Creation of the Tribrid's

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Shooting upright I grabbed my neck grunting in pain seeing my sister jump up from her chair pulled up at my bedside vamping in front of me. "Maddie. Oh thank god!" She wrapped her arms around my waist where I fell back on the bed gently hugging her back.

"Care, not that I am not overjoyed to see you. But what the heck are you doing here?" I asked, breaking the embrace. Gripping her forearms she wiped away some tears weakly smiling back at me.

She sniffled hearing someone else vamp inside the bedroom. "Klaus has been blowing up my phone so I compelled myself here as fast as I could. Plus I know he needs someone to look out for you while he wants to rip out the guy's vocal cords and that said person isn't totally eavesdropping."

"Malivore has done nothing but rip our family apart. So forgive me if I am letting my temper get the better of me Caroline. That thing stole my daughter during her transition and snapped my wife's neck!" My husband vamped into the room throwing his arms around in the air.

Blurting out to the pair I frantically started looking around the room not seeing Hope or Nikola. Running my fingers through my hair, it was coming back to me that someone else had gotten into the room and knew how to kill me for a short time. Long enough to kidnap our daughters. "Where the hell are my daughters? I will kill that son of a birth!"

"We can't go on a murder rampage, Maddie. We have to be civil about this and think about the rest of the school and our students." My sister held her hands up trying to calm us both down seeing that I had now jumped up to stand on my feet.

Slumping my shoulders I crossed my arms over my chest glaring at her even though I knew she was right about it. "Caroline if we don't do anything to help the girls then what do you suggest we do?"

"You will come with me and Klaus can stay here to keep an eye on the other's." My sister grasped my hands in hers, whipping her head back around to Klaus.

My husband stepped up to her, throwing his hands up in the air at her. His blue eyes turned a little dark with him growling. I knew that he wanted to protect the girls but he certainly wasn't going to sit around and do nothing. "I am not going to just sit around and twiddle my thumbs, sweetheart. If my daughters are in danger I am going to find this thing and scatter it across the whole town of Mystic Falls if I so wish."

"And then this thing could take over your body and turn you into a worse monster than you used to be before you met my little sister. Which would be bad for every living thing, supernatural or not." Caroline scoffed, flipping her hair out of her eyes.

Moving around my sister I grabbed his shoulder making him finally look me in the eye. Despite our want to help there wasn't anything we could do. This was the fate our girls would have to handle on their own. "Listen Nik we don't have a choice this time. This is the destiny our daughters have. So even though I utterly hate it we have to just wait this out. Now I'm going to go with my sister to see about the merge. She says that there's someone who knows about the twins. So promise me that you will just wait and we will all be together soon."

"You're probably right, love. Just be safe and I love you." He whispered resting his forehead down onto mine gently kissing me.

Leaning up on my toes I gripped the fabric of his jacket kissing him deeply until my sister cleared her throat so we broke the kiss with me whispering back to him. "I love you too, Klaus. You be safe too." My sister and I got into her car driving outside of the town where we ended up in a town I didn't know. Closing the car door behind me I saw some familiar sights of Chicago. I had seen some pictures from when Klaus took Stefan on a ripper vampire rode trip. "So who exactly is this person we are dealing with. I mean I thought that everyone from the Gemini was dead or trapped in a prison world."

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