Back to Mystic High

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Entering the front door of the boarding school I rushed forward flinging my arms around the familiar face of Matt Donavan. "Oh my gosh Matt. It's so good to see you!"

"I've missed you, Mads." He hugged me back now wearing the sheriff's badge that belonged to my mother.

Resting my hand over it he locked eyes with me while I listened to his heartbeat. I thought once I had my humanity back on the urge for blood would die down. "She would have liked to see it was you who took her place."

He smiled as footsteps approached us from another hallway. "I'll do my best in her memory, Maddie." Turning my head Klaus was leaning up against the wall tilting his head to the side having us follow after him.

Alaric had gathered all the students to talk about two missing girls from my old high school. Crossing my arms over my chest Alaric stands at a podium. "Now, I'll need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations between our schools, which, unfortunately, is necessary, given recent events. Now, I give you permission to compel them, to gather materials form locator spells, because any information we can get will make all the difference."

"I'll go with them. I basically know every inch of that place." I stepped up volunteering to join the teens.

Alaric and Klaus shared a look knowing I was right to go with them. As long as I could keep my hunger under control. "Sure that would be a great help, Maddie." So it was settled that we were heading back to my old school.

Lizzie insisted on being the leader, reminding me so much of my sister. "Okay, here's the deal. Landon, you talk to any of the people you still know from when you went here. Hope, you try to not deliberately alienate the entire student body while the rest of us save the world."

"This isn't a contest, Lizzie." Hope rolled her eyes staring towards Nikola.

"You're right. It's a mission for a hero and her league of... - whatevers." She replied before glaring at her.

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders leaving. "Yeah. Screw that. I work alone."

"MG, I need your compulsion kill. Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?" Lizzie replied, grabbing the other vampire's hand.

MG corrected her before they left. "Actually, Batwoman doesn't have a Robin."

Turning towards Hope and Nikola I clasped my hands together having a good idea of where to start. "Alright Hope go make friends with the cheerleaders. While Nikola, Landon and I search around."

I slowly walked behind the pair likening in on their conversation. "This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every locker... except this one. That one doesn't open. On your left, you'll find the bathroom. It's where I had my first kiss with a toilet."

"I'm sorry to hear that. My mom said that she wants my sister and I to know what it's like to be normal for a day." She replied, glancing up at him.

Landon nodded, slumping his shoulders. "So you'll probably fit in with the popular people. Since your mom was the popular one."

"From what my mom says our aunt Caroline i'm not sure which sibling I am." Nikola sighed before he reached for her hand.

She looks at him softly explaining back. "Yeah but I'm not like Dana. I'm just super protective of my sister and my family. I'm just stuck being the hero to my sister like I have to be the one who is stuck feeling useless. I know my dad wasn't liked very much around here. But when me and my sister started at the Salvatore School no one knew who we were...until it came out and everyone sees us as freaks."

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