He's Actually Alive

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"Elijah...he's gone...Klaus's gone!" I shutter stumbling into his waiting arms still sobbing where I stained his suit shirt with tears. He wrapped his arms around my frame feeling my body collapse into his embrace.

The bedroom bursts open for me to see a moarning Becca. Her eyes bloodshot from crying with a bottle of wine in her hands. I get on the edge of my bed, dragging the covers wrapped around me along. "Rebekah-" I trailed off my nose still stopped up from hours of sobbing, eyes bloodshot red and marks from where I was digging my nails into my skin.

She embraces me in a hug and I death grip her yellow jacket as we both cry in tears. I didn't have a connection with Finn so his death only physical hurt me. Instead Klaus has hurt me mentally inside too. Rebekah breaks the hug warning me suddenly. "Maddie duck!"

We barely let go of one another and she pushes hair behind my ear. I spin around to see a dart shoot into my arm and Becca gets one in her stomach dropping to the floor before me. Everyone around me blues as I fall on my knees mumbling out as everything went dark. "Becca...."

My eyes open slowly and once I'm awake I tug my wrists up on to feel a shock of pain shoot through my body. Rebecca thrashes next to me but my sister's voice stopped her. "Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all out to the council." She paused seeing needles sticking into my skin. "They thought you were a vampire like me, Mads."

Suddenly a truck crashes into the front of us, knocking the three of us around when the truck gets tipped over. Tyler broke open the door, snapping my chains with ease. My twin asks in disbelief that her boyfriend was actually alive. "You're alive?" He broke her free as I go for Becca but he pulls at my forearm once Care is out of the truck.

"Wait Mads, what about me?" Becca asked struggling with her restraints. Tyler gets me out of the truck where I grabbed his arm holding him still.

"We have to free her too, Tyler." He grabbed mine and Caroline's hand vamping us into the woods seeing a police car coming towards us.

Caroline started getting it on with Tyler and I turn away looking at the woods, not sure of what to do. But I picked up on something Tyler said to her. "Easy, love. Wrong time, wrong place and wrong equipment." Tyler would never call her that - he's not British. The only 2 people who are is klaus and kol. Oh my god....it can't be.

I take a few steps up towards the pair when she pulled away realizing what he'd said. "Did you just call me 'Love?"

Tyler or maybe Klaus replied looking at her. "I don't know, love. Did I?" He leans his back against the tree still wearing no shirt. "Listen... I didn't have to risk exposure to come save you."

"Oh, you do one semi-decent thing and now you're my hero?" She puts her top back on scoffing at him. "Put Tyler back!"

I gasped in a breath nearly stumbling and fall against a tree for support. My vision started to blur so I pressed my back against the tree trunk in shock that he's somehow alive right now. My sister runs her fingers through her hair until Tyler/Klaus vamped over to me arms on either side of my head blocking me in. "Maddie.." He smirks in Tyler's body and I clearly show I don't like it with look of discomfort. He cups my face in his hands as I labored out in full disbelief.

"Klaus - Nik...you're alive...I...this isn't possible."
Shaking my head side to side my chest heaving up and down. "I felt the stake go through your heart...you...you should be dead!" He gently wiped my tears away with his thumbs seeing a shocked smile on my face that he's here right now. He leaned down to kiss me but I push my hands against Tyler's chest. "Sorry too werid, get back in your own body first please..."

He nods finishing my note "Gladly, my love." Caroline watched us trying not to throw up at the sight then spinning around on her feet throwing her arms up in the air.

"Wait what is happening here. What did you mean when you said you felt him die!" Klaus and I just stared at her while she freaks out stomping around in her boots. "Are you two together, gag. Mads, how could you not tell me!"

Moving out from underneath his arm I take my sister's hand in hers only telling her half the truth. If I told her I might be falling for him she might try and kill him which would result in her getting hurt by him instead. "Care, lisen when Esther tried to kill the Originals I found out that I am linked to all the brothers. I can feel their desires and when they die I feel their pain too. That's why he's close to me and I to him...are you mad?"

"I should be...but you didn't have a choice in the matter. So all I can hope is that they treat you well." She glanced over my shoulder towards Klaus who just smiled our direction now wearing a shirt again. "If you ever hurt her or any of your brothers do the same I will shove a stake in you. Understand that Klaus!" She flashed her fangs at him when he nodded.

Night had come I lay on my bed about to fall asleep until something hits my window making me shoot up. Caroline was asleep in her room down the hall. Sliding off my bed I opened the window seeing Klaus standing on the ground in his actual body finally. Covering my mouth with my hands I giggled as quietly as I could knowing he would hear me still. "Klaus Mikaelson, what are you doing. It's the middle of the night. You can't be here."

He shakes his head vamping off the ground now sitting on my windowseal grinning a proud smile. "I couldn't wait another second to see you. Elijah told me that you hadn't been leaving your room for a few days. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that it was all taken care of. That I would come back Maddie." He rests his hand against my face that I leaned into.

Not wasting a secound I grab the collar of his black jacket pulling him inside my bedroom crashing my lips onto his. He gasped taken back at first then cups my face in his hands deepening it slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I moved my fingers through his hair driving him crazy where he breaks the kiss. "Jump love." Following his words I wrapped my legs around his waist putting my lips back onto his tugging at the collar of his shirt until we fell back onto my bed never breaking the kiss.

"Maddie, as much as this is tempting we can't. I promised that I'd wait until your fully ready." He finally broke the kiss hovering above me for a second. His hair is a curly mess with a small smirk on his face where he flopped beside me on the bed.

Throwing my head back on the pillows I rolled over laying my head in the crook of his neck sighing in relief. "Please don't die again, Nik. I couldn't handle it." I whispered feeling my eyes getting heavier so he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I don't plan on it. Goodnight Mads." He whispered kissing my forehead closing his eyes too.

Comments really appreciated

Do you all want Maddie to have scenes with Kol and Elijah??? If so give me ideas I am not sure on scenes for them with her

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