chapter 25 - a lot of letters

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It was a weekend when Komi was emitted back to the Todoroki house. She woke up alone, but in a strangely warm room not too long after her surgery. She had a sleepless night and when back to the house on Saturday morning.
It was now 10:47am and Komi walked through the door and was presented with roughly 15 or 20 letters.

"Oh." Komi blinked as she caught all the letters before they fell onto the ground. Of all the things she expected after coming back, a bunch of letter was the least thing she though they'd be.

"I received those in your name." Endeavour explain as he crossed his arms. "Do you have any enemies?"

In short, Komi got 17 different letters and when she looked at them, they were from all different kinds of countries, all with the same handwriting and Endeavour was asking if she had any this was probably not a mystery pen pal Komi didn't know she had.

"I- no?" Komi fiddled with the letters so they wouldn't fall form her grip. "Why, what do they say?"

After following Endeavour to his office and placing the letter's down, Endeavour took charge in ordering them in there number placement. Each letter had one single word inside and when pieced together, it spelt out nothing short of eerie.



















"Does this mean anything to you?" Endeavour was talking to Komi like she was some civilian who got death threats. But this wasn't a death threat, this was just...weird.

Komi shook her head. "I don't know the handwriting either."
It couldn't be anyone in the class, as Komi knew damn well no one had that messy of handwriting.

"There are no finger prints or dna samples, it's as if the paper had never been touched." Endeavour added. Komi was like that, which was why he first thought they were from her. Komi's hand were so smooth that she didn't have a finger print, but a smooth blob. It was unique to say the least.

"So no one wrote them? It is a prank?" Komi shrugged, not thinking too much of it.

"I thought so but..." Endeavour moved the post stamps of the letter so they were placed over each other expect for the first letter of each country. 
It all looked like gibberish at first, but upon further inspection.

"UA...." Komi read aloud, the first two letters from Uganda and Austria -countries that have nearly nothing in common. "MA VENOM?"
The next lot of countries were from Mexico and Austria, followed by Venezuela, Egypt, Nigeria Omar and then Malaysia.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now