Vampire Visions

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Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I sit up on the couch smelling a familiar scent looking down to see I was wearing one of Nik's long sleeve grey shirts and some black leggings. My hair was tied up in a messy braid that I didn't remember doing. Foosteps entered the living room where I glanced over the backside of the couch seeing Nik. "I thought you'd feel better if you got a change of clothes. Also this will help you heal." He tosses me a blood bag into my lap where I ripped open the bag sucking the contence down.

"You didn't spike this too did you traitor!" I snarled showing the veins underneath my eyes raising it slowly to my lips seeing him shaking his head no before I drank the delicious blood.

He rounded the couch slumping down once I scooted away so he could sit beside me. He draped an arm over my shoulder pulling my head to lay in the crook of his neck mumbling in my ear. "I wasn't happy about what I had to do. But here's a test: what do you feel about Bianca?" He asked searching for some emotions hoping that you felt anything.

"She's my friend...but not at this moment. She kept me prisoner while Tyler tried to kill you." Whipping my head up I flipped my hair over my shoulders.

He shifted to face me pushing a loose strand behind my ear releasing a breath. Our eyes locked onto each other. "I'm sorry I compelled you, Mads. What can I do to make it better?"

"You could go get me a girl to feed off - son of a bitch!" I cursed feeling a splitting headache in my head. Grabbing at my forearm where he grabbed my shoulders searching for what was wrong.

"What's wrong, love?" I could hear the concern in his tone seeing a flash of two girls inside my mind that I didn't recognize at all.

Grasping his forearm I bared my teeth feeling the veins and my fangs appearing in frustration. "Nik...something's wrong. Urgh...go inside my mind...we need to see what's happening!" He softly reached up resting both hands on the side of my face, closing his eyes sucking in a breath.

Opening my eyes I started searching around the room recognizing what looked like the Salvatore house. Klaus stands in front of the burning fireplace while I hear footsteps enter the room. "Come on, Hope. It's not that big of a deal." I heard a girl's voice enter the room seeing a girl with somewhat blonde hair and similar eye color to mine.

"It is a big deal, Nikola. You have to go and choose Landon. I said I liked him!" Another girl with brown hair who was obviously named Hope barked slumping down in a chair beside me.

Stepping forward I slowly reached for brushing my fingers to the girl's hand. Intertwining my hand with hers mumbling over to Nik. "You're our daughters aren't you?" Something about these girls made me feel close to these two. In my head I've been debating on baby names liking the sound of Hope and Nikola.

"Yes, I am." She smiled tilting her head to the side. "I can feel your struggles momma. You need to remember that family will have your back. It's everyone else that you can't entirely trust."

Nik stepped up staring down at Hope seeing a necklace hanging around her neck. Then he saw the same on Nikola grasping my shoulder gently. "They have matching jewelry. Like you and Caroline do." I could see a smile on his face where I lifted my head sniffing some tears out. "Are you okay, Maddie?"

"I don't know, Nik. It''s all too much. They're ours...they're the twins." I grinned ear to ear flinging my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

Hope got to her feet taking the girl's hand in hers standing in front of the fireplace sighing. "The first time I told dad I liked a boy he threatened to skin him alive so piece of advice."

"Tell mom first." The two replied in unison together laughing with smiles.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. Leaning into his embrace I smiled up at him. "Totally our children, Nik."

"Well I don't want anyone hurting my girls." He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck planting a kiss to it softly. "They're beautiful...we need to remember these names."

Turning around in his embrace I wrapped my arms around his neck with his hands on my waist. Laying my head against his chest he rests his chin on top of my head. "I want to feel everything, Nik. I want to feel the joy from our children. The desire when we make love...I want everything." Tilting my head up I played with the dog tags around his neck. "I wanna go back..I want to live everyday with my emotions. Like I'm still human. Let's paint New Orleans together like you said. Let's be the king and queen." He rests his forehead against mine where I closed my eyes grinning ear to ear.

Opening my eyes again he reaches up tucking hair behind my ear as I start crying. Pressing my face into his warm embrace, my fingers clutching his shirt. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the crown of my head just letting me cry. "I killed people, Nik...I killed innocent people who have families...I killed them like they were nothing. I'm a monster...a murderer. What if I'm a bad mother...I don't want to be a bad mother Nik..."

"Maddie, hey look at me honey. You are anything but a monster. You will be exactly like your mother. A strong, confident, beautiful, kind woman...the perfect mother because you show mercy unlike I do." He cupped my face, making me look him in the eye. His blue eyes locked deeply onto mine. "I only pray that I am nothing like my Michael. I don't want to treat our girls as bastards or monsters.."

Leaning forward I kissed him gently running one hand through his curly hair mumbling into the kiss. "You won't be like him. You can show mercy, Nik. I've seen the good in you. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you." He rests his forehead against mine wiping away the tears that rest there feeling me still shaking under his touch so he just pulled me back into his comfortable embrace.

Tell me what should happen next

Comments really appreciated

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