chapter 31 - pulling my punches

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A failure.

A horrible, horrible failure.
That is what is was.

Whoever came up with the grand idea of letting Bakugo, Midoriya and Komi on a team would be hung, drawn and quartered for all Komi could care for. It was a mess, a mess that Komi couldn't help nor fix.

Firstly, the best and most noticble mistake was the fact Midoriya and Bakugo cannot work together. It was impossible.
Bakugo was wanting to take charge and do everything that would make him shine out on top while also making it the most hardest task to compelte while also being more delusional than anyone Komi has ever met.
Then, good old Midoriya just couldn't stand up to himself. At least, not with Bakugo. Calling him 'Kacchan' 24/7, you would think they were friends, but the way they were behaving, Komi was lead to think Bakugo good as near bullied the poor green haired boy.

Midoriya suggested something, Bakugo would yell and say how stupid it was of an idea. Bakugo would suggest something and Midoriya wouldn't be the biggest fan and so Bakugo would take offence.

Then Komi was left to stand in the middle of the two so they wouldn't punch each other (that meaning Bakugo wouldn't start a fight) and therefore get disqualified. 

Everytime Midoriya tried to explain the plan he had -which was the only plan and honestly, not a great one, Bakugo would sped up his walk and try to get away. Midoriya would then follow and Bakugo would yell.

Midoriya did anything and Bakugo basically got the shits. It was folly, it was stupid, it was so, so stupid. Here they were, trying to pass a heavy important exam and Bakugo was sulking over the fact he didn't like the person he was paired with as much.
While Komi could go on about how Midoriya was sucking up to All Might way too much, it was Bakugo that was starting to piss Komi off.

He pissed her when he called her 'charcoal hands' -granted, he did stop, but that was only the first jab at Komi. It was listening in on the conversation at the Sports Festival, it was blowing her hair off, it was every little thing, it was his anger, the way he reminded her of Endeavour from time to time.

It was Bakugo.

Somehow, it was always him. He managed to truely pissed Komi off. It was the way he treated his mother, the way he was such an egoist. It was just Bakugo.
His angry little voice, his angry little footsteps, his angry little hair. His angry little self.

He got to be so angry. He was allowed to be so angry.
He got to be angry, he got to be angry and it pissed Komi off.

Why couldn't he just get over himself? This moment wasn't all about him, it mattered got Midoriya and Komi as well, he wasn't alone and he was acting like the grade would only count for him.
He was acting like he had the chains of leadership despite being like Bakugo.

"Stop following me!" He dared to say, as if Komi and Midoriya were his 'loyal' followers who trail behind him.

Komi wasn't like that. Not anymore. She changed. She's changing, so doesn't follow people around like a lost dog. Komi didn't bow her head, she didn't go along with what made her disagree.
She had a voice, she had two feet she stood tall on, she had her chin which she kept high.


Run away
Hell, it was a powerful instinct. An instinct Komi had to get rid of. She couldn't call herself a hero if standing for herself and others were a hard task.

But here was Bakugo, strutting and insulting everywhere he went. That was his character, that's what Komi saw him as. It was mean and unkind to him, but Bakugo has been nothing but that. And he got away with it all, that's what pissed Komi off the most.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now