Mikaelson's Don't Go Down Easy

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Shutting the desk drawer I heard footsteps coming up behind me and I was over the moon at who I was standing there. "Damon. Oh my god!" Jumping up into his arms he stumbled backwards wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I've missed you, little Forbes." He mumbled into my loose hair before he sat me down on my feet. He dropped his arms at his sides smiling. "Elena wishes she could be here but she had to drop our daughter off at school."

Pushing hair behind my ear I shrugged my shoulders at him. "The life of a parent ain't easy. Just be happy that you are a few years away from raising teenagers cause it is not an easy job."

"You seem to be doing pretty good. I still can't believe this place is gonna become a school." He glanced around the room seeing that my sister had already had some logos made up. The sign was up out front and she was hiring people to be teachers too.

Shaking my head I chuckled at his words. "Well you know my sister. When she sets her mind to something she won't stop until she gets through it...I hope that wherever Stefan is watching from up there. That he is happy with what we are doing."

"Yeah me too, Maddie." He paused where we each noticed the wedding ring on our hands. He had married Elena a few years after Stefan's funeral. It was just a small wedding underneath the clock tower with their friends and family. "I finally understand why you enjoyed being human. It makes every day need to mean something."

Intertwining my hands with his where he locked gazes with me. "It's funny when I was human I didn't think I was good enough. It wasn't until I became a vampire that I realized I was always supposed to be supernatural....Damon, I know this will surprise you but I need to thank you for turning me."

"I never thought you would thank me for making you a vampire, Mads." He chuckled, taken back by what I had said before I wrapped my arms around him in a hug smiling.

Klaus and I were doing our best to make the drive back to the location that Lizzie had told me about. He had healed me from my werewolf bite that he had given me. Tapping my fingers on my knees I couldn't stop my mind from playing out the worst possible outcomes if we didn't get our daughters to turn back to their humanity selves. "What are we going to do with them, Nik...I mean look at them in this picture. Landon and little Henry are everything to them."

"You brought me back, Mads. If anyone has taught me anything since you and I have come together. There is nothing we can't do when we are a team." He glanced in my direction looking at the picture I had up on my phone. It was a family photo I had taken of Hope and Nikola wrapped in the arms of Landon and our grandson sitting in the middle.

The phone rang where I put it up to my ear hearing my twin sisters voice coming through. "Maddie, I just sent you their location. Josie was able to find a vial of Hope's blood in medical. Do everything you can to bring them home and be safe sis."

"Thanks, Care. We will hopefully have them home soon." I hung the phone up where Klaus hit the gas making the trip much faster since we could just compel the cops if they tried to give us a ticket. The girls were in an old museum with some caskets that looked like we used to put the Egyptian gods to rest centuries ago.

Pushing hair away from my ear I used the vamp hearing trying to locate at least one of my daughters but it didn't take long because when we walked in Hope ran straight for us. "Mom. Dad, Lizzie has Nikola trapped in another room and she has a stake that can kill us."

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