chapter 8 - the pretender

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Maybe Komi was a little happy she didn't get to wear her Hero Costume. It was still a little damage over the fight at the USJ, so she was thankful she didn't show up with a torn costume.
It also meant that the festival was going to be to be fair, as hero students didn't have to extra stuff to aid them.

"Midoriya...from an objective standpoint, I think it's clear that I'm stronger than you." Whatever conversation Shoto was randomly having with the green haired boy, Komi was instantly drawn into by her brother's choice of words.

And from the looks of it, it seemed like just about the whole class was intrigued as well.
As Midoriya confused as he was, agreed to Shoto's words, the dual haired boy went on.

"And it's clear that you have All Might in your corner, helping you out." Shoto said so freely and Komi shook her head ever so slightly as she brought a palm to her mouth. "I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two. But know that I will beat you."

Komi leaned back in her seat. It wasn't her place to correct her brother's manners because this was all that Shoto knew. To beat those who might be better than you. True that Midoriya twisted himself around to only use his quirk, but if he got control over his ability, he would be near unstoppable.
And if Shoto thought that Midoriya was All Might's secret kid or something, then Komi knew just about all the reasons why he was going for the green haired boy.

"Ah, what's with the declarations of war recently?" Denki sighed as Kirishima got up from his seat behind him.

"Yeah, what's the big deal, why are you picking a fight?" Kirishima asked as he placed a hand on Shoto's shoulder to try and diffuse the situation. "And right before we get started..."

As Shoto shrugged Kirishima's hand off his shoulder, Komi felt a split second of a glare on her face. Kirishima had been nothing but nice since Komi had met him, and there was no need for Shoto to be this rude.
The sports festival was a big deal, and Komi could see that. But it was no need to make enemies with the people he would be in the class with for the next three years.

"We're not here to be friends." Shoto said coldly. "Don't forget. This isn't a team effort."
Shoto didn't want Komi to just let him win, and now the girl was seeing his words in a different light as he started to walk away.

"Wait a sec, Todoroki..." Midoriya looked at his feet before finding eye contact with him. "I don't know what's going on in your head or why you think you need to tell me you'll beat me. And yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact, you probably have way more protentional than anyone in the hero course. That's why you got in so easily..."

Komi wasn't sure if she should feel offended for not.

"Midoriya, maybe you're being a little hard on yourself...and us." Kirishima sweatdropped as he raised his hands to try and stop Midoriya from continuing his speech at how Shoto was better than everyone else.

"No, he's right, you guys." Midoriya shook his head, a determine look on his face rising. "All the other courses, they're coming for us with everything they've got...We're all gonna have to fight to stand out...And I'll be aiming for the top, too."

Shoto raised his head slightly. "Fine."

Komi turned back around in her seat as she looked to her hands. An exoskeleton that shined slightly when in the light. Komi's entire life she had to fight to fit in, and now Midoriya was saying to do the opposite in order to maintain this place in the class.
Those baby steps seemed so far away compared to what Komi knew she had to do. She wasn't sure she even wanted to do it. No, she knew she didn't.

Komi had a lot of things she wished she didn't have. If she had the chance to plan her life, she would rather not have given herself a quirk. Especially not one like this. Then again, Komi would also plan on not having dead villains for parents.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now