Fighting the Bite

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Rubbing my neck I moaned, hating the feeling of getting it snapped and it was even worse that it was my husband and mate who had done it. Slowly moving my gaze around the room I could see that it was a large hotel room. Rising to my feet I looked out the window seeing it was broad daylight until I heard someone speaking behind me. "Je commençais à m'ennuyer en attendant que tu te réveilles, Maddison"  (I was getting rather bored waiting for you to wake up, Maddison)

"Je n'ai pas fini mes cours de français. Pouvez-vous parler en anglais s'il vous plaît ?" (I didn't finish my French classes. Can you speak in English please?) I shook my head trying to remember the little bit of French that I knew from high school.

Turning around on my heels I already knew who it was by the tone of their voice. Throwing my hair over my shoulders seeing my husband standing before me. His blue eyes trained on me like I was some prey he was hunting. "If you're so insistent then that must mean you are choosing to join me."

"I'm not turning it off, Niklaus. How many times must I say that. I won't go down that road again." I snapped back at him with a glare.

My husband titled his head to the side with a smirk. He brushed his fingers over part of my neck so when he pulled back showing me that there was still some blood on them. "I would have thought that you would be begging by now for me to heal that bite. The effects will only start to get worse and unbearable."

"Niklaus Mikaelson how dare you! I am your mate. Your love and wife!" Pushing past him I moved my hair to the other side going to the bathroom mirror seeing that he had really bitten me.

He slumped down on a couch in the corner tapping his fingers on the armrests with one leg crossed over the over smirking in my direction. "And you refuse to listen to me. I mean come on, Maddie. Humanity must be killing you. You were asked to run an entire school while your sister ran all over the Earth hoping to find a solution to her daughter's merge. Then our daughters had to turn it off because Nikola killed her soulmate. Honestly you should be drowning in emotions."

"Well I'm not, Klaus! I won't take away the only part that makes me still be human. I did it once and it nearly broke me to deal with all the damage that I had I am asking you to please come back to me. Turn it back on and help me reach our children." I begged him, clasping my hands together over my mouth.

He vamped up to his feet shoving me in between his body and the wall where I grunted on the impact. "I'm the Hybrid, love. I have more strength than you. I'm faster and smarter than you. If I wished to kill you I would do so right now without a second thought. I don't need anyone."

"Then why haven't you?" I croaked out softly meeting his blue eyes. Moving my hands over his wrist I wrapped my fingers around it knowing he wasn't using all of his strength now. "If you wanted me dead you would have killed me like you said. But you haven't and that isn't like you...You don't have it in you because you now have that you care about more than yourself."

He shoved himself away growling under his breath showing me his hybrid eyes. "You're out of your mind, Maddie. What makes you think that I will care if you die. You have given me my children, who are adults now basically. I don't need you to have fun with my switch flipped."

"You think that you can live without me but that's a lie." Moving around the room I reached down into my boot revealing a tiny stake that I had taken from Alaric's weapon system hidden in the bookshelf in his office. Twirling it in my fingers I met his gaze hoping that this worked like last time. "Well let's see if you can handle the pain of possibly dying again...ugh mom."

Over my husband's shoulder I could see her standing there wearing her policeman outfit. She slowly walked up to me where I shuttered not expecting to see her again. "How could you let this happen, Maddie. How could you let your children become monsters? I gave my blessing to that hybrid to let him marry you and you let them kill people."

"I didn't mean to do anything, mom. I - I'm trying to fix it." I responded toward her ignoring that Klaus had walked around me sipping some blood from a glass watching me basically talk to the wall.

My mother stomped up, slapping me across the face and throwing the tiny stake across the room. Which in reality was just me throwing it away myself. "You're not doing a good job. If anything I will say it is your fault and that you should be the one to suffer."

"You don't mean that, mom." I shook my head sniffing some tears that were falling down my face.

"Who the hell are you talking to, Mads. Oh that's right I don't care about healing you of your precious werewolf bite. Unless you turn it off. Piece of advice: hallucinations can be a nasty side effect from what I heard from Damon Salvatore." Klaus whispered in my ear where I sucked in a breath turning my head so our noses were brushing up against each other.

"Shut up, Nik. I said bloody no!" I raised my voice at him before I turned my head back to focus on my dead hallucination of my mother. "Now what are you talking about, mom. I won't flip my switch if that's what you want."

She lifted her hand up grabbing my hand that had my twin and also known as my daylight ring on it. "Take this off for a moment and maybe it will snap you out to figure out how to fix the problem. Or realize that this could have been avoided if you never gave birth to Tribrids."

"I'm not gonna do that. And my children are not monsters. They are good." I spat in her face turning my hands into fists until I felt dizzy and I stumbled backwards against the window. "Agh Nik please I'm begging you... make this stop!"

He bends down on a knee lifting my left hand in his twirling the ring in between his fingers. "Sssh love. Take your ring off for a brief moment and stand in the sunlight. Then I will heal you from the bite.":

"Nik, you can't be serious. You won't let me die in the sunlight. We love each other and we are mated for life. You'll feel it too-" I attempted to say but he slid it off rising to his feet while I remained pressed up against the corner where the sun wasn't coming through.

He leaned forward dangling the ring in front of my face where I reached for it but he yanked it back and kept it away from my reach. "Ah ah nice try, Mads. But here's what we are going to do. Either you do as I say and get this back or I let you die from the werewolf bite. It's your choice."

Blinking some tears through my eyes seeing that his facial expression hasn't changed. No matter what I say until I snap him back to normal he won't care what happens to me. "Klaus, just so you know. I still love you, always and forever." Rising to my feet he stepped back watching me take two steps toward the window feeling the burning the second I was in the sun. I screamed crying heavily until someone shoved me against the bed where I gasped, locking my eyes onto the baby blues.

"Maddie, bloody hell. I'm sorry - I'm so sorry." He croaked, hovering over me reaching into his pocket grabbing my ring and doing his best to put it back on.

I gasped, releasing some happy tears hearing the change in his voice. Moving my hands up I ran my ring through his hair pulling his head down to rest his forehead against mine. "Sssh it's alright. I know it wasn't you, Nik....I love you."

"I love you more than anything, Mads." He declared, crashing his lips down onto mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him back where he started to tear my shirt until the phone was ringing like crazy. "You gotta be kidding me!"

Reaching for my phone from the side table I sat up answering the call. "Who is this?"

"Auntie Mads, it's Lizzie. Your crazy daughter killed me. And now I am freaking sired to her!" I recognized the voice of one of my nieces. Klaus sat up and we both couldn't hear her heartbeat meaning something must have happened.

Running a hand through my hair I dared to ask. "Lizzie, what are you saying?"

"I'm a Heretic. Half witch and half vampire." She replied back.

Looking at my husband a smirk grew on his face when he started chucking at her response. "She's a hybrid now." Hanging up the phone I knew we had to find our daughters and get them back before they destroyed the world in blood.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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