Returning Home

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"Nik, stop worrying. Marcel said he will make sure no one comes after us." I tried reassuring him for like the 20th time this morning.

Running his fingers through his hair I watched his worried gaze fall to twins peacefully sleeping in their crib beside the couch. Today is the day we are supposed to be introducing them to my mother and sister. "I have over a thousand enemies, Maddie. We can't assume one of them might not come for the twins." I knew his paranoia could get the best of him sometimes and clearly this is one of those times.

Brushing my hands on my jeans I rise to my feet from the couch grabbing his hands in mine. "Please stop worrying alright. Besides you have to remember that my sister will rush her butt here if we don't let her see her nieces. She's already done the math and it's been almost a month since their birth."

"Mystic Falls hasn't exactly been safe since we left, if you remember." He pointed out tilting his head to the side, raising a brow.

Throwing my head back I sighed in annoyance tugging him towards the car then he puts all the babies travel stuff inside. "That being said. Let's not face the Wrath of Caroline Forbes." The drive there wasn't bad since the twins slept for the most part. Parking in the driveway I carry Hope in my arms with him carrying Nikola and the bag.

"I've been tracking you since this morning." My sister opened the front door throwing her hands over her mouth, almost giggling like she was a six year old again. And it warms my heart to see her happy. "Oh my gosh. These two are so adorable. I could just squeeze them!"

Footsteps approached from behind her where mom reached for the bag in Klaus's arm allowing us inside the house. "Come inside you two. Sweetheart let them inside." She chuckled as I stood in front of her, seeing her almost in tears at the infant in my arms.

"So this is Hope Andrea and..." I trailed off, turning my head in the direction of Nik as he walked up slowly towards us.

His eyes locked onto the tiny baby in his arms. I already found him hot but seeing him holding a baby - correcting our baby makes him even more attractive in my eyes. "This is Nikola Elizabeth. Her middle name after you, Liz."

"That's wonderful to hear." Our mother spoke, placing a hand over her head wiping away some happy tears. Slowly I placed Hope in her arms allowing her to hold one of her grandchildren for the first time ever.

My twin finally embraced me in a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around her giggling through a grin. We spun the other around in a happy reunion until the front door opened suddenly. "Blondie, you need to come to the hospital right now. That cancer patient that you gave your blood to is in trouble - woah what the hell are you doing here Klaus?" Damon cursed, stopping in his tracks with confusion written on his face.

"Pleasure to see you again, mate." Nik replied with a smile still holding little Nikola who started stirring awake from her long nap. "I will let you know that I have intentions of torturing you and the lot of this town. Given that Maddie, my love wouldn't exactly find that good for our children."

Damon nodded, eyeing my direction, arms crossed over his chest. "So you finally rang him in huh, little Forbes. Good job...Now older Forbes can we get a move to the hospital. You can play an excited Aunt later."

"Damon, what are you talking about? Why would my sister give her blood to a cancer patient? I mean yes it's a good thing to do but what's the problem?" Shaking my head in confusion I looked between my twin then to the raven haired vampire in front of me.

He stepped up where I had to tilt my head up since he's slightly taller than I am. "She hasn't told you, has she?" He asked and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"You know something, Salvatore. Spit it out before I compel you to tell me in the next few seconds!" Nik stepped up threateningly once laying down little Nikola on the couch in her blanket. My mother sat down holding our other child just watching what might occur before her.

Whipping my head around, I locked eyes with my twin. I knew she was hiding something when she wouldn't look me in the eye. Not even once until I reached forward grabbing her wrists gently. "Care, we promised that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. So please tell me what is Damon talking about?"

"Mads, I'm sorry...I just...I didn't want you to worry. After getting pregnant and nearly getting killed-" I cut off her rambling throwing my hands up in the air moving my hair over my shoulders.

"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes just tell me already!" I blurted out revealing my fangs to her needing to know already.

Mom rose to her feet tucking hair behind her ear. She moved around the couch intertwining my hands with hers. I could hear her heart skip a few times making me more worried than I already was. "I'm dying, Maddie...your sister gave me her blood hoping it will keep me alive."

"Except vampire blood has never successfully worked out..." Damon trailed off shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

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