Forced To Fight

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Hope's POV
I was stuck doing cleaning with Josie. Lizzie had gone back to the school and my sister..well I wasn't sure at the moment. She was probably still hanging with mom and dad for all I knew. "Why do you always pick fights? We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke." Josie questioned as we were picking up trash in the park.

"You guys do your fair share of poking." I scoffed, not really wanting to talk to her.

But she kept pressing on for a conversation. "Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes. And with you spending so much time with my dad and keeping secrets..."

"We're not keeping secrets." I replied back.

"Oh, yeah? What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby?" The siphon explained raising a brow at me. "Which is weird considering you have both your parents around...Something clearly happened. Rafael never showed up at school, my dad was rattled, so why won't you just tell me?"

Spinning to face her I accidentally poked the stake in one of my boots wincing. "Because there's nothing to tell. Aah!"

Josie helps me pull it out laughing alongside me. "You poked yourself."

Staring at her I crossed my arms over my chest I sighed feeling the wind blowing through my hair. "Nikola pokes because she has our fathers paranoia..."

Before I could say anything I grabbed my stomach feeling a sharp pain through my body. Josie rested a hand on my shoulder as I saw my sister grab Lizzie's hand mumbling a spell siphoning magic from her. Then something sliced its hand across the two of them, causing them to collapse to the ground. "Hope, is it twin pain?" She asked me concern written all over her face.

"Nikola...she's in trouble." My eyes flashed the golden hybrid color before I grabbed the siphon's hand and we rushed back to the school knowing something was wrong.

Maddie's POV - Mystic Woods
Walking in the woods I slumped my shoulders pausing in my step with Klaus. He insisted that I learn control better after nearly killing that Conor kid a few days ago. Shoving my hands in the pocket of my camo sweatshirt. "Nik, I thought you said I needed to learn self control. Why are we in the middle of the woods?"

"Because you need to be away from others' views. So we are practicing out here. Observe my love." He gestures his left hand out revealing a few humans standing in front of us.

Closing my eyes I shutter out a shaky breath. The smell of blood filling up into my nose. Parting my mouth open my fangs popped out before I vamped forward latching my fangs into the neck of a young girl with brown hair. Her body almost went limp until I heard Nik's voice call out. "Release Maddie!" I didn't want to but I followed his order nonetheless.

"Nik, what the hell. The sire/soulmate bond is really mature." I grumbled blood still dripping down my chin glaring towards my husband.

He slowly strides forward wiping away the blood with his thumb licking it off. His blue eyes poured into mine deeply. "I'm sorry, Mads. But you have to learn to not give in so easily. I know it's against our urges. But we have to set an example for our daughters. Try again."

Flipping my hair over my shoulder I grabbed a boy by the neck shoving my fangs into his neck. But yet again I failed having Nik use the bond again. Retracting my fangs I gasped, grabbing my head feeling some pain shooting to my heart. He vamped forward grabbing my shoulders searching for what was wrong but didn't find anything. "Maddie what's wrong. What hurts?"

"The girls...Nikola something's wrong." I shiver, grabbing his hand in mine, vamping back to the school. I started to open the door but I smacked into a boundary spell getting thrown backwards on my butt. Klaus and I share a look of confusion.

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