Playing Princess

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Caroline follows me through the small house but I refuse to talk to her still. The bad thing is I can't even tell her that I found comfort in Klaus's arms at the grill's Klaus. My sister came back from the front door carrying two big boxes with a ribbon tied to them. I removed the note reading something about the Mikaelson family hosting a ball. She sees the invite too and turns it over there's a note from Klaus "Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus" My sister scoffed at what hers said. "Seriously?"

Flipping my invitation over I bite my lip feeling my face turn a little red. "Hope I was some help last night. I'd like to treat you like a princess if you choose to come, Klaus." Hiding my note underneath the box I lifted up the lid gasping softly at a dress that looked to be worn by a princess. Slowly pulling out the dress it was a sunset orange with some lace around the waist. It is short sleeved that reaches to my elbows. Eliminately too beautiful where I am terrified to rip it.

Elena met my sister and I at the grill to talk about what was going to happen tonight. "It's all so weird. The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball."

"It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is." My sister throws her hair over her shoulder not happy about it.

Leaning back in the booth I see a blonde girl I hadn't seen before talking with Matt about something. The blonde turned on her heels noticing me watching her so she comes over introducing herself only to me. "Hi I'm Rebekah. What's yours?"

"Maddie Forbes. Nice to meet you." I waved until my sister holds a hand in front of my chest. "Get away from my sister Rebekah. She doesn't need to get swept up by another Mikaelson!"

Hearing the name Mikaelson I smiled seeing that she looked a little bit like her brother. She flipped her hair focusing her attention back on me. "So Maddie I was heading back my house to get ready. Would you want to come along?"

"Sure." I cheered at the same time my sister shouted in annoyance. "No!"

Grabbing my jacket I get out of the booth standing beside Rebekah seeing my sister and Elena eyeing us in shock. "Mads, she's a Mikaelson-" I cut my sister off spinning on my heels exiting the grill with Rebekah at my side not saying a word. We drove to my house grabbing my dress before she opened the front door of her house causing me to gasp at how big the entrance was. There's a grand staircase where it makes this place like a mansion.

"I can't believe this is your house." I chuckled doing some spinning in the center of the room.

Rebekah smiled arms crossed over her chest gently dragging me up the stairs and into her room. "Believe it my little human friend. Now let's make you a princess."

Hours later Rebekah and I walked down the staircase where she had introduced me to her other brother Elijah. Holding up the end of my dress in my hands I was praying to myself that I don't trip in the tiniest heels I borrowed from her tonight. Elijah tapped his glass gathering everyone's focus. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

"You look ravishing in your dress Maddie." Glancing over my shoulder I smiled seeing Klaus was standing behind me. My eyes trailed him up and down looking freaking hot in a tux.

"Thank you...fair warning I might step on your toes. Unlike my sister I didn't participate in the Miss Mystic Padgett." I apologize in advance when he intertwined my hand with his giving me a smile as the music started playing.

He puts his other hand on my waist almost where our noises brushed one another. I could feel his breath when he spoke making my heart skip a beat. "You have nothing to worry about love. I'm a thousand year old vampire. If you step on my toes I won't mind."

Nodding my head we slowly started turning around in circles through the dance. He twirled me in and out of his chest throwing my hair around. "So I heard you met my sister today. I must warn you she can be a handful sometimes."

"You can say that because she's your sibling. Just like I can about mine right now. Anyway how I am doing?" I asked looking down at our feet moving across the dance floor.

Klaus leaned in where I felt my cheeks heat up. "You're doing fine. Although I have something I want to show you. Follow me."

"Okay, lead the way Mr. Mikaelson." I gulped with a smile having him lead us through the crowds and up the staircase. He opened a door and I gasped slowly walking inside the large room. This place is just filled with tons of paintings and drawings that are beautiful. Slowly picking up one I recognized the person's face as me. Where I was sitting on a park bench just staring off into the distance without a care in the world. "Did you do these...this is me?"

Klaus cleared his throat getting bashful for the first time ever. "Uh yeah. It's one of my for you you've sort of become my muse lately."

"You're muse, but how according to Damon you don't care about any human life. Like they mean nothing and are just weak little things." Sitting the drawing down I saw his face change to a sad smile. I hate to know I was the cause of it or more so my friends words were the cause. "I'm sorry I don't think that. It's just what I've heard. I actually think you're a good just don't let people see that side."

He reaches over resting his hand over mine laying on the table making me look into his blue eyes once again. "Thank you for telling me that, Maddie. Have you ever been outside of this town?"

"Unfortunately no. I want to see the world but I can do that until I graduate high school. Why where would you take me?" I teased thinking he wasn't serious about it.

He intertwined our hands together squeezing it gently with a grin. "Anywhere you want. Rome, Paris, Tokyo...wherever you're heart desires."

"What could you possibly see in me, Klaus. I don't understand. Why me and not my twin?" I asked in disbelief. I hate to think my sister is better but she is. She has so much more confidence than I do.

Klaus lifted his other hand to my cheek leaning in closer to whisper. "Because I fancy you, Maddie Forbes. There's a light that shines in you that makes me want to be better. Makes me feel like I am someone who deserves love in return." I smiled feeling some tears of happiness slip out where he leans in about to kiss me until someone vamps in the room pulling us apart.

"We have to go now, Maddie. Damon tried to kill Kol." Stefan spoke firmly holding onto my arm vamping us out and away from the mansion.

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