chapter 3 - charcoal hands

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Komi huffed as she dropped her arm and took heavy breaths as she looked at her target score. All three bullseyes had been hit with her spider webs, near to perfection. It was around 6 in the morning, and Endeavour must have slept funny as he was in a bad mood.

"You missed." He said, standing up and walking over to the target, pointing at the second one. It was true, she didn't hit it in the bullseye, she missed by a few centimeters. "If you want to continue living under my roof, I suggest you earn your place."

Earn your basic human rights was more like it. It's what he really mean. Earn your place. He'd say as if Komi wasn't trying. Earn your place. He'd say as if she's didn't break bones under his training. Never was it good enough. Earn your place.

Komi went through with it again until it satisfied him. He told her to get ready for school and just left the noirette. Still taking big breaths, she stared at the door where he just opened and closed it without a word. No praise, no criticism, nothing. To him, Komi had the same value as one of his punching bags. Although it's been a while since any abuse.

The young girl swiped the towel from the chair and wiped her sweaty forehead before resting the towel around her shoulders and walking back to her room. Her cell. She took a brief shower and aggressively dried her hair with another towel before getting into the school uniform. 

She walked to school, simply just walking next to her brother when those same groups of girls were giggling to each other as they obviously looked over at the girl. It was as if they were trying to point out they were making fun of her, as if they had any right.

Komi blinked and looked over at the group of girls. Her senses heightened and she could see every detail of their faces. She saw how they laughed at the jokes they were making at her simply because walking with Shoto seemed assuming to them. Komi took a breath in, facing forward again and doing her best to ignore them. She failed to.

She took fast footsteps up the stairs and hurried towards the safety of the 1A classroom door. Komi sighed as she reached for the handle, pulling on it and opening the door.

She tore the door right off it's hinge. The sound of the door breaking alerted the others as everyone in the room and everyone around her stared at the frail-looking girl who just ripped this massive door off it's hinge and is holding it effortlessly in her hands.

She felt red, her face turning all shades of the red colour spectrum. She carefully placed the door back to where it was meant to be and used her webs to stick it back into place. She walked into the classroom, feeling all eyes on her.

"Weak door." She gestured to it as she quickly spoke and hurried to sit down and forever think about that embarrassing moment for years to come. 

It only took a few moments for the people around Komi to move on and return to their original conversations. The poor girls face was ruby red. Eventually, she folded her hands on the desk and buried her head into her arms, sleep almost taking her away in that moment.

The first battle training class was due to be today, and Komi wanted almost no part of it. Even though sh eras in a hero school, the last thing she wanted to do was to flaunt her quirk, she was only here for Shoto's benefit, in all honesty.

Hence the reason why she stayed outside when it was his turn to play the hero.

"What's she doing?" A boy with a black stripe through his hair asked as he watched the girl on the screen stop. "Why isn't she going in?"

"Is she just standing there?" Another boy asked. "Why is she doing that? Is she feeling okay?"

As the new class discussed the issue, All Might gripped the table a little harsher. He sighed as he watched the young girl in his class just be a pawn for the Todoroki family. A lot of the heroes knew this, they knew he only adopted her for his kid's chance at becoming a pro hero, but All Might didn't think she would be like this.

Shoto froze the entire building over and walked back out. His hero costume was... unique. He used his ice to cover his entire left side. Komi stood up more straight as he walked out and she waited until he was close enough to her until she started walking again.

"That was easy. For a hero school, I assumed the tasks would be greater." He was cocky today.

"It's the first class in this subject, and from the first match, I'd say you just got a less experienced pair." Komi looked forward, glancing at him once while she spoke. "And don't get too full of yourself while your here."

"I'm not full of myself." He didn't even try to sound like he was saying the truth. Komi just sighed and shook her head.

And it was freedom. The sun was setting once Komi left the school, only just starting to go down. The noirette went to her shoe locker to collect her school shoes away and whip out the other shoes that she loved so dearly. Komi loved her shoes, they were so great to walk in and she barely had to break them in once she got them and-

Someone's behind me.

"Have some trouble in art class, did you?" It was one of the girls who loved to giggle so much. Two of her friends placed on either side of her. "Did you use too much charcoal or something?"

Laughter erupted from the girl's friends, as they both turned to each other and basically started to hit one another. Komi sucked in a breath, shutting her locker quickly and storming out of the room.

"You gonna cry?!" She called out again, laughing after.

Komi wanted to hit her so hard right now, but all the black-haired girl did was shove her hands in her school pockets and keep her head down on the way back home. Shoto would have to walk by himself today.

She arrived at the gate of the house and used her keys to take herself inside. She yanked another one of Endeavour's shoes off the mat after taking her own off. It was a different shoe this time. Komi made her way to the kitchen and threw the shoe over the fridge and out of site. Before one of the maids could see her, Komi swiped some food and went straight to her room.

The noirette threw her bag in the corner and went to her desk, opening the bottom drawer and taking out her period box, she then lifted the top bit off and revealed another part of the box that she used to keep her most precious stuff. One of which being a pair of earbuds she bought for 400 yen. Endeavour would light her room on fire if he knew she made these, which was the reason she hid so much stuff.

After putting her stuff back in its box and placing it back in her bottom drawer, she climbed up her wall and cozied herself in her hammock on the ceiling, pulling the ear buds into her phone and opening her music app.

After choosing her beloved playlist, she turn the phone off and closed her eyes as she listened to a song. Something by ABBA, she loved the beat of it, very whimsical.

She played the music so loudly, she almost didn't hear her door opening, but luckily for her, it was just Shoto. Komi leaned over her hammock and watched her brother make himself comfortable on the floor of her room. Komi leaned back, rubbing her headache away and turning her music off as she climbed back down her wall.

"Why'd you leave?" Shoto asked the first question. Komi wanted to know what was taking him so long, and why he wasn't already out the front, but she never got around to asking that.

"It was just a long day, that's all." Komi shrugged. "Endeavour should be back soon, I'd get out of the uniform if I were you."

"I'd stop hiding the shoes if I were you, he'll notice soon." Shoto shifted in his spot, getting up to leave and fetching his backpack as he did so. "See you soon."

Komi raised her hand, but didn't bother to wave it. She also tried to give Shoto something of a smile, but knowing the training lessons, she couldn't even pretend to be excited about it.

Komi stared at the door for a moment, laying back down, but this time on the floor as she looked up at the ceiling. The girl stayed like this for a while until she jolted back up at the sound of a car pulling into the drive way. 

That man would have her head if she wasn't ready. Komi mad a mess of her room as she found something decent that didn't look so burnt before throwing it on and rushing to the training room. Shoto glanced over at the door as she rushed in, tying her hair up as best she could.

They both gave each other a knowing glance. Neither liking the training.

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