Rebellious Teenagers

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Nikola get blasted into a tree with a large branch piercing her through the heart before she collapsed to the dirt. "Nikola!" Klaus and I both screamed in such terror vampire towards her.

Nikola's POV

Shooting my eyes open I gasped frantically seeing that my parents were sighed in relief that I was alright. Slowly sitting up I grabbed where I felt the tree limb go in but the hole was healed over telling me my backup plan thankfully worked. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" My mother cupped my face in her hands making me look her in the eye.

"Mom...I'm...I'm okay." I mumbled feeling a burning sensation in the back of my throat. "Just...hungry."

My father rested his hands on my shoulders with my boyfriend pacing back in forty behind him. "You're in transition aren't you honey...whose blood did you drink in your system before you died?" His blue eyes searched me up and down, noticing that I was healed but my heartbeat wasn't really there anymore.

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