chapter 5 - usj and the cacophony of problems

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Komi always was a fast runner. Whether it be from her quirk or not, it didn't seem to matter. She could sprint long distance for an hour or two if she really needed to.
However, all her speed didn't feel close to fast enough when she saw an inhumanly tall creature practically teleport over to three of her classmates. The green haired boy, Midoriya, had tried punching a blue haired man, but the inhuman creature took place over that man.

Aizawa was on the floor, with a pool of blood surrounding him. Komi's legs didn't feel like they ran fast enough. She wasn't sure when she got too far away from the group of boys, but there were people in danger and her heart was beating fast.
The homeless looking teacher was closer so she slid down over to him first. She shook him, but the man was pale and pouring blood out everywhere. His limbs were twisted in ways they shouldn't be.

When the doors of the USJ smashed open, Komi could feel the back of her neck grow cold. At first she frightened that more villains where arriving, but upon snapping her head up to look at the top of the stairs, she saw All Might -without a smile.

"All Might!" She heard the small purple boy whine out in praise. "We're saved!"

All Komi did was blink and so much had happened. All Might had jumped down to the center, pick up Komi, Aizawa and the three in the water all the while punching the villains then bring us to safety.
Komi blinked, looking around, having to get with it quickly.

"Take Aizawa back to the entrance, and hurry, he doesn't have much time."
The number hero had his back turned to Komi and the other three. The order and his physique reminded her all too much as the man who was supposed to care for her.

Midoriya seemed conflicted about All Might's request, but after seeing the man hold his thumb up, the green haired boy was convinced enough to go ahead. Midoriya had taken Aizawa's front on his left side while Komi took the right side. The smaller purple haired boy who Komi wasn't too fond of took the man's legs. The frog girl walked in front with dinosaur arms.

With her webs, Komi tried to hold Aizawa's bones in place and did her best to stop the bleeding. On his eye, or rather just below it, there was a deep cut that would most likely scar. First meeting the man, Komi wasn't sure about him, but after this event, Komi had a lot of respect for him. Hero or not, it takes guts to jump in the middle of an unfair fight with people who have nothing to lose.

"Tsu, do you mind taking Aizawa for me?" Midoriya asked and the frog girl accepted it without hesitation. Komi felt a cold feeling on the back of her neck.

"Of course, but what will you do?" The girl asked and Komi started to hold Aizawa less, watching the green haired boy carefully.

He took one step, followed by another. Komi started to bolt after him the second he took off. The small boy screaming after the two of them. Looking ahead, Komi could see All Might in  an uncomfortable position with blood seeping through his white shirt on his side. Some cheap trick the villains used had trapped him.

Komi felt the same cold feeling, but this time it wasn't her neck. She whipped her head around to finally see her brother show up, Bakugo and Kirishima also running along. It didn't take long before they forced themselves into the fight.

Bakugo had caught the misty guy, and the villain with the blue hair looked like he was having a temper tantrum.

While All Might ripped himself free, Shoto came running over to Komi.
"Are you insane?" He gripped her shoulders and she just said nothing while staring at him with wide eyes. He's never yelled at Komi before. "Why would you run right towards the villains!?"

"I-" Komi blinked, unsure of what to say. Her mind went through thousands of thoughts, but one stained her mind forever.
He reminded her of Endeavour right now. The yelling, the anger on his face. It was him.

"Think bout things before you go through with it!" Shoto ran his hand through his hair. "Be careful, please."

"I'm sorry, but he was in danger..." Komi blinked, leaning back from him slightly.

Shoto didn't respond after that. Instead, he just looked on forward, the side of his face covered in ice. His hero costume was one thing he had control over, and he took that advantage way too far. Komi would never say it out-loud, but his hero costume was a real piece of work.

Komi was brought from her trance by the low and menacing muttering by the villain with the light blue hair. She couldn't hear what he was saying, but she made out some of it. By a single word, the bird-like villain snapped his bones and tore his own limbs off to get out of the ice that Shoto made.
Komi followed the gaze the villain had and it went straight to Bakugo.

Her back suddenly straightening once more, she flung her arm out and shot out a web towards Bakugo. The bird-brain villain, however, was impossibly fast, and his speed cut right through the web's Komi made, the air force snapping them.

However, Bakugo appeared right in front of Komi, without any webs attached to him. She was confused at first, and she looked back up as the other noticed Bakugo lying on the ground. While the green haired boy praised the ash blond for his reflexes, Komi didn't seen Bakugo move at all. He didn't noticed the villain coming at him, and Komi couldn't make it in time.

"All might." She said in a low whisper, as she couldn't find the star-spangled man. She turned her gaze to the specks of dust that fluttered around the ground, and caught sight of blond hair, and the villain.

"You think you can get away by being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others! Well you know what All Might? That pisses me off, why do people get to decide that some acts of violence are heroic and others are villainous, that doesn't seem too fair." The blue haired villain with the hands yelled.

"Casting judgement to what's good and what's evil. You think your the symbol of peace? Your just another government funded toy used for violence. And violence always brings more violence, I'll make sure the world understand that once your dead." His words stained on Komi.

casting judgement to what's good and what's evil? That was the life Komi lived. People looked at her and thought villain.
It was worse when they recognized her lineage. Who her parents were. What her parents were.

"Your nothing but a villain. Criminals like you always try to make your actions sound noble, but admit it, your only doing this because you like it, isn't that right!" All Might said, fighting back against the villain.

"We've got them outnumbered." Shoto stepped forward. Komi turned to the array of bodies lying around. They wouldn't stay down for long.

The reasons to fight the villains kept piling up. Komi was wanting to fight too, until All Might stepped up, telling all Komi and the rest to stand down.

"Don't attack." He warned them. "Get out of here."

All Might told the five of them not to fight, however, the villains weren't going to listen to him. The blue haired villain listed some orders to some 'Nomu' and then the bird-brain villain jumped into action.
Komi didn't really care what All Might said. She and Shoto were in danger. And if she couldn't protect one person, let alone herself, then she had no right to be in a hero-class.

But, Komi didn't fight any more that day.
Instead, All Might had the fight, and Midoriya - the green haired boy- tried to fight as well, but broke his legs instead.

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