Little Elope Wedding

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Maddie's POV

Gently closing the bedroom door behind me I sighed, running my hands down my shirt. I prayed today would be easier on all of us. Once seeing that vision a few days ago it rattled me. Moving my hands up into my hair I tied it into a bun where two strands of my hair hang down. The rest of my blonde hair was up in the bun. I decided to wear some ripped up blue jeans with some brown ankle boots and a white long sleeved shirt. "Nikola, come on. You need to wear some sort of dress."

Turning my head I paused in the doorway of my eldest daughter's room hearing Lizzie's voice. The two girls were standing beside her closest looking through the dresses and other clothes that were hanging up. "Lizzie this isn't the official wedding. Landon and I thought it would be easier to just elope."

"A signing at the courthouse. Agh, I can't believe you would suggest that." The Saltzman blonde scoffed, covering her heart with her hands offended by her statement.

Entering the room I rested my hands at my sides shaking my head at the pair. Lizzie reminded me so much of my twin sometimes. I do wish that Jo had been able to raise her daughters. But at the same time my sister was an absolutely amazing mother. "What are you two bickering about in here?"

"Auntie Mads, please tell your daughter that she needs to have an actual wedding instead of signing a piece of paper at the courthouse." She begged me to flip her blonde hair over her shoulders.

Nikola rolled her eyes slumping her shoulders in my direction clearly not wanting to be having this conversation. I couldn't blame her though because she had more serious things than a wedding. When I had my wedding to Klaus everything was much easier than now. "Mom, Landon and I have just been busy. Lizzie is refusing to listen to me when I say there will a real wedding later but I just want to be Mrs. Landon Kirby already."

"Alright, here's what we are going to do. We put a pause on the wedding planning for now." Taking a few steps towards the girls I take my daughters hands in mine looking her in the eye. "So today I want you all to get dressed up, maybe go raid your father's family collectibles closet. While I go inform the boys to get dressed up."

My daughter hugs me gently where I rest my chin on her shoulder gently squeezing her against me smiling. "Thank you, mom."

"Ugh! If I found a boy who likes me for me then I would get married immediately!" Lizzie raises her voice stomping out of the room causing us to break our hug watching her leave.

"I'll go after her. You get ready." I responded spinning on my heels following my niece managing to meet up with her around a corner before she could magically close the door to her and Josie's bedroom. "Lizzie, wait. I feel like we should talk about something."

She plopped down on the foot of her bed throwing her hands over her face with the lights around the room flickering meaning she was starting to get upset. "There's nothing to talk about, Auntie Mads. I'm fine."

"Your heartbeat says otherwise, Lizzie." I heard it skip a few beats but it was still almost racing like a train. "Now I get that you don't want to talk about whatever is bothering you. But I am here if you decide you want too. You just should remember that."

The Saltzman girl sat up putting her hands in her lap finally meeting my gaze. "It's just hard watching you and Nikola get your guys and be happy while I am here still alone. I want someone to love me back...but my crazy brain makes me always say or do the wrong things."

"You're very much like your mother and I do you realize that." I asked her to sit beside her on the bed where she lifted her head up softly. Putting my hands in my own lap she needed to hear the tales of her aunt that weren't like a fairytale. "Before I became a vampire I wasn't as confident as I am now. I felt that I would always be the second choice to my sister, your mother. Thankfully that changed when I met your uncle Klaus. So it may not seem like it now but you will find someone who loves you, Elizabeth."

The Saltzman blonde smiled ear to ear flinging her arms around me in a warm hug. She buried her face in the crook of my neck. Wrapping my arms around her waist, squeezing her gently. "Thank you, Mads."

"Anytime Lizzie." I responded back by breaking the hug.

She bites her lip, getting an idea in her head dropping her shoulders slightly. "I just don't like the fact that Nikola just wants to become the wife of her mate instead of doing a typical wedding. I would just want to do the wedding."

"That may be true, Lizzie. But this will allow her time to figure out how she wants to make the perfect wedding that she always wants." Resting my hands on her shoulders I knew she would understand someday. "Because unfortunately not everyone has their wedding planned out since they were six years old."

Someone vamped into the room making us turn our heads in the direction of seeing Klaus leaning in the doorway watching us. Getting to my feet I smiled eyeing him up and down noticing that he was wearing a black tux with a white tie. It was the exact suit he wore the night the Mikaelson's had a royal ball in their mansion. "Well, well, Mr. Mikaelson I must say I am very impressed that you still kept that suit." I smirked, draping my arms around his neck.

"I remembered the way you gazed at me the night of the ball. So I had to keep it in the family collectible treasure chest. Because I rather enjoy seeing you all desired like this, Maddie." He smirks, wrapping his arms around my waist tugging me into his embrace.

Lizzie rose to her feet dusting her hands on her shirt. "Alright, looks like we need to be getting ready and I thankfully have a backup dress for a situation like what we are doing today."

Intertwining my hand with my husband's I tugged him outside of her room. It was a couple hours before all of us headed to the courthouse in the middle of the town. Klaus holds open the door letting Landon and Nikola walk inside hand and hand. "Here you go sweetheart."

Walking beside Lizzie and Josie. Hope was holding little Henry in her arms so I could take pictures with my phone. The pair walked up to the stand where a clerk opened her window staring at our group seeing we were all dressed up a little but not too much. "What can I help you with today?" She asked with a kind smile on her face.

"We are um - wanting to get married today." Landon stuttered looking down at our eldest daughter squeezing their intertwined hands.

The woman walked away quickly, coming back with the documents and some pens. Nikola signed her name first on the dotted line then Landon followed afterwards. The pair turned around wrapping their arms around each other so I could take a picture. "I present to you Mr and Mrs. Landon and Nikola Kirby." For one day we had a quick happy wedding.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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