chapter 19 - cite change

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This time, when Komi walked through class 1A doors, she didn't ripped the whole thing off its bar nor did she yank the handle from it's place. Maybe only because Shoto opened the door for her, but a win is still a win.

Komi would've went over to her seat, but Midoriya started talking and Iida came around too, so it would've just been rude to walk away. Komi was setting out a new path for her life, not becoming a mean person. There was a difference.

"...The Hero Killer!" Sero -Komi hoped that was his name anyway- suddenly called out as he pointed to Komi and the three boys. Glancing over her shoulder, she now saw that most of the class was looking.

"Glad you guys made it back alive. Seriously." Kirishima added, as now Komi noted both him and Sero were being man-handled by Bakugo. TO be fair, Bakugo came to school with such a different style of hair, Komi thought of it as Karma for what he did to her hair.

"I was worried about you, too." Momo added, she was sitting next to Shoto, which lead to Komi learning that she and Shoto were on a neutral basis.

"You guys were lucky Endeavour showed up and saved you guys!" Sato, Komi begged that was what his name was, added.

In truth, Endeavour showed up last minute and brought a Nomu with him. Even more so, he was going to almost disintegrate Komi and Midoriya if it weren't for Gran Torino warning him that there was hostages.

"Yeah.." Shoto looked at his desk and Komi discreetly glanced down at him. "That's right, he saved us."
From this point on, Komi was never going to let any secret be heard by Shoto, as now it was shown he was a shit liar

"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer?" Oijiro asked as he walked up to the desk. "Everyone's been saying he's connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine how frightening it must've been if that creep had been there at the USJ?"

"He's scary, yeah." Denki agreed, nodding his head, but..." But did you see him in that new video? It's all over the internet."

Oijiro shook his head. "I didn't even know there was a video of him."

Moving away from the conversation, Komi strolled over to her seat and set her bag down. Thinking she might be left alone until class started, Komi ended up being very, very wrong."

"Komi! I saw the news! You totally just stood up and walked right to the Hero Killer when he went out! That was so manly of you, bro!" Kirishima's eyes basically sparkled when he complimented Komi.

Going red in the face, Komi scrunch back. "Thank you..."

"Komi? Is that you're nickname?" Mina was next to him, hands on her hips as she spoke.

Komi was her nickname. Although Kuyami wasn't in the slightest similar, they both started with a 'k' and ended in with a 'mi' so fair was fair. Besides, Komi didn't really want to dive off into the whole 'i was birthed by a villain and would rather not have the name i was given by them, if you catch my drift' kinda conversation just yet.

So in short, Komi nodded her head.

"That's so cute, mind if I call you Komi, too?" Mina grinned, and unable to help herself a small smile came to Komi's face as she nodded as well.

"Oh, if we're talking nicknames, you can call me 'Tsu'." Asui said, turning over in her chair to face Komi. "I know you've been calling me Asui instead."

"Tsu?" Komi asked again just to be sure. "Okay, sure."
Komi felt giddy. People were talking to her, and she was talking back. Everyone else could shut up, because Komi was feeling a childlike wonder.

Kirishima sighed and hung his head. "I wish I could've done something like that at my intern, you were so brave."

Brave? Komi wouldn't count making sure that the danger she never sensed was truly never there as brave. More like insurance.
"Well..." Komi quickly debated whether or not continuing this conversation was a good thing, but if she wanted change, she had to figure out what needed to be changed. "My quirk allows me to have a sixth sense, um...basically I just have a really big hunch on whether or not something is going to happen."

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now