chapter 5 - smells like teen spirit

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Komi's eye bags were getting worse. With Endeavour's training, she woke up earlier and slept later. Of course, Shoto had a least an hour or two more sleep than her since he was the man's favourite.

Shoto and her always arrived early enough to class, leaving a lot of time to sleep. Komi took that time gratefully as she slept until she heard the alarming ringing bell.

This routine of sleeping in class until the bell went became a habit over the next week. She rushed through the crowds of reporters when they heard about All Might teaching the kids. She practically slept through the class rep talk and she was sleeping in the cafeteria when the reporters broke into the school.

Finally, one day she got enough sleep as Endeavour was staying at a hotel due to some hero work he had to do. On days like this, she was often in your best mood. Komi should have been in her best mood, those girls hadn't laughed at the girl today, and she felt a little better about her hands and eyes too, but...

Something was off. She would feel it, there was something wrong about the day and it only got worse. She didn't feel right stepping on the bus to go to the training facility, it felt...wrong? Komi wasn't sure.

"Shit your face! Frog-face, you wanna fight!" The boy next to her overheard some conversation and lashed out to one of the girls.

Komi leaned back slightly and raised her eyebrows. The girl he was yelling at seemed to be unfazed and almost ignoring him. Once he was somehow calmed down, he huffed as he sat back down in his seat and side eyed Komi.

"What you looking at, charcoal hands?" He scowled at Komi, and she instantly hid her hands, pursing her lips and blinking as she turned away. The people around her noticed this and only question her more. "What the hell are you even doing here? If you get offended by something like that, you shouldn't be in the hero course."

"Kacchan!" A boy with green curly hair widened his eyes at the words that came from the boy's mouth. "You can't say things like that!"

"I'll say whatever I want, Deku!" This Kacchan boy yelled back at the green haired boy who broke his finger throwing a softball.

"Do not call me charcoal hands." Komi blurted out the words before she could stop herself, but she kept the smidge of confidence and held eye contact with the Kacchan boy.

"Are those fan-" before he could finish his sentence, the bus stopped.

"We're here, everyone get out." Aizawa said, lazily pulling himself off a chair and walking out the bus door with a hunched back.

Go back .

Komi didn't listen as ahe stepped off the bus, even though it felt like her brain was screaming at her to not. Something was off. Komi couldn't listen as attentively as she should have to the pro hero in front of her. Thirteen was the name of the hero. Komi glanced around her, distracted by her brain yelling at her to run.

Once the heroine lead the class into the dome shaped building, Komi did everything but listen. She scanned the wreckage sites for something wrong, she looked in the corners of the room but everywhere the girl looked, she found nothing. Confusion only puzzled her more as the warning in her brain didn't stop.

It was like a banging, going over and over until-

It just stopped and silence filled your mind. By then, Thirteen had stopped talking and Aizawa took a breath to talk himself, he barely got to say a sentence before the lights started to flicker, and some dark purple mass started to form at the centre of the dome.


This time it wasn't yelling at Komi. She didn't hear any constant cacophony of words, screaming at her. It was just one simple word. One order.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now