My Fairytale Wedding

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I'm suddenly jolted awake by two people jumping up on my bed squealing like crazy. Shooting awake I revealed my fangs until I recognized my twin sister and Bonnie in front of me. "Happy wedding day, Maddie Forbes!" They both cheered, throwing their hands in the air.

"What are you guys doing here? It's eight in the morning?" I groaned already knowing the answer since I had told her that Klaus and I wanted to get married today.

Bonnie opened a bag pulling out a bottle of champagne and a flower crown. It is made of yellow and orange roses that she sits on top of my head gently. "Mads, Caroline insisted that you have a full on wedding. Instead of going to the court house or something. So we need tons of champagne to celebrate your last day as Maddison Forbes."

"How in the world are we going to manage a wedding before the night is over. Not even you can do that, Caroline." Slumping my shoulders I take a long sip from the bottle not seeing how we can get married by the end of the day. Because then I wanted to put my focus on helping my sister open her school for the gifted.

"How dare you have a lack of faith in me, Mads. It hurts my twin heart that you think that." My sister waved her finger in my face flipping her blonde hair around.

Pulling the covers up a little I heard the bedroom door get open causing me to gasp seeing another familiar blonde vamp inside the room. "Suprise Maddie. You must have faith in the three of us now that I'm here." She carries multiple wedding dresses in her arms.

"Rebekah, oh my gosh!" I squealed, vamping out of the bed wrapping her in a hug. She sat the dresses down hugging me back. "How are you here right now and who's watching the four gaggle of twins right now?"

Caroline magically got to carry Alaric's twin babies after his wife Jo was killed at their wedding. Now it has been a few months since they were born. Hope and Nikola were almost always with them any chance we all got together. "Don't worry Alaric is handling them." Caroline replied, laying out each dress on the foot of the bed.

"You put Ric in charge of four supernatural children. Couldn't you have put someone with him, like Matt for example?" Blinking my eyes a few times I knew Ric would be in over his head.

Clasping her hands together in front of her she gives me puppy dog eyes. "Everyone else has an assigned job for today. So please Mads just trust me that everything will be fine. Because I have made it my mission to give you the perfect wedding that you deserve..."

"Why do you say you deserve, Care?" Raising a brow to her statement it was weird to hear her say I deserve the perfect wedding.

Rebekah rests a hand on my shoulder making me look towards the original blonde. "Because you finally showed my brother love. You opened his heart and showed him he isn't alone."

Bonnie got to her feet taking my hands in hers leading me over to a cabinet. She revealed a small box holding blue earrings and another that had a silver bracelet that would serve as something new. Our mothers ring would be my something old and borrowed since I would pass it down to whichever of my children got married first like she did. "Maddie, you are probably the only person in the world that could make him truly happy. So today is a big deal considering he is basically saying he won't kill us all anymore."

"Bonnie is right. When we first met Klaus he was so frustrating. And somehow you showed us that he is more than just the immortal hybrid that wants to be king of New Orleans. Thinking that nobody can love him because he is - was a monster. So today is a celebration of that victory for all of us and to let you two finally get married. Even though you kind of did it backwards with first sleeping together, then magic pregnancy and ending in marriage. But you're amazing to find someone to be your prince Charming " My sister intertwined my hands with hers, handing me one of the dresses to try on. "Now go try this on. We've got roughly a lot of stuff to do for a wedding this evening."

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