Lockwood's Betrayal

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Blinking my eyes open I groaned rubbing the back of my neck seeing I am laying on someone else's bed. In a house that wasn't Nik's hearing someone entering the room. I gasped meeting the gaze of my friend. "Bianca, why the heck did you snap my neck?" I twisted my neck remembering when her brother did it to me. It is not a pleasant feeling.

"Because I know you wouldn't come with me after I tell you something..." She trailed off sitting on the foot of the bed.

Raising a brow at her I didn't understand what she was getting at. "Tell me what. What did you do?"

She takes my hand in hers slumping her shoulders explaining slowly. "After you told me you didn't care about my mother dying I called my brother. And there's witches who have been tracking him down so my brother can kill him-"

"Bianca what the hell. I should shove a stake into your chest!" Jumping to my feet my fangs dropped out clutching my hands into fists at my sides stepping away from her. "Because your brother tried to have me killed that night. So I turned it off...actually..." Vamping her against the wall with my hand wrapped around her throat choking her. "What gives you the right to come after the father of my children? Explain yourself before this ends badly!"

She clawed at my hand, suddenly changing the position since she was a hybrid, so she has more strength than me. I grunted baring my teeth at her wanting to snap her neck for this. "I'm doing this to protect you. The witches are afraid of your children that haven't even been born yet. But I told them it was Klaus who they wanted...don't fight me, Mads. This isn't you...you're not like him!"

Locking eyes with her I slammed her backwards vamping downstairs heading for the front door but my body got thrown backwards hitting a barrier wall. Holding myself up on my elbows I groaned when she walked down the stairs where I slammed her into the wall now holding a piece of wood near her chest that I broke hitting the stairs. "Give me one good reason to not stake you near the heart because my switch keeps flipping and right now I choose - gah!" Dropping the stake I clutched my chest collapsing onto the ground in agony.

"Maddie, what's happening to you? Is it the twins?" She asked, trying to figure out what was causing me pain.

Jerking my head up the veins appearing underneath my eyes with the fangs spitting in her face. "Klaus....we're soulmates bonded. Call your brother off...because we can't be killed!"

Klaus's POV
Walking through the woods I have been in search of Maddie since she didn't come home last night. Camille the bartender said she saw her leave but nothing more. Pausing in my steps I clutched my hands into fists at who I saw in front of me. A little wolf from Mystic Falls. "Hello, Tyler. You look well! I aim to change that. Threatening a pregnant girl in order to exact revenge against me. I never expected you to sink so low! I admit, I'm impressed!"

"Used to hang out with you, I guess something must have rubbed off." He scoffed, stepping closer.

Shaking my head I mentioned Maddie's sister since he was dating her until I showed up.
"What would Caroline say if she saw what you've become? Perhaps I'll ask her, when I call her to tell her of your demise."

"Whatever happens to me, Caroline's NEVER going to stop hating you!" He smiled, getting in a fighting stance. "Besides, if you hurt me then Maddie and my sister won't like you anymore. You'll lose your girl and be a terrible father."

Revealing my hybrid face I charged forward throwing him up in the air against a tree. "Come on, mate! Give it a bit more effort! I want to enjoy myself." But before I thought Tyler would fight me he vamped away. I did so enjoy the thrill of a chase.

"You've grown bloodthirsty. Perhaps it's best your mother didn't live to see you like this, hahahahaha!" I cackled right before Tyler shoved a stake into my chest making me groan. Then I managed to grab him by his throat holding him against a tree.

Tyler bares his teeth getting in my face. "Do it! You're never gonna break me! Only thing you can do is kill me, so go on! Go on, get it over with!"

Bending my head I chuckled through a smirk. "Ahhh, you want me to end your suffering, don't you, hmm? I did break you! Took everything from you, and now you're begging me to sweep away the shards of your shattered little life." Looking him over I debated on killing him but he had a point. Maddie would hate me for it. "Death offers more peace than you deserve. It's better to let you live. And each morning, you will wake knowing your wretched existence continues only by my will. Now go, and live the rest of your days knowing that you are NOTHING to me." Once he was compelled I left him alone hearing my phone going off in my pocket.

"Nik, Maddie came from Bianca's and now she is leaving a trail of dead bodies up and down Bourbon Street." Rebekah declared through the phone where I groaned, hanging up and vamping towards where she was.

Comments really appreciated

To be continued....

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