chapter 22 - why i oughta

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The next day at school, Komi had her mind set.
She was going to make some friends.

Granted, it was easily and both harder than she thought it would be. First thing, she needed to accept that she looked like what she looked like. And that was already difficult. How was she supposed to ignore the raging fact that she wasn't as normal as everyone else?
And she had to get over her shyness and talk to people? Actual people?

Halfway through the morning and so far the only people that Komi had spoken to could only really count as one. And that was Shoto.
So really, did it actually count?

She still had some of the bruising around her eye, but her nose was no longer slightly crooked and she was starting to heal. Komi's healing process was a little quicker than most people and it was probably accounted for on her quirk -however, Komi didn't know what part of it healed her faster.

"Woah, Kirishima you really weren't kidding!" Denki slapped Kirishima and Sero as Komi walked in after Shoto, once again dodging the case of breaking the door. "She seriously walk into a pole?"

"Must've been a massive pole." Sero mutter and Denki smirked at his friend. "Do-"
"You know what else is a massive pole?"

While Sero and Denki fought over who had the massive pole in this situation, Mina and Kirishima -and now an involved Jiro all spoke about Komi for a moment.
"Why was she even walking around that late at night away? Seems kinda dangerous."

"She was wearing a uniform so I think she got a job." Kirishima recalled, now looking away from Komi as she sat down and sorted through her bag.

"Really!" Mina exclaimed before deflating. "God, I wish my parents let me get a job..."

"Yeah.." Kirishima nodded his head and in the corner of his eye he noticed a certain blond's ear getting bigger and bigger as he was listening to the conversation. "Hey, what do you think Bakugo?"

"Shut up!"
It wasn't much of an answer, but it was what Bakugo had to offer.

But he couldn't think straight when everyone was talking so loud that he couldn't think. Bakugo remember perfectly well when his mother invited Komi into his family's car to driver her to her house.
He remembered going up the driveway and watching her walk through the door into her home. She got home. She was in her house and she didn't have a black eye.

There was no time for Kirishima to show up and assist Komi for a black eye she didn't have. When the ash blond first heard Kirishima talking about it, he thought that he was making it up as a way to make conversation or something. But Komi did have a black eye.

But why would Bakugo care? It wasn't his fault she was so clumsy. He didn't have to care.

When the hero course training finally came around, Komi only managed to talk to one set of people -which was more than she was hoping for. However, it ended up being about the size of the massive pole she (didn't) run into. It was Sero and Denki asking the question, but it was Jiro that ushered them away.

"We're going to have a special guest arrive soon, but until then we're going to do a quick exercise." Aizawa explained as he forcefully woke himself from a nap.

Komi was ready and in her hero costume. Whoever this special guest was, they were taking a long time. Neithertheless, Komi was ready to learn to become a hero.

"In randomized teams of three, we'll practice on rescuing. One person will be the hero, one the villain and one the hostage. The villain will have 5 minutes to choose a place to hide before a 15 minute timer will begin for the hero. The goal is for the villain to stop the hero from taking the hostage out of the building before the timer goes off, sound simple enough?"

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now