The Originals Mother

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Entering the grill my eyes locked onto Klaus sitting at the bar with someone else I didn't know but it must be one of his siblings. "Join us for a drink?" He raised his glass towards me with a smile.

"Oh uh - I can't remember?" Tucking hair behind my ear looking at the floor.

He nodded sitting his glass down on the countertop. "None alcoholic I did remember."

My phone vibrates and it's a text from my sister to avoid him like I promised her. Even though it was a lie. I couldn't deny whatever attraction I have for him. "Maybe next time. I have to go."

"Isn't she stunning?" Klaus glanced to his brother.

The other guy teased him smirking his direction. "She certainly looks good walking away from you."

"I'll take that as a challenge." Klaus's foosteps chased after me until we're out in the parking lot gently grabbing my hand in his with a smile.

Gently I pulled my hand out of his flipping my hair over my shoulders. The memories of last night still running around in my head. The fact that he almost kissed me. "My sister wouldn't like me talking to you."

"Take a chance, Maddie. Haven't you ever took a risk?" He sits on the bench staring up at me longingly.
"Come on. Get to know me. I dare you."

Throwing my head back I sit down on the bench beside him laying my arm over the backside watching him. "So what do you want to talk about hmm?"

"I want to apologize for my forwardness last night. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you especially since we haven't had an official date yet. So would you want to do this the traditional way by going on a date with me?" He asked tilting his head to the side giving me puppy dog eyes before grabbing his chest where his heart was. "What did you do?"

Getting to my feet I stumble feeling dizzy all of the sudden where I collapsed into his chest getting engulfed by some sort of magic. "Nothing...Klaus.."

Blinking my eyes opened again I morning still feeling off where I see I am laying in the middle of a triangle circle. Five torches are light up on fire surrounding the circle. Moving my head around slowly I see a blury blonde woman walking towards me where she bends down on a knee to be my level. "Hello my dear. My name is Esther. You have nothing to be afraid of you won't feel anything for too long."

"What are you talking about?" I asked glancing around recognizing Bonnie and her mother standing on the edge of the circle. "Bonnie what's going on?"

She leaves her mother's side coming over to me concerned towards the Original Witch. "Why is Maddie here, Esther?"

"For the spell of course." She stands in the center of the circle with me laying down at her feet. "The pentagram represents our connection to magic. The salt is a symbol of the earth."

Bonnie grabbed my hand in hers not liking what was happening now that I'm here. "And the torches?"

Esther replied back. "5 torches, one for each of my children."

"What's the spell you're doing?" Bonnie asked pulling me closer to her chest. "Why do you need Maddie?"

Esther put her hands together in front of her looking towards the guy standing beside her which was obviously Finn. "As the witch who cast the spell that made them vampires, I can also reverse it. When they become human again, they can be kill. As they are linked as one, my brave Finn will be the sacrifice. With his death will come theirs." She bends down on a knee waving her hand creating restraints on my wrists and ankles holding me stuck in the ground. Bonnie jumped backwards near her mother. "Finn and Maddie are linked since she is a human life. I needed a reason to bring Niklaus here and now I have you my dear. He will come to protect you and die in the process."

A few seconds later I gasped seeing Klaus and two other people at his side meaning it was Elijah and Kol at his side. Esther
enters the pentagram and takes Finn's hand. Klaus vamped forward smacking into the boundary spell of the flames. "Maddie..." He grunts resting his hands on the boundary locking eyes with me as I shake in fear not wanting to die.

"That's lovely. We are stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." Kol walked forward scoffed towards their brother.

Elijah glanced my direction then focusing on their mother. "Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity."

"My only regret is that I did no let you die a thousand years ago." Sne spoke back to him walking over to me pressing her hand over my heart making me start to shake in terror.

Klaus bared his teeth eyes locked onto mine listening to my racing heartbeat. "Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, mother, or I'll send you back to hell."

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility you're no better. All of you... you're a curse on this earth stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life... I'm sorry. You've wasted your time." She explained shoving her hand inside my chest pulling my heart out closing her eyes and chanting under her breath. I gasped sharply falling over on the ground needing air.

"Klaus help!" I whimpered reaching up with my right hand seeing him grabbing where his heart was inside his chest groaning in pain. Elijah and Kol did the same alongside Finn. Closing my eyes I clutch my chest almost passing out from the pain and taking my last breath.

"No. Sisters, do not abandon me!" Esther cried out losing her connection to the magic getting vamped away by Finn. I screamed covering my face with my arms when the flames grew stronger with me in the center of the circle. Lifting my head up slightly I reached out for my heart laying on the ground right as the flames suddenly died down.

Klaus vamped forward wrapping his arms around my waist gently pushing hair out of my face. Kol rushed forward picking up my heart pushing it back inside my chest making me gasp in relief. "There you go darling. Looks like our lives are in your hands now."

"What are you saying...that we're...linked or something?" I breathed heavily laying my head against Klaus's chest feeling him kiss my forehead eyeing Elijah who stands above us.

Elijah rolls the jacket sleeve up bending down on a knee to be my level like the other two. On his wrist I saw a fancy written M that looked like a tattoo on him. Kol showed his and I gasped seeing Klaus having one too on his right wrist exactly like they do. "We didn't know what it meant until our mother took out your heart. The witches or some type of other supernatural fate has linked the three of us to you lifespan, Miss Forbes."

"So you're saying...I'm linked to the Original Brothers." I trailed off not really grasping what they were saying until they all three nodded in agreement.

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