Drastic Vampire Measures

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"I can't believe this. My daughters and my husband have flipped their switches. Alaric is in a coma and that has all happened in the spam of not even twenty four hours. I mean what the hell is going to happen next!" Slumping down in the desk chair of the main office I smacked a hand to my forehead feeling frustrated.

My sister was standing in front of the wooden desk moving to sit down in the chair in front that was pulled up. She had some of her hair curled while I had mine separated into two braids falling down my shoulders. "Look, we have to face one problem at a time, Mads. I mean you managed to break Klaus from his crazy spell before so I don't see why you can't do it a second time. As for the girls, I don't think we can bring them back without Klaus."

"I agree with you on that. It just shook me you know...when I looked into his eyes he looked like a completely different person. It was like the first time I saw his hybrid face...I...I was terrified all over again." Leaning back in the chair I wrapped my arms around myself shaking a little. I usually wasn't afraid of Klaus but I was when he had his vampire switch flipped.

Caroline twirling her twin ring sends me a glance with a half smile in my direction. "It was so long ago that I thought he wasn't capable of having any real human feelings until I saw he was around you. He has been there for you through everything including our mother's death. It took me a long time before I realized it wasn't just because of the soulmate bond."

"It's always been more than that, Care. It's like he opened my mind to something that I never knew I needed. I mean think about it Caroline our lives completely changed for the better once we were introduced into the world of vampires and werewolves." Throwing my hands up from the desk I explained to her before I heard Lizzie saying something to her friends in another room. Vamping into the room I saw that Josie was lying asleep on the bed.

"Mrs. Mikaelson. I didn't know you were back yet. Where is your husband?" MG questions turning to face me with Lizzie standing beside him.

Leaning in the doorway I noticed that Jo's girlfriend Finch was sitting at her bedside until I had entered the bedroom. "My husband has been turned to the dark side yet again by my eldest daughter Nikola. And I can only assume that Josie is trapped inside the box because of Hope or her. Now would someone care to explain what exactly is going on here."

"I have a solution to our Nikola and Hope problem after what they did to my father, Aunt Maddie." Lizzie stepped forward where I could tell that I wasn't going to like what she was saying next. She avoided my gaze for a moment before she finally muttered. "I want to kill them..."

The veins underneath my eyes suddenly appeared where I snagged her wrist dragging her into the hallway trapping her in between the wall and my boys where she gasped never seeing me like this. I didn't lose my temper normally but she was coming after my children. "Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman you will never utter those words ever again or I will make your life a living nightmare. I have not gone to almost hell and back so that you could say something like that. Do you not know that they are already dead there is no way of coming back - and besides they are Tribrid's. They cannot be killed. Even if they could - they are your cousins - you're family!"

"Aunt Maddie I...They tried to kill my dad. He is in a coma - urgh!" She grunted with her hair falling in front of her eyes. I heard her heartbeat quickening with my right hand wrapped around her throat.

Pushing her up against the wall some more I didn't care. My fangs appeared where her heart skipped a beat in fear. "I am sorry about your father but it doesn't change the fact that you are talking about coming after my children. I let Hope and Nikola go to this school so you can be close - but under no circumstances will I ever allow you to hurt my babies!"

"Mads I'm sorry...ugh you're hurting me...please stop." She whimpered under my fingernails where she gripped my wrist trying to get me to pull away.

Stepping away from her I growled hearing her drop on the floor while my nose picked up a hint of blood. Glancing back at my niece I noticed that my nails had drawn a very little amount of blood from her neck so I bit into my wrist holding it out to her. "Drink Lizzie and then go watch over your sister. If I catch you anywhere else I'll tell your mother what you just told me."

"I'm sorry Aunt Maddie....I just can't believe she did this...Hope hurt my father." She gulped down my blood until the wounds healed.

I put a hand on her shoulder sending her on her way before I heard the front door of the school get thrown open. Vamping into the living room my husband dropped a dead body on the carpet where I shook in my head I felt my fangs trying to pop through at the heightened smell of blood. "Klaus, seriously you really can't drop dead bodies inside the school. We have little kids here in case you have forgotten that."

"I didn't, my beautiful wife. But you seem to forget that I have flipped that glorious switch we have so I don't care about much." He waved his finger around in the air heading down the stairs until he was standing directly in front of me. "Now what do you say to you and me taking a little trip to France. Elijah and Hayley say that it is so lovely."

Knitting my brows together I took a step backwards from him remembering that I had hidden one of Mikaelson's daggers inside the couch. Even though they didn't work on him it was better than nothing. I couldn't let him possibly hurt any students. "Klaus, we can't go traveling. Our daughters need our help. And I know you haven't forgotten that we have children to worry about.." Backing up by the edge of the coach I wrapped my fingers around the blade handle quickly drawing it out attempting to stab him.

"Maddison...Maddison...how pathetic of you." He clicked his touch snatching my wrist in his where I grunted feeling his nails drawing some blood. He drew the dagger from my grasp, tossing it away then jerking me into his chest. "Right before that little attempt I did care what I did to you but now...well maybe this will help you see what I want you to do."

He revealed his fangs pressing them into my neck where I gasped sharply feeling him drink my blood but also that his werewolf venom was entering my bloodstream. "Nik....Caroline!"

"I love you, Mads. But if you want always and forever then you will agree to my terms in France when you wake up." He moved his hands up to the sides of my neck seeing that my eyes were watering at the pain he just caused. He moved his fingers quickly snapping my neck where I collapsed into his waiting arms where he carried me bridal style vamping me out of the house.

Only a minute later the older Forbes blonde vamped into the room seeing the dagger and some blood on the floor but didn't hear the pair. She had heard he cry but wasn't as fast an Original Hybrid. "Maddie!"

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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