Family Holiday

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- Yes I wrote a fourth of July chapter even though it's December and getting close to Christmas. It's just what came to mind 😊

A few months later
Sitting on the couch I was reading over information that my sister sent over about the merge. Footsteps entered the room where I saw my husband and my daughter coming back from their morning wolf run that had become a regular thing for them. "There's my favorite daughter."

"Mom...I'm your only daughter." Nikola grumbled still smiling the whole time as I embraced her in a hug.

She squeezed me tightly, still happy when we broke the hug. "That doesn't mean you still can't be my favorite, little wolf."

"What I'm no longer your favorite. I'm hurt Maddie." Klaus pretended to be dramatic placing a hand over his heart leaning in the doorframe.

Breaking the hug with our daughter I slowly stride up to my husband draping my arms over his shoulders. It wasn't that I didn't wish I could have given her a sibling. But apparently the supernatural universe didn't agree. "Of course you're still my favorite. She's just a mini version of you so she gets bonus points."

"That was Josie. They are setting up stuff at the school. They just asked us to get the fireworks." Nikola entered the room holding up her phone. "Oh and mom Uncle Ric says he wants to see you at the high school. He says he's got some news to tell you."

Removing my arms from around Nik's neck he snagged an arm around my waist kissing my forehead before grabbing his coat and leaving. "Have fun at the high school. I'll see you later tonight love."

Shrugging my black jacket over a red shirt and leggings. Tying light brown boots that reached almost to my ankles. Grabbing my car keys instead of just vamping to the school. Closing a door behind me I entered the principal's office seeing Alaric sit up in his chair smiling at me. "Hey Maddie, I'm glad you were able to make it."

"What's this chat about, Ric?" I asked pulling out a chair sitting in front of his desk. After Klaus gave me Nikola's blood and healed me from the bullet I learned that Ric had given the information to Triad. That everything they knew that could hurt us was because of him. So the Salvatore school was looking for a new headmaster and that's how he ended up back working at Mystic Falls High School.

He intertwined his hands together on the desk, sighing avoiding my gaze for a few minutes. He had also grown a beard in the time away. "It's about my position at the Salvatore School. The kids voted me out but I thought you would like to know their"

"I'm sorry, what now?" I blurted out whipping my head forward not hearing him the first time.

Alaric cleared his throat staring straight into my eyes slowly saying the words over again. "Maddie, they voted you to become the new headmaster - uh correction headmistress of the school."

Gripping the edge of the desk I sucked in a breath not expecting him to be giving me the news. It was crazy to think the kids chose me. I am not entirely sure I would be good at running a school like my twin sister. "Ric, are you serious right For real me. I mean I'm honored but I don't believe it. Why me?"

"Their notes were basically that you and Klaus understood them better. That you fight alongside them well and that you tell the truth." He explained running his fingers through his hair before he looked at a clock behind my head heading for the door. "I'll walk you out."

Exiting the door my vampire hearing picked up on two heartbeats. One human separate from Ric and another supernatural. Turning my head in that direction I recognized a young boy talking with a girl that has brown hair checking out a janitor's closet for some reason. "Aren't you a little short for a janitor? It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school." The boy replied simply.

"Oh, no, I-I wasn't hiding. I-I was, um, uh, I was looking for the principal's office." The girl explained to him sounding sort of familiar for some reason.

Leaning closer to Alaric's ear as we walked towards them I whispered curiously. "Who is that girl and boy anyway?"

"Well that's Ethan Machado. His mother is the new sheriff since Matt left. And she's...huh I'm not sure. I've actually never seen her before. Have you?" He raised a brow in confusion.

Shaking my I focused closely listening in on their conversation again. "Well, you're in luck. I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you."

"Hi. I'm Principal Saltzman. Who are you?" Alaric stepped forward looking at the girl with brown hair who seemed surprised to see him.

She stuttered out, moving her gaze from him to me. "Oh I'm - uh Hope - Hope Marshall."

Tilting my head to the side I looked down at the bracelet that I was wearing that matches the one my daughter wears. She said it had the initials H. M. But I couldn't place where I felt like I knew this girl from. Like I somehow had a connection with her. I just couldn't put my finger on how exactly. "Hi I'm Maddie. It's nice to meet you, Hope." Turning on my heels I headed towards the exit waving bye to the two. "Bye Ric I'll see you later."

Getting back to the school I saw that there were lights, drinks and food set out. We decided to set up the little family event in the woods outside the back of the Salvatore school. "Hey aunt Maddie. How does everything look? Lizzie and I set it up."

"It looks amazing Josie." I beamed hearing the car door be shut with Nik carrying the fireworks with a random guy walking behind him.

Walking up to my husband I whispered up to him knowing that he was told to go get fireworks. "Care to explain why you brought fireworks and clearly a random human to the party?"

"I simply compelled this manager to come set up the fireworks so I could spend my time under the stars with you and our girls." He smirked, intertwining his hands behind his back.

Shaking my head I heard Nikola and Landon laughing while the manager was setting up the fireworks to shoot off in a few minutes. Klaus tugs me down to sit on the ground wrapping his arms around me while I sit in between his legs. "I love you, Mads." He mumbled kissing the crown of my head, feeling me lean into his embrace.

Nikola and Landon were about to kiss in front of us until the fireworks went off suddenly. The worker screamed falling back where I lifted my head up seeing Lizzie was holding the remote and had set off the fireworks smiling. "Lizzie!"

"Sorry auntie Mads. But he was being slow about it." She replied when I shook my head snuggling up in Klaus's embrace.

Meanwhile Hope walked into Alaric's office in the high school coming from the parry she saw from the school. "
Um, my name's not Hope Marshall. It's Hope Mikaelson. I'm Klaus and Maddie's daughter." Alaric rose to his feet not believing it to be possible that they had a kid they didn't remember.

"And I know you don't remember this, but, um you're the closest thing I have to a father now." Her voice broke as she started crying. Wishing that Malivoire didn't have to completely take away the memory of her. "And the entire world has forgotten that I exist, including my twin sister and...basically my entire family, so I have absolutely no idea what to do next."

He moves forward wrapping his arms around her shaking body. "It's okay. We'll figure it out together." She clings onto him, missing her family more than ever.

Comments really appreciated

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