We Broke Always and Forever

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Groaning, I could feel the soft material of a bed underneath my fingers. My head leaning against a pillow hearing footsteps enter the room. The bed dipped down where I finally managed to open my eyes seeing my husband sitting at the foot of the bed. "Nik....everything hurts."

"That's because you passed out before I could give you my blood, Mads." He explained scooting across the bed tucking hair that had fallen behind my ear.

Grasping his forearm weakly I sucked in a shaky breath pressing my freehand onto the bite mark that now felt like it was throbbing against my blood. "I'm sorry....Nik."

He finally moved behind me helping me basically lay against hurting warm chest. His left arm draped over my waist tugging me closer into his embrace. While he bites into his right wrist drawing blood and holding it out in front of my mouth. "Be a good girl and let me heal you now." Wrapping my hands around his wrist I sunk my fangs into his wrist gulping his blood down my throat.

Snuggling my face in his chest he wrapped his arms kissing the crown of my head letting silence fill the room for a few seconds. "You better have a good explanation as to why you put me in such a panicked mode. Because if it isn't you'll get punished the next time you try that, Maddie." His fangs brushing against my neck making me shiver a little.

Normally he's never like this. But I knew it was stupid that I was avoiding his blood since I had been bitten by a werewolf. "The kids were in trouble, Nik..."

"That's not everything. Spill Maddison!" He growled into my ear burying his face in the crook of my neck hitting my sweet spot making me moan.

But he quickly pulled away causing me to whine like a child not getting their way. "Klaus come on please. If you're going tease with me sex then just do it. I don't want to talk during it!"

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