chapter 10 - fighting stance

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"Let's not cool this hot streak! Time to move on to the 6th match!" As Present Mic yelled over the intercoms of the stadium, Komi walked towards the block of concrete. "Offense and Defense in one! The dark samurai and his darker shadow! From the Hero Course, Fumikage Tokoyami!"

"Versus! She's admitted from recommendations, and I think we can all see why! The spider girl, Kuyami Shizuki!"

Komi's only thought was to be quick and precise in fighting Tokoyami. She barely battled him in the cavarly battle, but she knew his shadow was a great quirk. Komi just hoped her's was better.

"Sixth's match....Start!"

"Dark Shadow! Go!' Tokoyami yelled, and the bird-like shadow emitted from Tokoyami, gunning straight towards Komi.

Diving to the side, Komi instantly dodged the attack and aimed her wrist at the boy. Shooting her webs, it almost seemed like they might've reached the bird head if it wasn't for the blocking by the shadow that stopped it. 
Throwing the web to the ground, Komi decided to try and get close to Tokoyami. His shadow got more crazy, pushing and headbutting Komi as she moved on. Getting tired of the constant smacks to the ribs by the quirk, the green eyed girl grounded herself and waited for the attack the shadow would give her.

As the charging head came towards her lower ribs once more, two pairs of dark, porcelain like black hands latched onto it. Almost instantly, Komi was flown by into the air, only hanging on by the shadow.

"Woah! What's this? Shizuki is taking a ride on Tokoyami's quirk! Looks like fun!" Present Mic yells as Komi tries to ignore him. 

Unneeded commentary, but Komi wasn't in the mood to focus on that right now. Instead, she let go of the shadow and tried to push herself off it. Floating in the air, for maybe just a split second gave Komi all the chance she needed to possibly get the upper hand. Holding her breath, Komi aimed her wrists at the ground on either side of Tokoyami before letting a pair of webs fly out from their sockets and attach to the ground.

Pulling herself down with all the brunt force she had, Komi was coming in hot towards Tokoyami. Komi knew that Dark Shadow was in hot pursuit of her, but maybe gravity had a bias liking towards Komi as she reached Tokoyami before Dark Shadow was able to stop her.

A foot to the chest after slicing through about 20 feet of air had to hurt. And as Komi picked up the collar of his uniform and threw it towards the white line showing the out of bounds area, it was only Tokoyami's finger that betrayed him as he then lost the match.

"And just like that, Shizuki wins!" Present Mic yells, whooping into the microphone. "An overwhelming defeat!"

Tokoyami slowly rose from his fall position, and he placed his legs together as he moved his arms to his sides. Seeing his actions, Komi copied them as she and Tokoyami bowed to each other before leaving the stadium centre.

Komi liked that round. There wasn't any talking like all the rest of them. Well, in Midoriya's fight, there was a little bit of talking. And in Shoto's fight before he blasted the entire stadium with ice, there was momentary talk.
But not in Komi's. No. Tokoyami was here to win or lose, and he just so unfortunately had to do the latter.

There wasn't much to be done to fix herself up with Recovery Girl, so Komi went to find her brother instead. Walking down the halls in search of her brother, Komi rather found the one person she'd rather not see.

"Sir." Komi had to greet Endeavour as Komi saw him. He was already looking at Komi like he knew she was coming this way. And the girl would rather greet him than find out what he would do if she just walked away.

"You might fight my son." Endeavour started as he didn't move a muscle. Komi didn't either, she just waited for him to say what he wanted before she could move on. "If you do that, I don't care what fancy tricks you pull, just let him win in the end."

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