The Life We Choose

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- So I decided to just skip the Star Wars episode even though I really wanted to write for it. My mind just had no inspiration so this is the new chapter enjoy

Maddie's POV

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I sat up in the bed climbing out of the bed shrugging on some blue jeans wearing one of Klaus's shirts that I had slept in the night before. Letting my hair fall down my shoulders I opened the door seeing my husband talking with someone on the phone. "Sweetheart, slow down. What are you talking about? Someone raised another monster and then you were turned into pandas."

"Nik, what's going on. Are they coming back home?" I asked entering the room listening in on the conversation with my vampire hearing. Our daughters and Josie had gone to look for Lizzie to bring her home from a weird witch cult.

He put the phone on speaker, sitting it down on the table in the middle of the art study. Little Henry was asleep in another room and Landon had left the school for a few days. "The girls are coming back, Maddie. But we might need to prepare the school for another attack. Here's your mother's, Hope."

"Mom. Dad, don't freak out but we got drugged and there was this Star Wars thing that in the end told me what we have always been regretting. I have to become a Tribrid like Nikola." Our young daughter explained where I met my husband's nervous gaze on me.

Running a hand through my hair I didn't want to hear what she was saying. Everyday a small part of me beats myself up for Nikola dying right in front of Klaus and I. We had to watch our child die even though she came back just like we did. "We will talk through that when you all get back. But under no circumstances will we say that is our only option."

"Mom, it's the truth though. Landon and Nikola are soulmates. But our Tribrid blood can kill him." She tried to say until I raised my voice.

Hitting my hands on the wooden table I shouted towards her not wanting to have this conversation over the phone. "No! Hope Andrea Mikaelson. You and the girls get back here. Do you understand me. You are not becoming the Tribrid yet!"

"Alright we will see you when you get home." Klaus picked up the phone and hung up the call sensing that I was letting my emotions get the better of me. "Come here, Mads."

He wrapped his arms around me tugging me into his chest seeing some tears starting to slip down my face. Flinging my arms around his neck I started crying, clutching the fabric of his jacket in between my fingers. "I don't want them to have to turn to save others, Klaus. They are my children...They deserve everything good in the world!"

My mother said that a parent would do anything for their child. To keep them safe, to see them smile and everything above that. He broke the hug and still kept one hand on my lower back with his other wiping away some falling tears. "Maddie, listen to me. We will not let anyone hurt them. It doesn't matter who comes to stand against us. I swear to you that I will tear the world apart to ensure that our daughters will be safe."

"Yeah but we can say that all we want but can it really happen....can that be so true just as your family says always and forever." My voice cracked a little while I gripped his shirt in my hands. They trailed up messing with the dog necklace that he kept wearing because I enjoyed playing with it when I was bored. "We may be immortal but even we have limits, Nik....I am terrified that we might not get any more good the day the girls were born, the day we were wed...everything since the day we met!"

He cups my face in his hands, resting his forehead gently against mine releasing a breath. "Then let's shove those fears deep down. I'll take you back whenever you want. You know all you have to do is ask, love."

"Show me the moment you fell in love with me. I want to see when we were less stressed and innocent before the girls come home and it all goes into the back of my mind for months." Wrapping my arms back around his neck, closing my eyes feeling him enter my mind.

Laying on my stomach on my bed I was just staring up at the ceiling super bored out of my mind. Surprisingly today was pretty normal for the town of Mystic Falls and to be honest it annoys me very much. Lifting my head up I heard someone knock on my window so when I turned my head I saw Klaus sitting on the window seal. "Klaus, what on earth are you doing. You're gonna fall from there."

"If you're worried about me dying Maddie in case you've forgotten I am already dead." He pointed out sending me a half smile still just sitting on the seal waiting for me to open the window.

Getting to my feet I shake my head unlocking the door pushing it up allowing him inside even though he could have easily gotten through on his own. My mother had invited him already so that wasn't a problem at all. "Hah hah yes I am aware, Nik. Now what are you doing here in the middle of the night? My mother will consider this creepy and that you are trespassing."

"Let's aim to change that shall we, Maddie. May I come inside or am I forced to remain outside and just look at the beautiful blonde through some glass?" He asked, giving me the deep blue doggy eyes, making my heart skip a beat at his words.

Turning my head back towards the door to my bedroom I smiled taking a few steps back letting him inside. "Come in, Nik."

He vamped in front of me where I lifted my head up a little. "The reason I am here in the middle of the night is because I want to show you something. Take my girl somewhere for a little adventure. Do you accept?" He extended his right hand waiting for me to put my hand in it and I slowly did.

He squeezed my hand gently in his vamping us outside the house where I closed my eyes, flinging my arms around him, not opening my eyes until it felt like we weren't moving. "Klaus!"

"Open your eyes, Maddie. Trust me you'll enjoy this." He whispered in my ear where I felt his arms wrapping around my waist as I opened my eyes sucking in a breath seeing the entire town of Mystic Falls so tiny from where we were standing now.

Lifting my head up my nose brushed against his seeing that we were standing on the top of the clock tower in the middle of the town. "I can't believe you brought me up here. You better not let me fall."

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing, love. I must say you are making me fall in love with you by not being terrified up here." He shrugged his shoulders where I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling. "Not afraid of such a life with a supernatural hybrid and all."

Meeting his deep blue eyes I leaned up on my toes kissing him slowly where he deepened it. "Klaus, Elena always freaks about this crazy life but I am just choosing to accept it. I accept everything that comes with being you, Klaus Mikaelson. No matter what happens in our lives."

Footsteps rushed through the mansion where we broke from our mind dive seeing the door get opened in a panic noticing it was Alaric. He bends over out of breath since he was a human trying to tell us something. "Maddie - Klaus, attack at....Mystic"

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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