Runs In The Family

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Nikola's POV
Dr. Saltzman sent me to give tests to Landon to see if he was supernatural in some way. Since he couldn't be compelled. Pulling some ripped jeans on with a flowery shirt and a leather jacket thrown over. Some brown ankle boots along with it. Standing on the doc by the water I could sense someone watching me. "You better come out if you know what's good for you." Nobody came out until I felt someone grab my wrist so I created a fireball in my other hand barring my teeth. "Dad?"

'That's my girl. Always on edge just like your father." He smirked, releasing my wrist as I let the fire die out, lowering my other hand to be back at my sides.

Crossing my arms over my chest the wind blows some hair in my face with me staring at my father. Even though my sister and I are twins I always have felt I have more of my father in me. "Dad I wish we could catch up but Dr. Saltzman asked me to administer tests to Landon."

"Then I'll stay with you and help give him these tests." He clasped his hands together with a slight smirk.

Sighing heavily I knew that this might end badly if he was with us. "Dad..."

"Either you let me help or I go after the boy myself." My father threatened playfully where I had no choice but to agree. Landon met us out here stopping when he saw my father until I grabbed his hand tugging him to take a seat.

"Trust me it's safer if he's here to watch us then the other result." I tilted my head revealing the supernatural ba that was basically a truth or dare game. "What's your name?"

He replied instantly, making it turn blue. "Landon Kirby."

"See? That's the truth. Now lie. What's your favorite food?" I asked him another question so he understood the rules.

He joked with a slight smile. "Rabbit." I chuckled back at him, liking that he was kind of a dork. "Bring it on, Nikola Mikaelson."

"Where were you born?" I started off simply.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" My father bluntly asked Landon and I both blush suddenly at his question.

"Dad!...Who are your parents?" I whipped my head around glaring at him while he just leaned against a tree.

Landon ran a hand through his hair clearing his throat trying to focus. "My mom's name is Seylah. That's pretty much all I know. She gave me up for adoption when I was young."

"Are you a cheater wanker?" My father interprets yet again with the same serious look on his face.

Landon shifts his gaze to my father and away from me. I sighed covering my face with my hands wishing that it was mom out here instead of him. Because she wouldn't be so obvious about not liking that I was alone with a teenage boy. "Mr. Mikaelson I - I'm sorry but what exactly is a wanker? I don't know the British language."

"Why can't you be compelled?" I changed the subject, needing to avoid anything messy between them.

He shook his head answering honestly. "I have no idea. A couple days ago, I didn't even know what compulsion was."

"Why'd you take the knife?"

The next answer he gave me made me slump my shoulders in defeat. "I don't know. I don't... I remember doing it, but I don't remember why."

Getting to my feet I run my fingers through my hair standing beside my father who raised a brow smirking a little. "If he can't be compelled I recommend some sort of torture perhaps." I knew he was joking but normally he wasn't.

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