Which Witch Did You Call?

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Klaus had allowed Kol to get a redo of our night out since I was captured by the hunter that was still locked up in the mansion as far as I knew. With my hand intertwined with Kol's we decided to just stroll the streets tonight. The plan was he was gonna take me to Chicago for a few days. "I do hope this time nothing bad happens to you, darling. I fear Nik will ring my neck if it does." He spoke looking down at me.

"Well he can't kill you because then I'll feel it and he won't like that either." I pointed out where he squeezes my hand in his.

"For once there might be someone who unites the Mikaelson Brothers together...not for revenge." I chuckled looking forward and seeing my sister walking to us waving to me making us stop in our tracks.

The wind blows through her hair but she carries a notebook in her hands clearly working on the next themed dance night for school. "Hey sis, would you mind helping me pick which theme for the dance coming up?"

"Care, are you feeling alright. You never let anyone pick for events except you?" I raised my brows knowing something was up. For as long as I can remember she was on the dance committee so she could vote on everything.

"Please Mads. It'll be quick I promise.' She begged giving me puppy dog eyes where I caved not being to say no to my twin when she does that.

Removing my hand from Kol's she tugged me over to the side opening the notebook but I couldn't focus when I felt a snag against my heart. Grabbing my chest I spun around on my heels seeing Kol fighting with Damon who tries to stab him with a stake. Shoving my hands in my pocket I yanked my phone out dialing the number of a witch Kol had given me in case of emergencies. "Kol need your help!"

"Say no more. You're lucky I am near where you were." She replied before I collapsed onto the ground clutching where my heart was seeing that Damon had gotten a tip of the stake. Stefan holds Kol on the ground with Bonnie coming around the corner hand raised causing pain to shoot through his mind like a headache.

Kol winced where I grab my hair with my freehand seeing my sister race over trying to figure out how to help me. Clutching my eyes tightly closed I bend my head on the ground. "Maddie I'm sorry. I didn't know about this I swear to you." She gripped my shoulders seeing me cry until I heard Damon and Stefan both wince dropping to their feet like we were moments ago.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie. But I have a deal to protect these two." A woman with long dark hair and almond brown eyes. She has he4 hands raised coming around from behind me and my sister. Flickering her wrist she shoved Bonnie backwards.

Kol vamped over to me wrapping his arms around my waist where I wrapped my arms around his neck. Apparently he had vamped us out into the woods in the place where Esther tried to kill me. Resting my hands on my knees he returned with the witch lady who holds a hand over her mouth trying to not throw up from the speed. "Thank you, Lucy Bennett." He rests his hand on her shoulder with a slight smirk.

"Wait a second. Did you say, Bennett..like related to Bonnie?" Spinning in my boots my hair falling over my shoulders eyeing the woman named Lucy up and down.

She nods her head yes in agreement with Kol leaning in the doorway of the witch tomb. "Yes I am related to her Ms. Forbes."

"You know who I am?" I questioned taken back a little.

"When Esther was alive I heard word of her spell from Bonnie. The witches view the bond between the Mikaelson Brothers as a bad thing...as a weakness that they all share." She explained taking my hands in hers locking gazes with me softly. "If you wouldn't mind I would like watch over you, Maddie. See what abilities this bond gives you."

Kol stepped up draping an arm over my shoulder nodding to the witch before us. "As long as you protect her from harm. That's a fair deal."

"Please don't hurt my sister, Caroline please." I begged giving her the puppy dog eyes where she shakes my hand in hers.

Back at the Mikaelson mansion Klaus pulled back a dagger from inside the hunters chest where he grunts dropping the weapon to the floor covered in blood. Klaus grabbed him by the throat flashing his hybrid face to him wanting answers in some way. "Why did you take her. Why did you take my mate, who's human. Why!"

"You're looking for the cure for vampires...did you honestly think somebody wouldn't just start coming after you and your siblings." The hunter coughed some blood eyes locked onto Klaus. He gripped the chains in his hands tightly for strength to hold himself up. "It's just a theory with hunters but everytime an original dies the Forbes girl's system gets weaker...once the last one dies..so shall she!"

Let me know what should happen next

Comments really appreciated

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