You'll Never Lose Me

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"How many times am I gonna have to keep drinking this. I don't understand how you enjoy the taste." I make a disgusted face at the glass filled with Klaus's blood sitting in front of me on the table.

He chuckled breaking pieces of Vervain into the glass until it disappeared into the liquid sliding it across the table to me. "The answer to your question, love. All depends on your friends the Save Elena gang. The sooner they stop trying to kill me. I won't have to worry about keeping my little mate alive."

"So...forever. Here it goes." I shake my head raising the glass quickly downing the contence. The blood is disgusting as it goes down my throat but he assured me that it was for my safety. He laced it with Vervain so that I couldn't be compelled. We've been doing this every day since Kol hired a witch to protect us. Sitting the glass down I raised a brow seeing Klaus staring me resting his chin in the palms of his hands. "What's with the doey eyes, Nik?"

He leans forward on the table getting to his feet offering me a hand tugging me to stand up. "Seeing as both of my brothers have had a night with you. I think it's my turn. So go put on your favorite outfit and meet me near the Lockwood estate afterwards." He smiled kissing my forehead vamping out the door where I wrapped my arms around myself smiling.

Slipping the matching ring with my sister on my finger looking over the outfit in the mirror in Rebekah's room. I decided to do a loose orange top with lace on the ends. Ripped blue jeans and ankles light brown boots. Slipping my phone in my back pocket the walk through the woods wasn't too long when I gasped seeing a trail of lights leading to a spot in a clearing. Stopping in my tracks I shake my head seeing Klaus sitting on a picnic blanket with two grill cheeses and some wine in glasses. "How long have you been planning this little night, Mr. Mikaelson?" I teased crawling onto the blanket facing him.

"Would it be wrong if I said since the night we met." He teased through a simple smile watching me taking a bite out of my grill cheese since he knew it was my favorite food at the grill.

I almost choked on my food through wanting to laugh at him so hard. "Nik, you're ridiculous."

"Maybe...only for you." He smirked resting a hand to my face pulling me in for a kiss. I kissed back feeling him gently push me to lay on my back never breaking the kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I tugged on it a few times hearing him moan until he broke it my heartbeat ringing in his ears none the less.

Locking eyes on his blue ones I felt my face turn red feeling the bond growing between us day by day. Reaching up running my fingers through his hair he sighed in relief. "Klaus I love - gah God!" Immediately I grabbed my heart reliving the burning sensation inside my chest. Rolling onto my side I pulled my knees to my chest moaning in pain knowing either Kol or Elijah was in danger that's why this is happening again.

"Maddie, Maddie. What can I do - uh..." Klaus frantically got to his knees pushing hair from my eyes feeling the emotions I felt that frustrated him. He bites into his wrist since it was the only thing he knew to take the pain away. "Drink, Mads...who is it...what are they doing?"

Forcing myself to sit up I wrapped my arms around his neck clinging onto his for some relief. "K - Kol - Gilbert house!" He vamped us straight onto Elena's doorstep seeing flames coming from in the kitchen as Elena slowly turned around to us.

"Maddie...I'm sorry." Elena mumbled under her breath seeing me groaning on my knees with Klaus bent down glaring her direction.

Klaus slowly rose to his feet creating his hands into fists at his sides. "What did you do!"

Elena steps up to her brothers side trying to explain to the hybrid but I knew he didn't care anymore. "We didn't have a choice - he was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm."

"He never would have gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him!" He bared his teeth to her words glancing down at me where I sniffed through tears slipping down my face with the pain fading. "I'm gonna burn this house to the ground. And then when you try and flee for your lives. I'll kill you both without blinking!"

Klaus bends down wrapping an arm around my waist with my hands clutching the fabric of his black jacket and grey shirt vamping back to his mansion. Entering his bedroom I separated myself from his arms removing my boots and throwing them across the room screaming as they hit the wall. Spinning around in circles I started sobbing for no reason throwing my hands in the air. "First Finn, now Kol. Is it gonna be Elijah or you who's next. No, I - I can't stomach that thought. I'm gonna die aren't I..."

"Maddie..." Klaus takes a step forward attempting to reach for my hand.

Slapping his hands away I throw my hair in my face becoming a mess of tears. It was a combination of Kol's agony and my own fear mixing together. "I'm gonna die, Klaus...I'm gonna die never falling in love. Never experiencing kids, marriage or losing my virginity...because they're never gonna stop trying to kill you and your siblings. I - what I am gonna do - I'm gonna lose everything!"

"Maddie Forbes, lisen to me. Look at me now!" Klaus grabbed my shoulders in a tight grip making me look up into his eyes tears streaming down my face. He slowly reached up wiping them away with his thumbs before speaking again. "You will not die you hear me. I will tear the world apart beg that happens. Whoever tries to make it so I will take care of them until you are safe from harm because - you are important to me. Out of all the thousands years I have been alive not a single human has come close to you. There's a light in you that I was drawn to the second I saw you on your birthday." I couldn't believe what he was saying as he cupped my face in his hands resting his forehead against mine just listening to the fire cracking in the main room. ""I never cared for humans until I met you. For you are my love, Maddie."

Blinking my eyes I slightly pulled away looking up into his eyes sucking a lump in my throat. "What did you say?"

Klaus cradled my face in his hands giving me a loving smile where my knees almost gave out from underneath me. "I love you. I love you, Maddie Julia Forbes."

Without thinking I crashed my lips onto his jumping up and wrapping my arms and legs around him. He stumbled a little holding my legs moaning into the kiss. Gripping his hair in my fingers I tugged it causing him to vamp me on my back onto the bed. He pulled away where my chest is heaving up and down while I just have a smirk on my face grasping the fabric of his shirt in my hands. "Make love to me, Nik."

"Mads, I made a promise. You're emotional. I wouldn't want to take that from you-" I cut him off seeing his hands gripping the bedsheets holding himself back from what he clearly wanted.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I flipped us over so I would above him. I knew he enjoyed being in control but he was fighting the urge. For peat sake his desire was literally burning inside of me where I couldn't take it anymore. Moving my hair away from my neck I kept my eyes locked onto his. "I love you too,, Klaus Mikaelson. And I'll do whatever I have to do for you to take me seriously. Drink from me."

"Maddie, I've never-" He tried blinking his eyes in awe with a smug look on his face at the thought.

Leaning down I kissed him once more tugging at his shirt then moving my head so his nose brushes against my neck. "I trust you, Nik. Take my blood and my's yours and only yours." He sucked in a breath until I lifted my head up seeing the veins appearing underneath his eyes alongside the golden wolf eyes. The next thing I knew he slowly sank his fangs into my neck only for a short while where I gasped watching him bite into his wrist holding it up to me.

Wrapping my hands around his wrist I drank some of it feeling the wound in my neck heal feeling Klaus's eyes still locked onto mine. Reaching up with his right hand he rests a hand to my cheek leaning up capturing my lips with his in a hungry kiss. "Maddie, I'm yours forever and always. If at any time you want to stop I will." He searched my eyes for hesitation since my heart beat had returned to its normal speed.

"You have me, Klaus. Every single part." I whispered pressing my lips to his where he vamped me onto my back only breaking the kiss to remove his shirt and my own. He smirked above me bending his head down into my neck kissing it where I arched my back knotting his hair into a mess knowing Caroline will never believe that this happened when I tell her tomorrow.

It's happening ya'll!!

Was I was watching Delena scenes while writing this. Yes I totally was!!

Comments really appreciated

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