over after talking with some random people. "Fun fact: this town has the biggest ball of yarn in the country. And nobody's seen anything strange."

"This isn't exactly a hotspot of activity. Our hopes of finding anything are going up in smoke." Lizzie was sitting down by a fountain rolling her eyes.

Hope turned around getting annoyed. "Wait, are you passive-aggressively referring to that fire in my dorm room three years ago?"

"You mean the one that you set on purpose to sabotage our spring break trip with our dad? No, Hope. Why would I talk about that?" She barked, getting in her face.

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