Graduation Cap Multiple Uses

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It was a full moon the night Klaus and I decided to go out on the town and mess with a school event that was allowing alcohol. Even though I am 2 months pregnant I don't feel anything. Moving through the crowd of people he twirled me in and out of his chest until I heard a girl talking with one of the football players she was dancing with. "I never imagined that she would sleep with older guys."

Gripping his suit in my hands I make my fangs peek out grumbling under my breath. "Annoying cheerleader needs to be taught a lesson!"

"Is that what you want, love?" He asked, leaning down whispering in my ear.

Nodding my head he tugs me forward gently grabbing the pair by their shoulders shoving them against some lockers inside. "You shouldn't judge my girl on who she dates. I think they need to be taught a lesson don't you?" He tilts his head in my direction.

"Indeed they do." Pushing myself off the lockers I grabbed the girl by her hair, shoving my fangs into her neck. Sucking her dry quickly then dropping her body on the floor. The boy gasped starting to run but I vamped in front of him grabbing him by his neck giving it a quick snap.

Shooting up from the bed I felt tears falling down my face reliving one of the horrible things I did without my humanity. Burying my face in my knees the bedroom opened where my boyfriend - correct that to my fiancé. "I'm sorry, Maddie. But you said if I tried to flip your switch earlier you'd never turn it back on."

"That's not the only reason I'm's not the babies either Nik!" I sobbed, lifting my head up, staining my clothes with tears.

He reaches over resting a hand to my cheek attempting to wipe away the tears. "Then what's ailing you so?" His blue eyes focused on mine.

"I don't entirely regret...everything." I shake in fear running down my spine. Vampires have the urge for blood all the time but that isn't what scares me. "I know we want to kill...but there's some deaths I don't regret. Like when we killed the hybrids, the rude high I can't remember every single one and it makes me sick!"

He gently pulled me into his embrace just holding me in some silence whispering into my loose hair. "Sssh Mads. I know it hurts now but it will get better. I promise." I felt something buzz in his pocket where he grumbled throwing out his phone. "You're sister's blowing up my phone with calls."

"What are they about?" I questioned listening to one of the voice-mails. She mentioned graduating and that Damon had been bitten by a werewolf. "Shit I'm supposed to be graduating in a few hours. She's gonna kill me if I'm not there, Nik!"

He tilts his head, raising a brow at me. "You're technically already dead, Mads."

"Not helping, hybrid. I need to be walking across a stage in roughly 2 hours!" I snapped pointing my index finger at him, not in the mood for jokes.

He picked up his phone calling for a private plane immediately while I got a change of clothes seeing he had managed to pack my cap and gown in the suitcase. Wearing some tennis shoes we vamped from the airport to the high school until I heard my sister crying in pain for some. I gasped seeing some witches that she had killed doing a spell that works to cause vampires pain. Creating my fangs I vamped forward biting into the lead witches neck but she raised her other hand where I grabbed my head grunting in pain until something flew past my head killing the witch. "Nik..."

"There are plenty more of these to go around. Who's next? I can do this all day." He spoke with a smile holding up my graduation cap in his hand.

Caroline turns to Klaus, smiling then she spun around on her feet slapping my arm harshly. "You missed the ceremony, Maddie!"

"Wow Care. No thanks for rushing here to save your life or anything!" I mock hands on my hips.

"Technically I saved both your lives." Klaus raised his hand in the air with a teasing smirk holding my cap above my head.

Jumping up I snatched it from his hands giving him a shove." It was his fault. He was ignoring your phone calls!" I waved my finger in his face blaming him where she gasped seeing something flash in the sunset on my left hand.

"Holy cow, Mads. Are you engaged - to him?" She squealed, holding my left hand in hers admiring the ring. "Oh my gosh. You got mom's ring. I'm so happy for you. Still angry but mostly happy!"

The sun had finally set where my sister insisted I still walk across the stage even though it was just for fun at this point. She stands at the podium no longer wearing her gown. "Come on up here, Maddison Forbes - soon to be Mikaelson." She giggled in a bright smile down at me.

Getting up from my chair I pretend to walk slowly up the stage knowing if I didn't do it right she wouldn't let me leave the football field until I did. "As you wish, Ms. Forbes." I curtsey in my red gown seeing her mirror my same smile like we were kids again.

We hugged each other as I moved the tassel to the other side seeing Nik walking up to us. We both walked down the stairs where I tossed my cap in the air and he caught it with ease shaking his head with a chuckle. "It appears she didn't try and kill you after all, Mads." I raised my eyebrows not expecting him to say it in front of my sister.

"How'd you get here so fast?" She seemed to brush off his comment.

He replied, making me bend my head down, getting a little embarrassed. "I was already on my way. And Maddie was in a panic that you might kill her if we didn't make it before sundown." He draws a piece of paper out of the inside of his coat. "I received your graduation announcement. It was... very subtle."

"He assumes you're expecting cash?" I nudged him in the arm, lightly chuckling.

"That, or a mini fridge." She added.

He draped his arm over my shoulder pulling me into his side. "Well, I had considered offering you a first class ticket to join us in New Orleans..."

"You're really leaving now?" She asked her gaze drifting to my pregnant belly knowing that in 3 months I would have our twins.

Twirling the ring on my finger I sigh, laying my head on his shoulder. "Bianca insisted that we should raise the babies there. Plus it's his favorite might be becoming mine too. Don't worry I'll visit home too, Caroline."

"But I knew what your answer would be. So, I opted for something I knew you would accept." Klaus spoke up looking down at me longingly then back towards my sister. "It was Maddie's idea...slightly." Caroline looks at him, waiting until he finishes with. "Tyler is now free to return to Mystic Falls."

Caroline blinked her eyes at me since I had told her that he tried to kill me a few weeks ago when she was crying over missing him. "What?"

"He's your first love..." Nik trailed off staring down at me again when he spoke to her. "In my experience with Maddie, if you find someone who makes you feel like a better person then you should keep them close...even though we have a complicated history with him. That shouldn't stop you from finding love. Since you never stopped us from getting together." He kisses her on the cheek. "Congratulations, Caroline."

She laughed softly with a smile on her face knowing I convinced him it was the right thing for now. "I only accepted it once I saw how happy you made her. You're the first person who chose her first."

"Let's get out of here, before 12 angry hybrids decide to pick a fight.' He suddenly replied, intertwining my left hand with his then my twin takes my right hand walking on the other side I was in the middle walking off the football field.

Nik and my sister both chuckled when I smirked through a reply. "I wouldn't mind kicking their asses again. They'd probably lose again."

Heading into The Originals storyline now. Tell me what should happen next in the comments below

Comments really appreciated

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