chapter 1 - welcome to the jungle

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Passing the recommendation exam was much easier than Komi thought it out to be. it was purely just a running test to see who would win. Komi ended up coming third and it saved her a spot in UA's hero course, along with her brother, Shoto.

Fuyumi and Natsuo congratulated Komi over a dinner Fuyumi made. Endeavour didn't bother to attend the dinner, which just put Natsuo in a pissy mood. Komi never liked Endeavour all that much, but he could've at least came for his actual children. It was probably the first time this year, and maybe it was the first time in a few years that Komi had dinner with Fuyumi and Natsuo. 
Shoto wasn't allowed to join, and he just had normal dinner with his father. Shoto wasn't allowed to 'mingle' with Natsuo and Fuyumi all that much. Even though they were siblings, Endeavour didn't bring them together.

He didn't care much for Komi though. Komi wasn't really his kid. She was adopted when she was really young, and has lived in this house since then. In fact, Endeavour didn't care much about Komi at all. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't mention that she was only here to benefit Shoto's pro hero career.

Once, Komi made the mistake of saying how she wanted to be a pro hero as well. She had her own reasons she wouldn't share with the man, but it still made him angry enough to not feed her for a week. Shoto slipped her some food when he could, and Komi would respect him for that. But at times when Shoto did something for Komi, she wasn't sure if it was out of the good of his heart or the fact that he wanted to piss off his father.

Komi felt guilt in her heart a lot for that reason. She hated that she thought like that, but how was she to not? She barely knew Shoto much more than Fuyumi or Natsuo did. And Touya...but we don't talk about Touya anymore.

And Komi didn't know if it was for his heart or his anger for his father that Shoto flatly refused to go to UA unless Komi came along with him. It took a lot of convincing and a lot of arguing before Endeavour threw his fists in the air and agreed.

So now, Komi and her brother Shoto were making their way through to the gates of UA. Komi admired the trees on the side, and she tried not to draw any attention to herself. She hated being looked at. And hated the gasps and hushed whispers that followed.

"Shoto..." Komi began, making the boy hum in response. "What name do I go by? Shizuki or Todoroki?"

"Whatever you feel is best." He said plainly, making the girl next to him sigh.

Her birth name was Kuyami Shizuki. She never liked her name, so she went by Komi. The only people to call her 'Komi' was  Shoto. Enji called her Kuyami, despite the girl rarely answering to it. Komi didn't really know anyone else to call her that.
She was also raised by the Todoroki's, but she never really felt that she should introduce herself as one. Endeavour also enrolled Komi under her given name.

As Komi walked up the steps, she pulled down the trim of her skirt, afraid of what people behind her might see. The skirt itself was already short, so it didn't help walking up stairs. Komi wore thigh-high sock, to help hide her exoskeleton. Her hands didn't have anything to hide it, but it wasn't the worst thing Komi hated about herself.

"I'll just go by Shizuki then." Komi didn't expect for anyone to want to make friends with her. She was used to having people walk the other way because of how Komi looked. People who don't do well with spiders were the worst.

Komi and Shoto were put in a class called '1A', it was the top hero class for first years. As Komi held the door open, she found a list of names on the board in the arrangement of the seating. Shoto was placed up the back in the third row. As Komi walked to her assigned seat, she noticed there was an uneven amount of students in the class.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now