Epic Mikaelson Reunion

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"So where exactly are we going?" Landon asked during our family driving as we got closer to Nik's favorite city New Orleans.

Glancing over to my husband since he insisted on driving. Allowing the girls and I to get some sleep on the long drive. Resting my chin in the palm of my right hand I just smiled at the thought of being back in the city finally after all these years. "Landon Kirby welcome to New Orleans."

Passing the sign we parked the car underneath the compound. Nikola turned to face him playing with her hair which was a nervous habit she got from me. "So the reason I didn't tell you where we going is because I was afraid of how you would feel about meeting...the rest of my family."

"You're family...are they scarier than him?" He stuttered, pointing a finger at Klaus.

Nik gripped the steering wheel clutching his jaw. "I'd suggest choosing your next words that come from your mouth boy carefully!"

"Nik." I warned tilting my head towards him.

He sucked in a breath placing a hand on my knee. "I'll behave myself, Maddie."

"Let's go guys." Hope broke the tension stepping out of the car heading inside and the rest of us followed.

Barely making it in the doorway a wave of blonde hair engulfed me in a warm hug that belonged to Rebekah. "I've been dying to see you again, Maddie."

"Oh Bex. I've missed you too." I replied, grinning at my sister in law. She tugged me to the dining room, handing me a glass of red wine.

Footsteps approached down the stairs where I turned my head seeing Kol and Davina who waved at me until they reached the bottom. "So you've finally returned to your kingdom, Maddie. I'm surprised that my brother let you out of his bed despite his animal urges."

"Can we seriously not have that conversation? We have a guest here Kol." I sighed covering my face with my hands.

Nikola stands beside Landon while Hope is talking with her auntie Bex. "What is he talking about?" Landon asked, clearly confused.

Klaus walks up behind me wrapping his arms around me. Leaning into his embrace I intertwined my hands with his hearing him reply to the group. "What they are referring to Kirby is the night my darling wife first saw me in my wolf form. She couldn't keep her hands off me" Glancing towards the direction of our daughter and her soulmate. "Do you remember when I said that the desire for a soulmate bond was dangerous. That is what I'm talking about. Maddie wanted me so badly that night she didn't care that I could kill her."

"Klaus, Klaus!" I called out into the woods in the middle of the night. My heart was starting to beat faster as I kept searching for my mate. It was stupid for me to a human to be out here on the night of the full moon. But I needed to see Klaus.

"Maddie!" Whipping my head around I gasped seeing Klaus leaning against the side of a tree. His eyes trained on me. "What are you doing out here? It's not safe."

Dropping my hands at my sides I sighed feeling the wind blowing through my hair. "I don't really know, Nik. I just - needed to see you."

"There are wolves out here, love. They could kill you." He tried to scare me off but the soulmate bond wasn't letting me run away.

Stepping forward I placed my hands on his shoulders feeling him shutter under my touch. "I'm standing in front of a hybrid and I'm not running."

Klaus moves his hands to my waist where I could see concern in his blue eyes. "That only means I can hurt you even more...I came out here to turn at my own free will."

"Then show me, Nik. I haven't seen a werewolf transformation yet." I blurted out grasping the fabric of his black jacket in my hands.

He removed my hands from his shoulders, intertwining them with mine. "Stay back for this, Maddie." Rubbing his thumbs over before taking some steps away from me. He quickly transformed, having every bone in his body snap and break until I came face to face with a wolf that had dark brown, almost black fur and golden eyes.

His wolf form stepped forward laying down at my feet as I lowered myself on my knees reaching forward to run my fingers through his fur. "Nik, you were wrong. I know you won't hurt me. The bond tells me that you won't." He lays his head in my lap, licking my hand making me smile. Like he was saying he knew I was right.

"So you're saying that the bond will lead us to basically go racing after each other?" Landon trailed off glancing between Nik and I.

Rebekah and Hope handing us each a glass to drink leading us over to the dinner room table. "Let's discuss that later. We've come together as a family. We should enjoy it."

"Agreed Bex." I raised my glass in the air, intertwining my hand with Nik's smile.

Kol pated Landon on the back, smirking since he was clearly nervous. "Don't worry mate. If you're interested in a Mikaelson. You'll just have to worry about the constant family bickering."

Nikola was standing on one of the open balconies resting her arms on the railing looking out over the city. Hearing footsteps approached from behind her. "You got lucky tonight with my family. This is actually the most normal night we've ever had."

"I'm just relieved I'm not a danger magnet tonight." Landon chuckled, coming to stand by her side.

She smiled tucking hair behind her ear looking at him. "Landon, I uh - would you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Considering I've kissed you some I think that makes us official." He replied, resting his hand over hers. Nikola finally kissed Landon, not worrying about the soulmate bond until tomorrow.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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