They're Mikaelson's Forever

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Bursting into the main office everyone had come back from the high school seeing that Malivore had somehow escaped and had taken over the body of Ethan. He used to be Hope's boyfriend until they broke up so now he was in danger because of us. "Alright somebody start explaining why the hell we are talking about both my daughters becoming full on Tribrids!"

Hope and Nikola had returned with Lizzie and Josie where they both turned to face me and their father. Klaus was wearing a black jacket where it was zipped up only showing a small part of a dark gray shirt. "Mom, it's the only way-"

"No it isn't Hope. Becoming a vampire is a choice. It may not have been in the first place but I a, making it a choice now." Crossing my arms over my chest I huffed glaring at my youngest daughter.

Nikola was holding little Henry in her arms hearing Alaric coming around the corner from another hallway. "She's right mom. I mean fate or destiny whatever you want to call it has made me and Landon enemies from day one. One of us has to end up finishing his supposed son off."

"You can't seriously be thinking that turning is a good idea!" Alaric enters the room, closing the door before anyone else could come inside. Hope throws her hands up shoving past him causing the four of us to follow her. She throws her hand up, shutting the door in the former headmaster's face. But he pushed the door open. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you."

"What are they saying?" Lizzie could be heard asking with our vamp ears inside the halls outside.

Hope scoffed under her breath. "There's nothing more to talk about."

Alaric and I shared the same look in disagreement. "Hope, there is always another way."

She responded by shaking her head at us. "Not this time. We all knew this day was coming. Here it is."

Josie in the hall looked to MG who informed the others with them. "I think Hope's gonna die and activate her vampire side."

"Malivore just found a way to turn innocent people into monsters that he controls. They're not gonna stop coming. And eventually we're gonna run out of cages and chains and sleeping potions, and then what?" The longer we leave him alive, the more innocent people are gonna die. I can't live with that." Hope raised her voice shifting her gaze between Klaus and I where I could slightly agree with her on this.

She was right that even though we were supernatural that didn't mean we would be able to stop every single monster that came through those doors. "You are still in shock. All right? So just calm down and take a second." Alaric begged her trying to stop.

"Don't tell me to calm down like I'm a child. I just killed someone. You know, the former vampire hunter who took me in when I was little would have made this choice in a heartbeat. It's the right thing to do, and you know it." She cut him off stomping around the room flashing her werewolf eyes at me.

Taking a step forward I held my hands up wanting her to see reason. "Hope sweetheart listen to me please. I know why you think it's the right thing to do but there is no going back from becoming a vampire. Yes it gives you great power but it also makes you a wreck of emotions all the time."

"I can control my emotions better than Nikola can-" Hope attempts to say.

Nikola cut her off, spitting in her sister's direction while still holding her baby boy. "So you're saying a ma train wreck. Wow sis and here I thought we were united!"

"That's not what I meant sis. What I meant was that it will likely destroy you if you have to kill the father of your child but - but if I take the guilt then..." She paused, wrapping her arms around herself avoiding my gaze. "Then you won't be least not completely."

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