Grandpa Nik and Grandma Maddie

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Maddie's POV

Laying on the couch in the living room of the mansion I had my arms behind my head just staring at the window with the sunlight streaming through. Nikola and Landon's proposal was a few days ago so we all needed some time since our entire family had returned to where they were before we called them. Rebekah in New Orleans, Elijah in Paris with Hailey, Kol and my sister were traveling for two different reasons. The front door opened, making me lift my head up seeing Nikola. "Hey mom, I hate to ask this of you and dad but would you mind watching little Henry while Landon and I go out for the day?"

"Sure that should be fine. I don't think your father will mind." Sitting up I hugged my knees to my chest with my blonde hair falling over my shoulders.

Landon was holding my little grandchild in his arms, bouncing him up and down since he was trying to be fussy. Nikola stared down at me sitting down the go bag on the floor of the doorway. "I thought I should take her out tonight since we have been busy with this little guy."

Swinging my legs over the couch I intertwined my hands together in my lap. Thankfully with my sister coming back for the proposal she was able to help me handle some of the things that I had been putting off. Dealing with monsters and everything left me with tons of paperwork. "I have to ask though. Why didn't you ask your sister or your cousins? I'm pretty sure Josie would be thrilled."

"Lizzie and Josie went with Alaric to have the weekend with aunt Caroline." She replied, closing the front door behind her gently. "As for my sister, she said she needed to talk with Ethan and Raf about something important. She didn't say specifically what though."

Footsteps came up the stairs where the three of us saw Klaus coming up from the basement holding a blood bag in his hands from the fridge. We had been taking blood bags from the hospital but the ones in the school were just animals. "Hello sweetheart, what brings the two newly engaged couple to our doorstep?"

"Babysitting the little one." I responded leaning my elbows on the back of the couch catching the blood bag into my hands. Tearing it opened I slowly started drinking the liquid liking that it didn't freak out Landon anymore that I did this.

Klaus rounds the couch gently taking the little from his future son in law's arms. If I was still human my heart would have skipped a beat seeing him holding a baby again. I wished that I was still human just for the chance to have another child with him. That was the one downfall to being a vampire, the blood thing didn't bug me as much as it did at first. "It shouldn't be too much trouble for us. We did raise you and your sister after all. Go on, have your fun for the night."

"You be nice to mamaw Maddie and papaw Nik now." The pair left out the front door before he sat down allowing me the chance to stare at our grandchildren.

When my mother was still alive she always said getting to spend time with me and her grandchildren was the best thing ever. I was starting to understand what she meant. "I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if I stayed human, Nik. That way we could have more little ones running around the mansion."

"I recall you said you wanted to name some of our children after Disney characters. What did you say you considered calling our daughter before we found out we would have twins." He teased me with a small smirk watching little Henry falling asleep in his arms.

Shaking my head I sent him a glare at my childhood showing through. He had been around for over a thousand years as an immortal vampire unlike me. Slapping my hands on my knees I scoffed towards my husband. "I'm sorry that Disney movies were my childhood while you were causing trouble who knows where to break your curse. As for what I would have named our daughter I loved the name Nala and for a boy I was going to name him after you or Prince Charming give or take."

"Well I must say that you are a queen in my eyes forever and always, Maddie Forbes." Klaus replied, nuzzling his nose against mine, making me giggle at him being soft compared to what everyone thought he was before I met him.

Henry started steering so I took him from his arms finding a bottle in the fridge slowly feeding him his food. The tiny infant sucked on the bottle with my eyes trained on the dark curly hair. He was given her mother's eye color but looked like her father. "I wonder what supernatural creature he will be. I mean Landon isn't a phoenix anymore. Then there's our Tribrid daughter."

"Whatever he turns out to be he will be loved and have an entire family to ride into battle with if it comes down to that someday." My mate replied, coming to wrap his arms around my waist from behind. His chin rested on my shoulder making me sigh in relief in his embrace until I felt the little boy grasp my forearm with his tiny fingers making me wince seeing something enter my mind.

"I want my daddy!" A young looking version of Henry was standing in one of the bedrooms of the school. His hair was a curly mop mess reminding me so much of his father.

Another voice entered the room that I instantly recognized as our daughter, Nikola. "I know, baby. But I didn't have a choice. We had to separate for a reason."

"Nikola, I need to talk to you alone for a second." Hope came into the room before the pair headed down the stairs standing out of the boy's ear shot so he wouldn't hear their conversation. "How long are you going to lie to him until he's old enough to understand what is really going on?"

Our eldest daughter crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know, sis. And what do you mean until he's old enough to understand. I mean we are old enough and it barely makes any sense to us half the time."

"Well you need to come up with something otherwise it will get out of hand." Hope replied back.

Nikola raised her hands shouting towards her twin giving her the hybrid face when she is really angry like her father. "Enough Hope. I had to kill Landon. I had to kill the love of my life and the father of my child. It will never be an easy thing to explain and apparently you don't understand that."

Sucking in a sharp breath I almost dropped the little baby in my hands. Luckily Klaus moved quickly catching the baby in high strong arms vamping him upstairs to lay in his crib in the spare room. He vamped back downstairs seeing me death gripping the countertop turning my knuckles white almost. "Bloody hell, Maddie. Do you care to explain why you almost dropped our grandson on his head. We were put in charge to watch over him."

"I saw a vision Nik...I saw a vision like I did when the twins were still inside my womb." I stuttered out a response feeling uneasy about what I had seen. It had become known that there was a prophecy that our daughter would kill the son of Malivore, meaning Landon. "The dark day may come for our daughter....little Henry may never get to know his father."

Klaus noticed my nerves pulling me into his chest for a hug. One hand cradling the back of my head running his fingers through my hair. Leaving the other hand to rest on my lower back holding me close. My hands were clutching the fabric of his black jacket in my fingers sobbing into his gray shirt. "Ssssh Mads, we won't let that come to pass so long as we are protecting the school. I won't let that boy not know his father....I've got you. I've got you, love."

"I just don't want our family to suffer anymore, Klaus. Fate brought us together...why do they have to suffer through their mate bond." I muttered feeling im attempting to make me feel better. We deserved to have our daughters be happy.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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