chapter 15 - hero names

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Komi wasn't usually a morning person, but she woke up with the sun the next day. The day she was going to go to UA. There was certain pride in Komi as she slipped on her uniform. Pride that even though she was scared shitless of Endeavour, she was able to throw her hands out on the fire like that.

Komi felt like her hero journey was finally starting. In fact, she barely even paid too much attention to her hair this morning. It didn't look half as bad as Komi believed it did, and honestly, her hair grew fast enough for three people so it wouldn't be long before it was at it's original length.

And in fact, along the way to the school, Komi was stopped on the footpath and the train about a total of 7 times as she was recognized from the sports festival. It was almost surprising the amount of people that didn't say she was a disgrace to the human race.

And as the girl arrived back to class and sat in her seat, all she heard was how everyone got recognized on their way to school, just like Komi and Shoto did. As the black haired girl separated from her spot to go sit down, there was many conversation about how people  looked, stared and complimented her class for what they were doing.

"All it took was one sports festival and suddenly we're like celebrities!"
"This school really is just amazing."

Komi was sat in her seat the moment Aizawa opened the doors, and as Asui mentioned, the man had all of his bandages off his body and no longer looked like a walking mummy.
"The old lady went a little overboard with the treatment."

From what Komi knew of Recovery Girl, was that she gave people a little peck to heal them quicker. And from what else Komi knew, was that she had to get her mind out of the gutter, because no, Recovery Girl and Aizawa did not make out. That was weird, but Komi was weird so it will happen again, warning in advance.

"Anyways, we have a big class today on hero need codenames." Aizawa paused for dramatic effect, leaving Komi to wonder if he was secretly a theater kid or something in a past life. "Time to pick your hero identities."

"This is gonna be totally awesome!" The class jumped out of their seat, whooping and cheering for the idea of the fun class.

Aizawa then borderline growled, used his quirk -therefore making silence  and order once again come of his classroom. "This is related to pro-hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together."

Komi went a little pale, as last time she had a class with Aizawa, she did nothing but dissociate the entire time because she thought she was leaving UA. 

"Normally students don't have to worry about the draft pick yet. Not until their second or third year, but your class is different." Aizawa informed. "In fact, by extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offer can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though."

"What your saying is, we'll still have to prove ourselves after recruitment!" Hagekure, if that's what Komi knew her name as, said.

"Correct." Aizawa nodded his head before turning to face the rest of the class. "Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers."
Aizawa grabbed some kind of remote and pointed it to what Komi thought was a chalkboard, but was now a screen? Komi couldn't keep up anymore.

Anywho, the results showed up and it wasn't much of a surprise to the noirette that Shoto climbed the highest with a score of 4123 pro heroes who want him on their agencies. The next was Bakugo who got 3556 different pro heroes wanting him on their team. It was the opposite to how they ranked in the festival, and the ash blond was probably foaming at the mouth over that fact.

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