Eternal Love Breaks

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Hope's POV

Carrying one of Dr. Saltzman's crossbows in my hands I kept looking for my sister. The Saltzman twins were right behind me just hidden by magic since they had siphoned me earlier. Entering the boys old locker room someone started slow clapping making me spin on my feet seeing my twin biting into a redheads neck until they were completely dead. "I've been waiting for you, you little bitch. Vis sera portus." Suddenly all the doors around us shut tightly.

"You don't have to do this Nikola. This isn't you. Just come home and we can help you." I attempted to plead with her, still raising the weapon in my hands. Our mother was supposed to be handling our father. Leaving Dr. Saltzman to get the holding cells ready back at the school.

My sister dropped the dead body blood dripping from her chin without a care in the world. "I don't want to come home. Because if I go back you'll make me turn it back on. Become the hero again and remember how I felt when you abandoned us all without giving any, especially me a say in it!"

She waved her hand causing the weapon in my hands to disappear. "Nikola..." I tried bolting towards the doorway but she raised her hand, trapping me from moving from where I stood now.

"Immobilas." Biting my tongue I was only allowed to watch as my sister slowly walked around me in a circle. A smirk on her face reminded me so much of our father. "A part of me thought that I would hate getting revenge on you but I was wrong. You totally deserve it. Because of you mom and dad feel guilty and then my boyfriend got stuck in a prison world. So from where I stand you're the reason for all of my problems."

Sucking in a breath I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So you're saying you'd rather be an only child than have me as a sibling. Don't you remember when we used to play hide and seek from mom and dad or when we made our matching bracelets because we wanted to be like mom and Aunt Caroline."

"When we were seven really. You're gonna have to do better than that because I'm not gonna reminisce about old times." My twin scoffed before I felt the siphon twins on either side of me.

"Invisique." They both said revealing themselves, each holding a hand on my shoulder siphoning my magic.

Lizzie smirked towards my twin seeing her revealing her vampire fangs and the veins underneath her eyes. "Hey Tribrid. Didn't expect us did you. Let's see what three powerful witches can do against you."

"Oh wow I'm so scared." She clasped her hands together dying laughing at her threat. "Honestly Lizzie you do realize I just have to kill one of you and you won't be as powerful right. And here I thought your father taught you better."

Josie sighed heavily at her. "We don't want to hurt you, Nikola. You're our friend."

"Enough talk. It's boring me. If you're gonna fight me let's get on with it shall we. Incendia." She throws a fireball at us causing Lizzie and Josie to jump away from me but I ducked underneath it thankfully since they siphoned the magic that was holding me away. I tried running forward in an attempt to snap my sister's neck but she caught on throwing me onto my back with her vampire speed. "That was stupid of you, Hope. Until you become a Tribrid yourself you're never gonna beat me."

"Urgh Josie!" I grunted where she siphoned the magic from the door allowing someone to burst into the room.

My sister gets vamped against the wall by a wave of blonde hair giving me the chance to catch my breath seeing its my mother. "That's no way to treat you twin, Nikola!" She bared her teeth towards her.

"Really mom how pathetic is this." She suddenly vamped our mom into the wall choking her by the neck. "You keep trying to act like you and those three will hurt me. But deep down as long as you have your humanity you'll never beat me. I aim to change that, turn it off - argh!"

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