chapter 29 - crush culture

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Looking through her notes of every class she's part taken this year, Komi would say she's going pretty alright. Her English was practically fluent at this point and traditional Japanese was really easy considering all the old care takers in the Todoroki house would use it. And every other class wasn't too much of a hassle.

Then there came Math.
Every day, Komi was fighting for her life to keep up in math. It hated her, she hated it. There was nothing to be done about, Komi was just an idiot when it came to math. It was the only reason she wasn't top of the class, simply for the constant D she was getting in Math.

She was stuck in 7th place for the midterms over the fact that she left half the page blank and barely got half a question right in the rest she's answered. She did ask Fuyumi for help once, but Fuyumi's specialty was elementary schoolers who still had nap time. Natsuo was off in college so he had his own worries and Shoto....

Well, you know, he's...

"You just carry this over here and multiply it." Shoto explained.

"By what?" Komi furrowed her eyebrows.

"The sum." Shoto pointed.

"When did we get the sum?" Komi was lost.

"When we divided it by it's squared root." Shoto was not helping.

"What!?" Komi couldn't be saved.

Well, he's just Shoto. And besides Komi would rather have her teeth pulled out than ask Endeavour for help...

Anyways! After Aizawa left the class with a less than onmious note about how there was little than a week left until the exams, the class itself jumped to life with worry, concern, chill and rage (lovely having Bakugo there for that).

"Sounds like I should be studying with her!" Kirishima made a little joke over the fact that Momo and some of the class were having a study session and Momo was getting very excited about it all.

"You think I don't know enough?" Bakugo snarled, as he just had to get angry. "Maybe I'll beat it into you!"

"I'm counting on it." Kirishima sweatdropped.

As Komi was sitting reasonably close to the two of them, she could hear them talking. At this point, Komi had gotten incredibly annoyed of Bakugo. He was unnessecarily loud and an honest to god, down right ass hole.

Shaking at her head, Komi tried to ignore him because it really wasn't her buisness. If he wanted to be loud and angry then he can for all Komi could care. Until the day it affected her, Komi couldn't care.

It was lunch now, and Komi fully planned on scoffing down whatever lunch rush had order because girl was hungry. The door of class 1A also managed to survive as Komi didn't rip it off it's hinges.
With her stomach already making sounds that could be mistaken for that of a whale trying out it's mating call, Komi happily got some food and made her way over to where Shoto was sitting.

It was strange, how Shoto managed to get to where they usually sat every day before Komi got there. He was already eating his food, and yet Komi left the classroom before him. She made a mental note to ask him if he had some kind of teleportation quirk.

However, before she could ask him, Komi was minor preoccupied with the way Shoto was choosing to look at her. His eyes were narrowing in on her, looking her up and down as he sat down. Komi lightly drew in her eyebrows as he did so.

"...Shoto, do you want to share something or....?" Komi shrugged, breaking her chopsticks to start scoffing in her food.

"I think you've gotten taller." Ah well, of course he had to look at Komi like he couldn't recognize her from a really far distance away.

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