chapter 9 - suddenly i see

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Komi heard some students yell that the three robots were from the exam, and this is what they faced, then maybe Komi underestimated some of them. By the sheer size of them, Komi wondered how the school even got the funding or the license for them.

Komi wasn't going to wait around until someone else did something with them, so Komi bent down and jumped into the air. She landed on one of the robots legs and she stuck to it, even though it didn't look very possible. Just quirk tingz for ya.

She shot a few webs into it's knee and then she bounced around, hopping from robot to robot. It wasn't long before she felt the freeze of the ice, but by the time Shoto fired his ice attack, Komi hit the ground running.
Shoto, having also been trained by Endeavour and went through almost exactly the same shit as Komi did, had no difficultly on catching up with his sister.

A game of cat and mouse, 1st and 2nd place was constantly shifted. Komi promised to him she wouldn't hold back, not matter what.
Komi tried to best to ignore Present Mic's constant monologuing. By the next 12 minutes or so, Komi found herself on the edge of a man-made cliff with tiny lings connecting the circling of ground still standing. It was like the Grand Canyon or something, Komi's never seen it.

By with her webs by her side, 1st place easily went to Komi as she dived off the ledge and swung. Shoto followed suit, creating a path with his ice that shattered behind him. But, as Komi reached some stairs she just jump up instead of running up, the black haired girl heard the sound of constant little explosions and she didn't need to turn to figure out who it was.

Bakugo was gaining on her an-

And literally out of nowhere, Shoto shot past Komi, sliding on his ice to get far away from her. Komi clenched her fists and aimed herself lower to the ground as she ran, no long keeping an even pace.
Sprinting to the next course, it took much less time, but still, it was a game of moving cheese, mouse and cat as Komi, Shoto and Bakugo all fought for first place.

If the giant sign saying 'danger' with a skull on it wasn't a warning sign for danger, then Komi didn't know what was. Slightly panting, she almost beat her brother to the start of the course. The field looked empty, but there was the rough bump every now and then. And with the sign danger and mines mixed together, Komi could put two and two together.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Komi aimed her wrist at an obvious bump in the ground and shot out some webs and cut it off from her wrist.
It touched the bump and instantly a loud, pink explosion went off.

Glancing at her brother, the two shot off on their own as they made their way around the mine field. Komi ignored everyone that showed up behind her, as they either stepped on the mine instantly and blew up into the air, or they stepped on a mine because someone else stepped on one and they couldn't see their footing.

Already light on her feet, Komi nearly bounced around on the mine field, keeping a bated breath every time she hit the earth. Her eyes darted around her feet and elected to ignore Bakugo and Shoto deciding to brawl in the middle of a dud mine field.

When her path was suddenly cut off by an obvious amount of mines that coated the area, Komi tried to find her way through when a deafening explosion went off. At the entrance of the obstacle, a massive pink cloud emitted and shot out Midoriya on a piece of robot as he went flying through the sky.

Komi watched in shock and awe for one second then realized she was in a very high chance game and looked back to the ground. Electing to just jump over them, Komi leapt and fell right on to a mine, blowing up underneath her. Cursing to herself as she got back, Komi started to run, jumping and dodging the mines.

Enhanced eyesight was a gift Komi would be forever grateful for.
As Komi got closer and closer to the stadium, it was easier to hear the calls of chants of Present Mic as he half insult Mr. Aizawa from time to time while also focusing on the game.

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