New Addition To Our Pack

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A few months later - Nikola's POV

Sitting up in the bed I run my hands through my hair getting out of the bed feeling some pain in my stomach the second I stand up. "Nikola, good you're up. I need to talk this out with someone or I'll probably destroy half the school library." My sister entered the bedroom clearly overwhelmed by something.

"Uh sure sis. What's wrong this time?" I asked sucking in a breath as the pain faded into my back so I had to sit back down.

Landon and I had made up the night we finished the musical he had written. The baby's gender was something we decided to keep a secret until the due date. Resting my hands on my belly it was making it hard to walk around with how big it had gotten in the last few months. "I think I have feelings for someone else and I might break up with Ethan. But I feel like if I do then I am a total jerk. Because what if he really likes me and I break his heart?"

"Who do you really like?" I question wincing feeling some more sharp pains in my back again making me groan. Mom had said that the last two months for her were bad and I was basically near the due date of the baby so it could be any day now.

My sister runs her hands through her hair seeing me clearly struggling with the pregnancy once again. "I think I may have feelings for Raf instead. Do you want me to go get mom or Landon to help you out?"

"No'll pass. Besides, I need to just try and walk it off. The doctor said it would help." I responded by pushing my weight off her arm that she offered me when we got downstairs. I saw Landon and our parents head into the office quickly which was odd.

Halting in our tracks I grunted bending over in pain feeling water between my legs. "Nikola?" My twin rushed forward resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Hope agh....the baby's coming!" I croaked out moving my freehand down onto my stomach hearing the tiny heartbeat almost ringing in my vamp ears.

Maddie's POV

Closing the office door behind me, Landon came into mine and Klaus's room early this morning wanting to discuss something with us. I pray that it's not a monster problem like it typically is anymore. I never realized that I would long for the normal days when we could just teach these kids how to control their abilities. "So what exactly is so important to wake us up at the crack of dawn, Kirby." My husband growled leaning against the desk.

"Nik, be nice. It's obviously important so let's hear him out first." I responded by moving to stand in front of the bookshelf.

Landon slumped his shoulders. "So I know Nikola and I haven't done the typical relationship in the right order but I - I want to marry her." He paused, throwing his head back, running his hands up and down clearly nervous about asking us this. "Uh I'm sorry I didn't think I would be more nervous then I usually am..."

"Are you asking for our blessing, mate?" Klaus asked with a raised brow crossing his arms over his chest.

Landon slumped his shoulders blurting out the question not being able to take it anymore. "Yes. Can I please have your blessing to marry Nikola?"

Slowly turning my head in the direction of my husband he holds a hand over his heart watching me. "My dear, Maddie. Why do you dare give me that look?"

"You know why Mr. Priest Hood." I sniped standing in front of him remembering the conversation we had long ago.

Leaning in the doorway in the compound we owned in New Orleans I watched our two girls playing on the floor with some colored pencils. Foots came down the hallway where I glanced over my shoulder seeing Klaus. "No matter what we went through to have this moment right here. I would do it all over again. I just wish we could live like this forever."

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