Complicated Urges

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As I stood in front of the gates of the Salvatore school next to me my husband Klaus , I signed. It has been two long years since I laid eyes on my daughters and was nervous to see them again.
"What will I say to them.... will they be angry at me " my thoughts keep washing over me until Klaus pulled me out of them.

"Love, everything will be fine, " Klaus reassured me.

Glaring towards my husband I wanted to believe him but we haven't been back in town long. Two years is a long time away from our daughters "Nik, we got back into town and we literally met that Landon guy who clearly has a crush on one of our daughters. I just don't want to miss anything else big in their lives."

"Maddie, If you don't like the boy I will gladly rip out his heart." He smirked, draping an arm over my shoulder.

"Nik don't you dare " I warned, staring at him sternly.

"I won't rip out his heart...for now." He rolls his eyes listening to my wish as his soulmate.

Driving through the opened gate we pulled the car up getting out of the passenger seat. Ric's jeep sitting in front of the doors before I recognized the Landon guy getting out of the car with another boy. Hope follows them towards the doorway eyeing the Saltzman twins. "Morning girls." She greeted them.

"Welcome to the Salvatore school. We're your tour guides. I'm Lizzie. " Lizzie smiled, eyeing her sister.

"I'm Josie. Twins." She replied. "Hi aunt Maddie, Uncle Klaus."

He waved leaning against the car towards the siphon twins. "Little Siphon. Where's Nikola?"

Lizzie rolls her eyes avoiding my gaze. "Probably following my father like a lost puppy."

The front door of the school opens with Alaric walking outside smiling between our group. "Let's get started everyone." He entered the school where I turned my focus back to my husband smiling.

"Let's go find our daughter. You can pick up her wolf scent." I questioned knowing her and Hope we're both born with the wolf gene from him. He nodded, intertwining my hand with hers vamping us into the woods behind the school. Walking down the trail I found Nikola sitting on a rock drawing something in a notebook exactly like her father.

"What are you drawing there, Nikola?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

She lifted her head up smiling at us. "Hi mom, dad. Nothing in particular. I just needed to get away. And before you ask, Landon and I just shared a dance but that's it."

"I didn't approve of that-" Klaus started to interpret until I lightly elbowed him in the rib glaring at me softly.

Nikola closed her sketchbook sitting it on her lap staring up at us. "So how was your trip. Have you gone to England yet?"

Tucking hair behind my ear I shake my head softly. She was slightly paranoid about things so she must have listened in on my phone conversations with my twin sister. "Little noisy girl. It's on our list of places but I thought I needed time with my girls."

"I've missed you guys. I always do." She replied, getting to her feet walking forward hugging me.

Klaus rests a hand on my shoulder smiling at two of his girls gesturing his head in the direction of the woods. "I'm gonna go for a run. You two should go have fun. I'll see you later." He kisses my cheek vamping off quickly.

"I think we should go for drinks. How about you sweetheart?" I lightly smirked, intertwining my hand with hers vamping us into the town square. She covers her mouth holding back the urge to throw up reminding me how it felt to be vamped around by Nik long ago. Where I would almost puke the first few times.

Walking through the town I handed her an ice cream and we sat down eating right before I heard someone chuckling about something. "Look at the hot blonde with the boarding school girl. Wonder what it would be like to date her." Whipping my head around I saw a high schooler wearing a football jacket smirking towards his other guy friends watching us.

Rolling my eyes I forgot sometimes that I still appeared to be seventeen years old even though I married and have two kids. "Don't engage mom. They're not worth it." Nikola warned me by licking her chocolate cone.

"If you say is there anything new going on in your life. Besides this Landon guy. He seems nice in my opinion." I changed the subject trying to block out the jocks talking behind us. I have gotten better about not wanting to drain the blood of every human I come across but these seemed to deserve it.

Nikola twirled part of her hair in between her fingers sighing. "Hope told me something yesterday and I don't know what dad or you will do if you find out. I'm cool with it but I'm not you." She leans back in her chair, throwing her head back. "I mean obviously you handle changes fine considering all the books in the library of the school label dad as the villain. Whereas you see him as the perfect guy who won your heart - mom are you alright?"

I didn't realize that I had turned my head back towards the jocks. I felt my fangs and veins underneath my eyes already appearing from the drive for blood. "She's so hot."

The jock smirked before I got up walking over him twirling my hair in an attempt at flirting.
"Hey boys, I'm Maddie. Which one of you was talking about me because I'm in the mood for a drink."

"Me sweetheart." The guy with blonde hair replied. "I'm Conor."

Resting a hand on his shoulder I tugged him inside the store heading to the very back ignoring the looks from the workers in the ice cream shop. Shoving him against the wall he gasped almost screaming when I revealed my fangs. My heart is beating against my chest if it still could at this moment. "Don't scream, Connor." He fell silent as I plunged my fangs into his neck gulping down his sweet blood. Gripping the red sleeves of his jacket his body began to fall limp until someone pulled me back.

"What the hell!" I cursed vamping towards whoever it was until suddenly pain shot through my head. Grabbing my head in agony my hair fell in front of my eyes with me almost on my knees. Shooting my gaze upwards I saw Nikola raising her left hand with a weak look using magic on me. "Nikola!"

Conor dropped to the ground still bleeding from his neck as footsteps entered the room. Holding my head the pain from the spell was fading watching my husband bit into his wrist healing the human and sending him on his way. "I'm sorry you had to see your mother like this honey. I thought we had handled it years ago."

"You ratted me out to my own husband?" I scoffed feeling embarrassed like I was a ten year old who got caught stealing a cookie before dinner or something so silly.

Nikola lowered her hand, getting a phone call and leaving the room. Nik offers his hands helping me up from the floor. Dropping my gaze from his, he tilted my chin up with his thumb. "Maddie, we have to set good examples for our girls. I know it's hard. Resisting the natural urge of blood but-"

"This was different, Nik. Conor was the ass that messed with Landon. I was simply teaching him a lesson...and getting a snack at the same time." I tried to defend myself to him.

He rested his other hand on my shoulder gently giving it a squeeze. "That being said we can't just release our urge in the middle of the day. The locals may not believe everything is the cause of an animal attack anymore."

I started to reply back until Nikola came back into the room flustered over something. "I just got off the phone with Dr. Saltzman and Hope. They said Landon stole something from the school and he can't be compelled."

Klaus and I both turned to face our eldest daughter. "Is he on Vervain?" My husband asked the most simple question, knowing a solution.

"They tried draining any from his system. But...there wasn't any." She trailed off.

Shifting my gaze between my husband and child there could only be one other explanation to why he couldn't be compelled by a vampire. "Then what kind of supernatural is he exactly?" Nikola just stared at me with no reply at all.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

Send me ideas you'd like to see of Maddie and Klaus or Hope and Nikola so I'm not just writing the normal Legacies storyline.

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