The Brave Bartender

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My sister leans against Klaus's car as he put the last bag in the back. Shrugging on a leather jacket I rush forward hugging her. She wrapped her arms around me smiling. "Caroline, before I go I have something to tell you. On the off chance that something happens to me I'm making you the twins godmother."

"Oh Mads. Of course I'll accept." She pulled me in for another hug looking over at Nik who was watching us most likely listening in on our conversation. "Although I don't think you'll have to worry about that. He's not gonna let anything happen to you...and as crazy as it sounds it's something we agree on."

Nodding to her my gaxe fell to our matching rings so I looped our pinkys together smiling at my twin. "I'm gonna miss you, sis. But no matter we will always be by the others side...princess Caroline."

"And princess Maddie, forever...I love you too." She declared back giving me one last hug before we got in the car driving to New Orleans.

Before I got barley get my foot out of the car he suddenly picked me up bridal style carrying me inside where I giggled standing on my feet. "We're not married yet, Nik. You're supposed to do it after...woah. This used to be your house." Lifting my head up to him wrapping my arms around his neck smiling.

"Well, don't stand here. Have a look around. It's your house now too." He gestures towards the staircase that led up to this balcony to look over. Slowly climbing the stairs my fingers brushing on the railing until I got to the top. Leaning over the railing he looked up at me with a warning. "You better not take a tumbell from there, love. I'd hate to put our children in danger."

Flipping my hair over my shoulder I shake my head going down a hallway into a large bedroom that was bigger than my room at home. Brushing my fingertips over the fabric I plopped down feeling pain in my stomach. My hair falling in front of my eyes. Moving my hands over my stomach I gasped feeling something different than pain hitting against me. Closing my eyes I smiled feeling that it's actually the twins kicking. "Nik, Nik something's happened." I cheered rushing out of the room and downstairs seeing him sitting in front of a fireplace in an arm chair.

"I assume you like it?" He smiled up at me as I climbed on his lap, grabbing his hand placing it on my stomach. "What are you doing-"

Locking gazes with him I squeezed his shoulder in my other hand trying to calm myself down so they'd kick again. "Just calm down. You'll like this." It takes a few more seconds but I felt them push against my stomach where he gasped flashing a toothy grin up at me.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen..." He trailed off burying his face in my neck planting kisses from my jaw and down finding my sweet spot. My hands moved up to his hair tugging it as I released a moan enjoying the feeling. He smirked kissing that same spot where I threw my head back getting lost in the desire.

"Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" Rebekah's voice hollered through the house making us both grumbled breaking away from each other.

He separated from me opening the set of doors seeing her standing there in a black dress. "Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?" Marcel had clearly informed him while I was looking around the house.

"They were very rude.
Trying to victim a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends." She scoffed arms crossed over her chest.

Klaus waved his hand around in front of her snapping off. "I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you."

Rebekah glares at him eyeing me as I started pacing back and forth. "I don't care about Marcel or his rules."

"Nik, can we get blood. I don't care about these rules..." I rolled my eyes heading for the front door seeing a smirk on my face so he vamped forward pinning me in between the wall and his chest.

"A few days ago you were crying now and now you seem to want to spill blood without a care. Care to fill me in, Maddie?" His hot breath mixing with mine as I parted my lips trailing my eyes up to his blue ones.

Moving underneath his arm I grab his wrist dragging him out the front door and he doesn't fight me while I entered a bar seeing the bartender we saw my first night here. "I think my switch keeps flipping back and forth because of the twins. So instead of fighting it. I say let me follow whatever it says. If you have a problem with it compel me otherwise I'm having her for a meal." Flipping my hair over my shoulders I tried to go talk to her but he snagged my wrist.

"Marcel is interested in her so take another meal...him for example." He holds my wrist pointing his index finger in the direction of a guy with dark black hair until his phone vibrates. "That's Marcel, I have to go so have fun." He kisses my forehead leaving the bar.

Striding up I rested my arms on the countertop twirling my hair until I got a smell of wolf in the air. "Tyler...what the hell are you doing here?"

"Bianca called me. You should have known why I'm here." He said through bared teeth flashing his golden eyes at me. "Klaus took everything from me. Now I'm gonna come after the thing he"

Revealing my fangs to him I clutched my hands into fists. "I've been getting stronger since the last time you saw me. So game on."

Camille walked over to us sliding me a bowl of Gumbo before Tyler left without another word. "I'm Cami. You're Maddie right. I don't think a girl should be alone in a city like this."

Raising a spoon to my lips I moaned finding that the babies enjoy this food. "I agree. Do you happen to take Vervain..." The blank expression on her face gave me the answer I wanted where I reveal my fangs biting into her wrist where she winced. Once I have my fill I retracted my fangs biting into my wrist shoving it down her throat compelling her. "You're not gonna remember I'm a vampire. You'll just remember that we talked and are becoming friends...have a good night." Turning on my heels I exited the bar until someone came up behind me snapping my neck.

Comments really appreciated

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